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Old 03-14-2007, 02:41 AM
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Thomas_III Thomas_III is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Brandon, Florida
Posts: 51
Fair and Just Punishment

Cecilia sped away from campus, finished with her only class for the day. She was in the habit of using most of her speedometer, and today was no exception. Her sports car rocketed down the asphalt, shooting in front of a slower vehicle that Cecilia deemed to be blocking her.

"Keep it in the slow lane, grandma!" she taunted as she cut the woman off.

Cecilia was a first year college student, happily spending Daddy's money. There appeared to be nothing or no one that she could respect. She had a good life, and despised when anything upset her standard of living. Even minor inconveniences would set her on a tirade, lashing out at whatever and whomever presented themselves. She had been handed everything in life, and didn't expect things to change soon.

She got out at her apartment and, immediately upon entering, changed into a skimpy white bikini. She went out on to her balcony to sunbathe, sipping on a tall glass of soda. She stretched in the sunlight, about to sprawl out on her deck chair, when she glimpsed Mr. Goldman, her downstairs neighbor, making his way down the sidewalk. The older gentleman hobbled to his door, carrying the spoils of a shopping trip.

The opportunity was too much for Cecilia to miss. She reached down into the bucket beside her chair, pulling out her ammunition, a water balloon. She stood and tossed the balloon in a high arc.

The balloon soared high overhead, descending down on the old man's head, breaking open and soaking him. The poor man dropped his bags from the sudden shock, sending the contents scattering over the pavement. He looked up at Cecilia in anguish, then set about retrieving his groceries.

She leaned on the balcony rail, laughing at the elderly man's predicament, never hearing the metal begin to creak under her meager weight. When the rail finally buckled, her disposition quickly changed to that of terror as she toppled over the edge.

She shrieked as the ground rushed up towards her, colliding savagely. In the following moments, she managed to make out the form of Mr. Goldman approaching her as her consciousness faltered.

Cecilia awoke to find herself in a small room. Her head throbbed, the understandable aftermath of the fall from the balcony. She took in her surroundings to attempt to get her bearings. The room was well lit, but had no furniture, except a single chair located in the center of the floor.

What was more obvious, however, was that her clothes were conspicuously missing. She covered herself with her hands, trying to maintain her modesty from any cameras likely to be concealed in the room. She feared the worst, that she had been kidnapped by some sex fiend, who could be watching her that very minute.

More concerned with herself than her surroundings, she didn't immediately notice the man enter the room. He was well dressed in a suit and tie, and had a body well built to wear it. His handsomely chiseled face held a blank expression. His mannerisms and bearing would lead many to assume him to be a bodyguard or underworld enforcer intent on his task.

He moved single-mindedly toward Cecilia, not muttering even a sound. She attempted to scurry backwards, but could only go so far before she encountered the wall. The man reached for her and took a firm hold of her arm.

"Get away!" she yelped, "Let me go!"

The man didn't heed her pleas, instead pulling her forcefully to the chair, easily resisting her feeble efforts to escape. He unceremoniously yanked her over his lap, wrapping one muscular arm about her waist.

"W-what are you doing?"

He rested his hand on the exposed cheeks of her backside. The contact sent chills up her body, making her fear his intentions. Before she had an opportunity to contemplate this, however, the man's hand raised and descended violently on her behind.


Cecilia jerked at the sudden blow, more from the shock than the pain.

He commenced beating out a steady drumming rhythm, alternating cheeks.

"That old man put this guy up to this!' thought Cecilia, "I'll get him when I get out of here!"



She started to kick and struggle to pull away, but she could not break his Herculean grip. Tears started to burn her eyes, but she strained to blink them back. The man continued on for several minutes, leaving a good burn in her pert bottom before pausing.

She took this chance to catch her breath, happy for the stinging swats to have stopped. She didn't have long to enjoy it, however, as she was soon startled by the heavy impact of wood on her already tender flesh.


She looked back over her shoulder, seeing the man wielding a paddle that she didn't notice him carrying when he came in. He wielded it skillfully on her quivering buttocks, covering the entire surface with painful strokes.



Tears proceeded to flow freely down the side of her face. She was less concerned now about who had placed her in this predicament than how to get herself out of it. She begged, pleaded and even bribed the man to stop, but still the paddle kept coming.



She threw her hand back to shield her tush, but he caught it without ever missing a beat, never slowing in his ongoing assault on her derriere. Just when she was certain she couldn't handle any more or this ordeal, the man suddenly stopped.

Cecilia laid across his legs, weeping bitterly, but glad that it was finally over. At least, she assumed it was over, until she was lifted to her feet and spun around the back of the chair. She found herself bent over the back, staring down at the cushion of the seat, his strong hand securely holding her in place. She managed a peek behind her, and caught a glimpse of a leather strap in the man's hand, another implement seemingly out of nowhere.



The strap landed fiercely on her punished flesh, radiating new waves of pain up her spine. She was positive she would die if she had to endure much more, her screams steadily becoming more and more anguished.


The man's calculated strokes moved further down, striking squarely on her thighs.


Yet still he persisted, unconcerned with her condition. Blow after blow, the strap rained pain down on her delicate skin. Just when the fire seemed too much for her to bear, the man suddenly ceased again, helping her back to her feet.

She stood precariously on wobbly legs. Her tear-stained face testified to her agony. Words could not express her relief to finally be released from her torment.

Unfortunately for Cecilia, this was still not yet to be. As soon as her sobs had subsided, the man once again sat down and pulled her over his lap, briskly spanking her by hand.

And from hand he went to paddle, then to strap, and back to hand again. And on and on, it continued this way, never ending. For, you see, miss Cecilia didn't survive her little fall from the balcony. Heaven has a way of arranging a punishment to fit the crime. In life, Cecilia behaved like a spoiled child. Now, she is condemned to spend eternity being disciplined like one in her own personal Hell.

Just a little something for all you brats to think about.

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