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Old 03-29-2008, 07:11 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Mary Jo's Revenge Part 1

....As the scene opens, Julia Sugarbaker is in the storage room giving some discipline action to employee Carlene, for ordering the wrong color of carpet for an expensive hotel remodeling job!

...Whack!.....OOOOOW!"........SMACK!........."O-OUCH!"......Using a steady beat, Julia's strong hand colors Carlene's full bottom a crimson red!....Crack!......."(sob!) I'am sorry!".......Slap!........."I-It won't happen!"
Whack!..........".Again" Watching the proceeding Mary Jo remembers her occasional trips over Julia's sturdy lap! "God! she sure can spank hard!" Mary Jo thinks while watching Carlene's twisting bottom getting punished.....Whack!.........."Yes Carlene!" Julia pants; "I hope this will express my urgent need.....for job perfection.........Crack!........"OOOOW!"
.....Whack! ....."AAAAAH!" ....Finally stopping, Julia allows a very sore Carlene to roll off her lap onto the hardwood floor. With her skirt bunched up on her magnificent thighs, Julia stands up to straighten her clothes! "God! Julia....That sure was a hard one!" Mary Jo gasps while watching Carlene massage her bruised, bare buttocks. Looking over at Mary Jo, Julia smiles; "it was well worth....The effort!"

.......Having coffee with Carlene the next morning, Mary Jo asks; "How's the sitting today?" "Ooooh! not so good!" She moans; "God!....Julia sure spanks hard!" "Yeah!....too hard!" Mary Jo snarls; "Maybe she should get some of her own medicine?" "Oh! no Mary Jo.....Julia's our boss...We couldn't do that!" Carlene expresses in disbelief. "Why the hell not?" Mary Jo states in a demanding voice; "She's beaten my bare ass enough times!" "B-But how?...Julia's too strong!" Carlene timidly moans. "We'll get Anthony to help us!" Mary Jo gleams; "Julia has given him some good hard ones!" Looking sheepishly, Carlene giggles; "Yeah! maybe so....But I notice he stays late afterwards!.....Making me think, maybe Julia.....Is getting something hard too?" "Maybe so!" Mary Jo agrees; "But let's get him anyway!"

........The next day being Friday, Mary Jo and Carlene invite Anthony to join them for Happy Hour at the local pub. Drinking heartily, Mary Jo cleverly changes the subject to Julia! "How's your rearend Carlene?" She asks; "Still black and blue?" "Aw! Gosh," Anthony blushes; "Do we have to talk about Carlene's..........A-Ah! bottom?" "Gee! Anthony!" Carlene jests; "I thought you liked my bottom.....You seem to touch it often enough!" "O-oh! that's different!" He chuckles; "I'am just being friendly!" "Hey!...Let's get off that subject!" Mary Jo interrupts; "Julia spanked Carlene hard the other day...And I think maybe Julia needs a good hard one too!....Ah!...Spanking that is!" "Gee!...We couldn't do that to Julia!" Anthony gasps, then smiles; "Or could we?" "We sure can!" Mary Jo quickly answers, while ordering another round of drinks!

........Then during the next hour and several more drinks, the three plot their plan to repay Julia! Looking at her watch Mary Jo states; "Well it's 7 o'clock.....Julia should be just be getting home from the hotel remodeling job!" "Gosh!" Carlene chokes; "Y-You still think we should...Do it tonight?" "Yeah! why not?" Mary Jo replies, with excitement in her voice! "How about it Anthony?" Looking back with a wide grin; "I guess....We're in the right mood....Aren't we?" He agrees!

........Driving over to Julia's mansion, Mary Jo is being very careful, as Carlene warns; "Let's not get a DUI!.....Ok?" "Yeah!...But I'am alright!" Mary Jo slightly slurrs. Arriving, she shuts off the headlights before pulling into the driveway. "I want to surprise her!" Mary Jo giggles. "Gosh! I'am getting nervous!" Anthony groans as they leave the car and walk toward the house! Looking in thru the bay window, they can see Julia at the breakfast counter having a cocktail. Wearing a light blue suit and matching tight skirt. Julia's crossed, shapely legs are very visible as she sits on one of the stools! "Uuuuum! I'am going to enjoy this!" Mary Jo beams, as Anthony just stares wide eyed at Julia's magnificent legs!

