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Old 05-08-2012, 08:59 PM
TalesAboutTails TalesAboutTails is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Upper East Side, NY, NY
Posts: 6
The Negotiation

I couldn’t wait til she returned and jumped up with hopeful anticipation when I heard the garage door opening. I went out to meet my wife in the garage and help her carry her shopping bags in as I asked about the things she bought and how her day was. There was a glass of her favorite white wine sitting on the kitchen table waiting for her as she walked in. She saw the wine and then smiling, she asked in a playful and curious manner, “OK, what do you want?” It was tough keeping a straight face, so I responded with a grin, “Nothing, Darling. Can’t a loving husband have some wine waiting for his Queen while there are no kids in the house?” I emphasized the part about no kids.

“Hmmm, something’s up … So spill it. What do you want?” she said as she picked up her wine and took a sip with a devilish smirk.
“OK, I got a deal for you and you’ll love it.” As I placed her bags on the table, “You know I want you to spank me, and the thing is I have an offer you’ll like. How about I give you 50 dollars for 100 swats of the paddle? You start with a warm up over my jeans with about 20 of your absolute best, and then the actual 100 on underwear only.” She just looked at me while she thought it over and took another sip of wine and responded, “Make it 100 dollars. A hundred swats for a hundred dollars makes sense.”

I thought about it for a moment and said “Take your time, have fun, make every hit count, make me red as a tomato and hot as frying pan and I’ll make it 75 – but it’s my final offer.”

“HA!” she blurted out with extreme confidence. “That’s a load of crap! No way that’s your final offer ‘cause you want to feel your ass as hot as a BBQ grill for the next few hours and I’m the only one that can deliver. So, my offer is now 125 dollars and I get to finish you off with a bare red ass and make it really hurt if I want to. And trust me – I will enjoy it, take my time, and you will be a lot redder than a tomato!”

“No, no, no…” I said, “You’re not grasping the finer points of negotiation here” trying to be very serious, “You’re supposed to meet me half way, not up the ante.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure I have the upper hand here … and yes, pun intended!” Her gorgeous smile emerged as she continued, “So, what’s it gonna be there ‘Spankee”, you gonna meet my offer which is now 140 dollars? That’s what I spent shopping today and it would be a wonderful amount for you to pay. I’ll add all sorts of personal attention to your bottom that will keep your twisted mind happy. You’ll get patted, rubbed, scratched, and paddled. I’ll even ice your ass down when I’m done.”

She was in control here, and knew it. I was screwed. At this point, we both knew she was going to win and I needed to end this before she upped the price anymore. “Alright, 140 dollars; but after the warm up and after the hundred, I get to decide if there will be more and you have to deliver. Do we have a deal?”

“Only on one more condition; if you decide I have to stop before the 100 swats are done, you’re still paying me 140.”

I smiled and reached my hand out to finalize the deal. She shook it and said, “Go get the paddle so we can have some fun!” as she headed over to the couch.

She delivered everything I could ever hope for. She made sure the last 10 were delivered with extreme force and when she finished the final swat, she put her hands on my bare bottom and caressed it asking, “So, what will it be my darling, are we done?”

I was near tears and on the edge of ecstasy. I muttered “Make it 20 more as hard as you can deliver. When you’re done I’ll take you up on the ice offer and better yet, if you make me cry I’ll make it 150.”

I paid her $150. I love my wife, she delivers.
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