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Old 01-30-2011, 03:31 AM
John Day John Day is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 18
Smile After School

"Please daddy...please....don't punish me" Nancy pleaded with her dad.
"Young lady I am tired of your poor grades in school. It is going to stop. I am going to wear your bottom out today. You are going to learn. Now take off your school clothes Nancy" dad ordered.
The petite teen sobbed.
"But please will never ever happen again" she begged.
"You can bet it won't. Now I want your school clothes off...NOW! Don't make matters worse young lady"
"Strip right now to your bra, socks and panties"
"Yes daddy...sob"
"Save your tears for the punishment room"

Nancy hated that room most. It was soundproof so it did not matter how much she carried on. Her dad had administered some pretty severe beatings to her in that room. He sat back and watched his pretty daughter undress.
She pulled her school blouse off first, then her shoes and skirt.
he saw her tremble some. he was excited.

"Very well...lets go the punishment room"
He followed the girl down the hallway and heard her sob quietly.
He opened the door to the dreaded room of pain. he shut the door.

"We are going to put you up on the punishment horse to start. Remove your bra, socks and panties Nancy"
"Y-Yes..sob..sob..d-d-daddy....p-please give me one more c-chance"
"get them off NOW!"

She slipped her bar off her small perky breasts, then bent down and pulled her socks off. Finally she pulled her white panties down and off leaving her naked.

"Turn and bend and spread your bottom cheeks Nancy"
He liked to humiliate her. She sobbed more as she obeyed him.
She spread her cheeks wide as he looked at her tight anus. The small pinkish rosebud.
"Good. Up you go...on the punishment horse"

She climbed up and straddled it. her dad then secured her wrists and ankles apart to the horse. he went to the wall and took down a thick hefty strap and showed it to her.

"I am going to start you off with 50 good strokes are going to learn"
Nancy had small meaty perfect teen ass cheeks. Full and rounded. That strap would leave them deeply marked and wealed. dad stood to her side.

WHAP...WHAP..WHAP..WHAP..WHAP...he began with 5 hard slow paced strokes.
Middle top and base. She screamed.
WHAP..WHAP..WHAP..WHAP..WHAP...5 more base to top making her cute toes curl up. More wails and cries.

WHAP..WHAP..WHAP..WHAP..WHAP..5 more harder across the very base.
Her teen cheeks shuddered and the marks formed.
WHAP...WHAP..WHAP..WHAP..WHAP....harder still all to the very center.
WHAP..WHAP...WHAP..WHAP..WHAP....back across the base full force.
The tears poured down her cute face.
WHAP...WHAP...WHAP...WHAP..WHAP....the strap hit each cheek separately now nipping her inner cheeks and anus.
WHAP...WHAP...WHAP..WHAP..WHAP....across the soles and toes of her right foot. the other foot.
as hard as possible now top to base, base to top and her thighs.
WHAP...WHAP...WHAP...WHAP...WHAP....the last 5 blistered her cheeks all near the center.

He stepped up before her and lowered his pants and underwear.
"You are going to make daddy feel good later..arent you?"
She nodded yes as she cried her eyes out.
He put the strap away.

he freed her wrists and ankles.

"Lets continue...lay face up on the punishment table and bring your feet up to your chest"
She sobbed more as she climbed up. Again he secured her wrists and ankles, this time to two posts set into the top sides of the table.

He took down a riding crop.

" 30 strokes" he said.

The next round of pain came as the wicked crop lashed across her cheeks hard. Again and again and again as she cried her eyes out. he watched her face as he punished her severely. After 30 strokes he had her kneel up on the table as he gave her 10 last strokes full force on her anus.

he let her off the table.

"Now...get on your knees" he ordered. She obeyed. She knew what to do next. She only hoped she would do a good job. Then there was the time she would spend in her dad's bedroom. yes, it was a long day after school.

(This story is fiction. All characters are of legal age)
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