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Old 04-28-2010, 06:23 PM
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All good things must come to an end….It is with great sadness that the Florida Moonshine Board has decided that the 2010 Tropical Beach Party will be the FINAL Tropical Beach Party for Florida Moonshine. “When we held our first tropical beach party in 2008, following three earlier, very successful and ever-larger hotel parties, we had originally planned for it to be a one-time event,” said FMS President Tony Hamilton. “We wanted it to be the best, and most friendly three day party ever – and it was!”

“However, when we received so many kudos from all over the world after the first party, we decided to hold another one in 2009, which was larger than the first and even more popular, with more events, more vendors and more participants. Now however many new venues and events have sprung up, the economy is still not good, and prices for hotel food and lodging are increasing despite our best efforts to keep them down,” he said.

“Back in 2007/8 our concept was to raise the bar for spanking parties and lift them to a new level. We successfully achieved this and became the role model and template for many other parties not only around the country but the world. The fact that is will be our last tropical beach party doesn’t mean the quality will change,” said Vice President Ian Head. “We’ve adding more features, more food, more spanking starlets and more fun. So we want everyone to come out and celebrate our farewell party in style,” he said.

So this is your LAST CHANCE to party with the FMS party crew Tropical Beach style. So come and join us at our fantastic beach front resort June 4-6th 2010 for a weekend of spanking fun you will not forget!!

We’ll see you all at the beach!

Tony, Ian and Alona
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Old 05-04-2010, 03:58 PM
tubaman tubaman is offline
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Give me a small break!

“Back in 2007/8 our concept was to raise the bar for spanking parties and lift them to a new level. We successfully achieved this and became the role model and template for many other parties not only around the country but the world. The fact that is will be our last tropical beach party doesn’t mean the quality will change,” said Vice President Ian Head.

I had nothing but good wishes when I first started reading this post. Florida is where Lyn and I always took our vacations, so we could be with the spanko community there, and they have always been some of the best people we have ever known.

However, the self-importance and lack of manner and gratitude expressed in this portion of the post is mind-blowing.

Those of us who throw the large occasional parties owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to Eve and Tony at Shadowlane and Mike, Jon and especially Vince at Crimson Moon. THEY are the giants on whose shoulders the rest of us stood so we could reach higher and higher with regard to quality and size of parties. It is THEY who set the bar so high, and they did it for more than four years before hanging it up. Other large parties like Texas All-State Spanking Party and the new Badness on the Boardwalk deserve their own respect for their successes, due to their own hard work and ingenuity. The idea that the leadership of FMS thinks that these parties, as well as Shadowlane and Crimson Moon, or any other big parties, needed THEM to set a high standard is ridiculous.

I still wish FMS all the best of luck with the Tropical Beach Party as well as all future parties, but don't let it go to your heads.


Paul (Tubaman)
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Old 05-05-2010, 06:23 AM
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LondonTanner LondonTanner is offline
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You are joking aren't you? I of all people have never forgotten where we as spanko's come from and those people who made it possible to do what we do! Yes of course there is a long linage of those that have made it possible for us to have parties, munches and get together's. My good friends Tony Elka and Eve Howard @ Shadow Lane are surely founding fathers of any spanking parties along with Mike, Vince and Jon of Crimson Moon. Maybe if it wasn't for Ed Lee of Nu-West employing both Eve and Tony there would not be a SL or the woman and excuse me but I forget her name who started CM then that would not exist either. It is preposterous to think that I would insult any of these people. We have openly always said that we/FMS at our parties just bought together all the outstanding elements that we saw at other parties under one roof, so to speak.
Between Tony, Alona and myself we have probably been to most of the larger parties there are and this is where or inspiration and ideas came from. These include TASSP, CM, Shadow Lane Chastenwood, Fetcon,Tamingwood,CASE, SOS, Colorado Spankers, TESS,the Orlando Bash and others.
In Closing I have NEVER ever forgot who makes it possible or me to be a part of his great community and even make a living from it with The London Tanners and I can't help feeling this is more of a personal attack rather than a genuine concern for FMS or spanko's in general.
If you are so concerned with what's going on at FMS (Mr Tubaman) why would you post this nonsense on public forums. Any future personal attacks can be sent to me directly at
~ Ian London Tanner

Last edited by LondonTanner; 05-05-2010 at 06:53 AM.
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Old 05-06-2010, 01:19 PM
tubaman tubaman is offline
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Good response!

Well said. (Cough! Gag!!!)

Not a personal attack. Just noting that you were taking credit for alot of other people's hard work.

And I do agree. With my apologies to Gary and the rest of the site. If you have anything further to say about the matter, feel free to contact me privately, at

As much as I hate to admit it, good response.

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