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Old 02-01-2008, 09:21 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Mary's Mistake Part 2

Slowly closing the door, Mary's body stiffens as she turns to face Lou. "W-What is it....M-Mr. Grant?" She mumbles with a tremble. "Mary, why did Ted thank me.....And for what?" He snarls. Twisting her fingers together, Mary hesitates a moment for her reply. "Well...Mary...What happened?" "O-Oh! Mr. Grant!" She whines; "I...I gave Ted....That raise!" "You what?" Lou gasps. "Well h-he wasn't.....Going to do the newscast....And I..I couldn't either!" She sobs.

Giving Mary a puzzled look, Lou reaches down and opens the bottom desk drawer. Pulling out the bottle of Bourbon, he fills his coffee cup half full. Mary standing petrified, watches as Lou gulps down the drink in one swallow. Gently setting down the cup and leaning back in his chair, Lou finally speaks; "Mary....I remember when you came here....As an innocent, girl looking for a job!" "A-And....Yes, Mr. Grant...And you were kind enough....To give me that job!" She interrupts. Looking very stern, Lou calmly continues; "I...I feel I'am like a father to you Mary!" "Y-Yes Mr. Grant....You certainly are.......I-I mean....It seems like it!" Wearing a Beige colored short, skirt and matching sweater, Mary slowly sits down, looking shamefully at Lou!

"Now Mary...What if you did something that you were told not to do......At home?" Nervously looking up and glancing around the room, Mary bleats; "Daddy.....Probably....Would spank me!" As she said the word "Spank". Mary un-consciously reaches down and softly strokes her shapely, skirt covered bottom! "Mary....Your Daddy couldn't fire you!" Lou continues; "But...I can!" "(Sob!) I know Mr. Grant!" She whines. "But Mary!" Lou adds; "I don't want to fire you!" "Gee! Mr. Grant....You don't!"

Slowly getting up, and walking to the corner of the office, Lou picks up a straight chair, and carries it back. "Has Murray left?" He asks while setting the chair down near his desk. "Y-yes...But why?" Mary stammers. 'Well Mary!" Lou sternly replies; " "I'am like you Daddy....I won't fire you....But will spank you!" "O-Oh! no Mr. Grant!" Mary cries while backing to the door. "I-I Haven't -been spanked....In...Ah!....A-About 10 years!" Ha!...Maybe 10 years too long?" Lou grins while sitting down in the straight chair!

"Now Mary...Please get over my lap.....Now!" With the shock of reality setting in, Mary stares down at Lou's strong legs, seeing them as her Daddy's! "Mary!" Lou repeats; "Please lay over my lap!" With her head beginning to swim in dis-belief, Mary obeys as in a trance. Laying herself face down across Lou's sturdy lap. Then feeling his fingers touching her short, skirt. Mary let's out a long, shakey groan!...."OOOOOOH!" As her short Beige skirt and white slip are pulled up onto the back of her sweater.

"Mr. Grant!" She whines; "A-Are you going ...To be like my D-Daddy?" "Yes! Mary!" Lou gasps, seeing her superb, trim buttocks tightly encased in sheer white panties. "(Pant!) It will be....On your bare bottom!" As he inserts his fingers under the waistband of Mary's pretty panties, peeling them down her long legs. Mary groans; "M-Mr. Grant......I-I'am so embarrassed!" "Don't be!" He pants "Just...Just think...I'am your Daddy!"

Getting the flimsy panties down to Mary's shaking knees, Lou scolds; "Ok! Mary....You know why....I'am dong this?" "Well....In some w-ways!" She whimpers from her prone position. Looking down at Mary's firm, bare bottom cheeks with wide eyes, Lou chokes; "Mary.....This will hurt me....More that it will you!" "Gee!...Mr. Grant!" Mary moans; "That's what Daddy always said!"

Raising his large hand, Lou starts the spanking!....Whack!....."O-Ouch!" Mary's bottom rises, nearly jumping off his lap!........Slap!........"OOOOh! Mr. G-Grant!"..........Crack!......."OOOOOOOOW!"......Sm ack!......."AHHHH! It stings!" Kicking her long legs, Mary's bare bottom twists as Lou's hand beats a steady cadence across her squirming, reddening cheeks.......Slap!......"OOOOOW!".........Smack!.. ......."O-Ouch!".......Crack!........"O-Oh!...Mr. Grant!"......."Yes Mary!" Lou scolds, "(Pant!) Ted didn't"..........Whack!......."Deserve that raise!".........Slap!....."Did he?" .......Splat!......."(Sob!) I-I know....I did!"............Crack!........."Oooow! t-the wrong thing!".......Smack!......."OOOOOOOOW!" Gritting her teeth, Mary stiffens her legs and submissively keeps her bare, reddening bottom in position for Lou's relentless, punishing hand. ...Splat!.....Whack!.........Slap!
Splat!.......Whack!......Slap! "OOOOOH!.....M-Mr Grant....Pleazzzz!"

Beginning to sense he's overidden his executive authority, Lou stops the spanking, and pulls up Mary's panties. Then lifts her back up on her feet. Rubbing her sore bottom, Mary moans; "G-Gosh! Mr Grant.....You spank harder....Than Daddy......(Sob!) Ever did!"

Trying hard to re-gain his composure, Lou sighs; "Ok! Mary (Pant!) I think you've learned a valuable lesson in employee relations!" And as he well knows by his erection, that this was a very arousing (But necessary) Corporate Correction!

As the story ends; Ted received something he didn't deserve...Lou gave something he always wanted to give....And Mary received something.a naive girl truly was asking for......."A GOOD SOUND SPANKING!"

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 02-01-2008 at 09:44 PM.
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