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Old 11-05-2010, 11:21 PM
John Day John Day is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 18
Smile Uncle Dave

Jenny trembled. She just turned 16 years old. When she turned 12 years old she was sent to live with her strict Uncle Dave after her parents had separated. His punishments were severe and got more severe as she grew older. A pretty girl she was. Petite with lovely blonde hair. A shy timid teen. Scared of her uncle. Her bottom was small but full and meaty. Rounded and hairless.

Jenny had been given fair warning that if she received another poor report card, her uncle would punish her very severely. He was true to his word.

He did not believe in wasting any time and so just after Jenny handed him her report card the verbal scolding began. She cowered before him as he lectured her. She wore her school outfit. A simple white blouse. A navy blue skirt. White ankle high socks. Black shoes.

Then came the inevitable order for her to undress completely. Uncle Dave began making his young teen niece strip naked when she turned 14.

It was never easy to undress before Uncle Dave but she had no choice.

She would fumble with each button on her blouse. Fumble with the zipper on her skirt. Tremble as she pulled her shoes and socks off. Tremble more as she unhooked her small bra to free her small perky breasts. Tremble even more as she tugged her white panties down and off leaving her completely naked. She learned long ago never to attempt to cover up.

Then Uncle Dave went to the closet and took down the thick school cane.
Her young bottom cringed. Tears welled up in her eyes. She pleaded with her eyes to no avail. The order was given for her to turn around, bend over, hold her ankles, eyes on her cute toes. She knew better then to ever leave position no matter how much it hurt. And hurt it did. Uncle Dave stepped up and firmly pressed the cane across her small meaty buttocks.

"Count out 24" he ordered.

"Y-Y-Yes..Uncle D-Dave" she stammered. She would try to be brave as possible no matter how much the cane hurt. he drew the cane well back and waited........then.....hissssssssssss....CRACKK... .the first cut landed hard, dead center leaving a nice bright stripe.
"Aaaaaaeeerrerroowwwww...sob...o-one" she counted.

CRRACCKK....CCCRRRACCKKK....the cane rose and fell with two more hard cuts, he took his time. These landed across the upper cheeks.
She managed to count as her tears began to pour down.

CRRRACCKKK.....CCCRRRACKKK...harder still now fully across the meaty tender base of her teenage buttocks.


CRRACCKK.....CRRRRAACCKK....CCCRRRACKKK....Uncle Dave took his time. The cane landed and bit deeply into the soft teen cheeks without any mercy.

Jenny was screaming and crying at each cut but she counted. The count came slower as the pain got greater. Her uncle gave her time to recover from each cut before landing the next and the next and the next.

At the 15th cut her bottom was covered with overlapping vivid red stripes.

He gave her bottom a short rest and caned the backs of her tender thighs.
More screams. Still she counted. He landed the last 5 of the 24 as hard as possible all across the very base spacing them out.

20...whhahaaaaaa....21...sob...sob...22.....23.... .wwhhhaaaaaa..24"

Uncle Dave stopped and ran his hands across the stripes.

"Stand up....go stand in the corner until I tell you to come out"

The naked cute teen obeyed and stood facing the wall. Her Uncle dave sat back to observe his handiwork. Then he went to the kitchen to get a quick snack and returned.

"Very well young lady....12 more....bend over do not have to count these"

Poor Jenny was crying already as she got back in position. Uncle Dave went to work with the terrible cane not striking as hard but on top of the other cuts it was sheer agony. He worked down her cheeks and thighs and then landed the last three vertically, one to each inner cheek and one directly on her most tender anus.

Uncle Dave finally put the cane away.

"Leave your clothes off and go up to my bedroom...I will be there shortly"

Jenny walked naked and sobbing up to her uncle's bedroom. He would soon join her but that is another story with Uncle Dave.
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