........Ringing the doorbell, the three wait nervously as Julia slids oiff the stool and walks over to open the door! "Oh!...Hi...What are you all doing here?" A surprised Julia asks. "Ah!...We just came over...To keep you company!" A smug Mary Jo replies. ""Oh!...I didn't think I was that popular!" Julia quips. "Oh!...But you are!" Mary Jo quickly rebutes, As they enter the front door. "Would you care for a drink?" Julia asks while walking back toi the counter. "Why not?" Carlene slurs with a wide grin! "Ah! Carlene...Don';t you think....You've had enough?" Julia questions in a low toned voice! "Oh! Gosh Julia!" She snickers; "T-The night is young......let's have a party!" Looking at Anthony and Mary Jo with a cautious stare, Julia demands; "Ok! what's up!.....For some reason,,,,I don't think this is just a social visit! "You know Julia?" Mary Jo smiles; "You are one.....Smart cookie!" Then glancing over at Anthony, Julia asks; "Ok Anthony.....Let's have it....What's going on?" Looking petrified he mutters;l "Gee! Julia.....Ask Mary Jo...Please!"

....."Ah! Julia!" Mary Jo interjects; "We're here to "Let you have it!"......."And just what do you mean Mary Jo?' Julia asks while finishing her drink! With all three looking at her with grins across their faces, Julia bleats; "I-I don't like this....Now will you please leave?......I have things to do!" "Yes Julia.....We'll leave....But not until after your spanking!" Mary Jo informs with glee! Backing away from the counter, Julia slithers; "N-No you don't....Now please leave!"

.......Taking charge, Mary Jo orders; "Ok! Anthony, let's bring her over to the sofa!" Looking at Anthony, Julia snarls; "Don't you dare......I'll have you fired Anthony!" As Mary Jo counters; "Remember our mission!" Staring at Mary Jo, Anthony retains the feeling from the alcohol...("As he would love seeing her spanked!") Taking Julia by the arm, he bodily leads her over to the large sofa! "Damn You!" Julia whines while she struggles in vain! "Lay her over the arm rest!" Mary Jo commands. Now fully enjoying her new found authority! Pulling Julia over the wide arm rest, Anthony tries to control the flailing of her arms! "Damn you!....Let me goi!" She grunts, as Anthony pins her down! "Carlene, hold Julia's arms!" Mary Jo orders; "While Anthony has her legs!" Thrashing wildly, Julia tries to turn her hips sideways, only to have Anthony straighten her legs, turning her back on her stomach! Allowing the tight skirt to slide up! "I-I'll get you for this!" Julia vows as Mary Jo reaches down and grasps the hem of her skirt! "(Pant!) M-mary Jo don't......You dare!" Julia cries, as the light, blue skirt and pink slip are pulled up over her shapely hips. Then as Anthony and Carlene watch in silent awe, Mary Jo boldly peels down the pretty panties, down to Julia's buckled knees!

.......Staring at the magnificent firm and very bare bottom, just inches from his bulging eyes. Anthony strains hard to hold Julia's shapely legs and his composure, as she squirms and bucks her hips trying to escape his captive hold! With Carlene pinning down her arms, Julia can only wait for Mary Jo's instructions! Looking down at Julia stretched over the sofa with her bare bottom sloped upward, Mary Jo reaches down and un-snaps the taunt, pink garter belt holding the sheer, nylon stockings! "Ah! let's make sure....Nothings in the way!" She sneers while opening the belt and moving the dangling garters aside! Pushing her face into the cushion with embarrassment, Julia mutters; "M-Mary Jo.....I-I'll give you all a raise...If you let me up!" "Ha! Ha!...No deal!" Mary Jo hisses; "I wouldn't miss beating your bare ass......For anything!

To be Continued.

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 03-30-2008 at 07:52 AM.
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Old 03-30-2008, 12:10 AM
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sister0163 sister0163 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Hi Oldtimersammy

Anouther story from the land of old time sitcoms! Thanks for all this story telling you do
you show us all you are a true spanko !

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Old 03-30-2008, 12:03 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Originally Posted by sister0163 View Post
Hi Oldtimersammy

Anouther story from the land of old time sitcoms! Thanks for all this story telling you do
you show us all you are a true spanko !

Thank you Dena for your kind words. Yes, I do enjoy spanking fantasies from yester years!
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