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Old 03-02-2008, 07:51 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 1970
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Donna's Sudden Urge! Part 1

......Donna married to Dr. Alex Stone lives in a small midwesr town, with their children Mary and Jeff, and their trusted and close neighbors, Dave and Midge Kelseyt

As the progrom opens, Donna is in her kitchen having coffee with next store neighbor Midge! "Gosh! Midge, She groans while putting the breakfast dishes in the washer. " I just feel...Like I'am in a bad rut!" "Hummm! nice rut to be in!" Midge quips; "Husband who's a doctor....And two lovely chidern!" "oh! no!I didn't mean that!" Donna quickly answers. 'But Midge....i feel like I need.....Some kind of a change!" "Oh! a boyfriend?" Midge chuckles while pouring herself another cup of coffee!....."No...No! Midge!" She quips; "Something much more drastic!" Then looking into the glass door of the kitchen cabinet, Donna gushes; " I-I think...I'd like to have blonde hair!"
"Goodness!" Midge giggles; "What would Alex think!" "Oh! I think...He wouldn't mind?" Donna frowns, while looking a bit concerned! "Gee, I know Dave would kill me!" Midge laughs, "But he needn't....Because I won't do it!"
"Midge...Are you sure?" Donna questions, while reaching across the table and touching her hand. "No Donna....No way!"

Then using her charm, Donna spends the best part of the morning persauding Midge to join her....In becoming a blonde! "Midge let's make an appointment this Saturday!" Donna smiles; "Then we can surprise both Alex and Dave....When they come home from playing golf!" Still extremely nervous, Midge bleats; " Donna.....I just hope...You know what......I mean..We know what.....We are doing?"

As Sarurday morning arrives, Donna is up early fixing breakfast. As Alex comes downstairs and kisses her on the cheek. "Hi Darling!" He asks; "What is your day like?" "O-Oh! just thought I'd go shopping with Midge....While you and Dave play golf!" Taking a sip of orange juice and glancing at the paper, Alex cordiaaly asks; " Shopping for what..Dear?" Hesitating with an answer just long enough , Mary and Jeff enter the kitchen. "Hi Mom and Dad!" they greet in unision while sitting down at the table. "Gee! Mommy!" Mary groans. "I don't have much time to eat...My Ballet practice is early this morning!" "What a waste!" Jeff scuffs; "Dancing around oin your toes all day!" "Now Jeff!" Donna scolds; "What are you doing today....Besides mowing the lawn?" "Oh! Gosh Mom!" He groans; "Ya! just ruined my day!"

After finishing breakfast, Mary kisses Donna on her cheek then rushes out the door. Just as neighbor Doctor Kelsey walks in. ""Goodbye Mary...And hi the rest of you!' He jests while patting Alex on the back. "Well Alex...Are you ready for another gof lesson?" ..."And just whom....Is giving me one?" Alex chuckles....."Ah! what time are you coming home?" Donna asks while stacking the dishes into the washer. "After I beat the pants off Dave!" Alex quips; "Probably about 3 o'clock!" He continues while kissing her goodbye!

Looking at the telephone, Donna mentions; "Jeff....Don't you have to mow the lawn?" "Aw! shucks!!" He grumbles while walking out the back door! Rushing over to the phone, , Donna hastily dials. " Hello Midge...Are you ready?" ...."Ok, I'll be out in a few minutes!" Hanging up the phone Donna dashes up the stairs and changes into a snug, blue skirt and frilly white blouse. Then pulling on nylon stockings, she slides up the tight skirt, hooking the stockings onto the garter snaps of her thin, tight fitting Playtex Girdle!

"Hi Midge!" Donna greets as she pulls her car out of the garage. Sliding intoi the front seat, Midge looks nervous. "Gee! Donna....I just hope...We're doing the right thing?" "Oh! Don't worry!" Donna chuckles; " The guys will love it!" Spending the next 3 hours in the beauty salon, Donna and Midge carefully walk out the door, both wearing scarfs and extremely nervous! Looking around they enter the car and hurry home! "God! it's nearly 2 o'clock!" Donna groans as she pulls into the driveway. "Alex and Dave will be back soon!"

Going upstairs to her bedroom, Donna slowly removes the scarf and looks into the mirror. "Oh! G-God! .....I look so different!" She whines to Midge. Staring into the same mirror, Midge replies; "D-Donna....I can't even recognize....My self!.......I'am ..So blonde.....Platinum Blonde!" Staring blankly at each other, Donna hears the back door open. ""Hello....Alex is it you?" "Naw! Mom...It's me!" Jeff answers while pulling out a soft drink from the fridge! "Oh my God! Donna whispers to Midge....I..I Don't want Jeff ....To......see me like this!" "Donna..Let's go to my house!" "Ah! A good idea!" Donna replies while putting the scarf back on her head and walking to the doorway! "Oh! Jeff....I'am going over to the Kelsies for awhile......And I.....Baked some cookies.....If you wnat some?" Donna shouts as she and Midge creep down the stairs, and quietly slip out the front door!

Sitting in Midge's living room, they desperately try to find a way out of this Platinium mess! "God! Donna!" Midge whines; " "I-If Dave sees me like this.....I-I won't be able to sit.....F-For a week!" "Gosh Midge!.....Dave spanks you!?"......Yeah! he sure does!" She blushes; "About 3 months age I burned an expensive roast......And my rearend...Got roasted!" "God! what a brute!" Donna gasps. "Alex would never do something like that to me....I don't think!" Then just at that moment, Midge looks out the front window; "Oh! my God!....They're home!" Quickly covering up their hair, Donna and Midge try hard to sit non-chalantly as Dave enters the back door carrying his golf clubs. "Oh! hi Donna!" He grunts while putting the clubs in the hall closet. "H-ha! Midge nervously jests; " I-I guess Alex won again...Right Dear?" "All luck.......All luck!" Dave chants while closing the closet door. Then looking over at Midge, "Ah! honey....Why the scraf.....It's 80 degrees outside!" "O-Oh! I just felt like wearing it!" She fidgets as Dave walks over closer! "Ah! Midge...Something s different!" He frowns, while pulling the scarf off Midge's head. Staring pop-eyed, Dave mutters; "M-Midge...Your hair!" "Yeah!I know Dave......It's blonde!" She nervously interrupts!

Standing next to Midge just staring, Dave turns as Alex walks through the front door. "Jeff said you were here!" He states while looking down at a fidgetty Donna sitting on the couch. Then glancing over at Midge; Alex smiles; "Gee!.....You sure light up a room, Midge!" Then quickly looking back at Donna wearing a scarf, he groans; "Oh! no....Donna...You didn't?" Looking sheepishly, she submissively gives in and removes the scraf wrapping! Looking in shock, both Alex and Dave are speechless, as Donna tries to explain! "W-Well......I-I had this urge!.....A-And Alex.....I-I just did it!" But why Midge....And what will Mary and Jeff think?" Alex chokes, looking at Dave!Donna admits; "M-Midge....did it..Because I did it!...And Alex...I do have an old wig in the closet I can wear...Until Monday...When I can have my hair dyed back!?

To be continued! .
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