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Old 09-29-2010, 04:00 PM
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carl35 carl35 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 32
"Birthday Suit"

By Carl Philip Michaels

Julie Phelps stood in the living room corner, arms folded behind her back, wearing just her bra and g string panties. Her hot bottom glowed bright red, testifying to the hard hairbrush spanking she'd just suffered. She sniffled in pain and embarrassment, acutely aware that all eyes were glued to her punished posterior.

So why was she smiling?

* * *

Julie had always been a good student, but somehow when she started 8th Grade at St. Mark's School for Girls, the distractions of friends, social networking, clothes and boys started to interfere with her schoolwork. Instead of buckling down and concentrating, she fell into the habit of "borrowing" from her classmates: a test answer here, an essay idea there. It soon became habitual, and finally she talked her friend Marcie into letting her copy a History assignment verbatim. The teacher spoke with the other girl about the identical papers, and she gave Julie up in hopes of clemency. It worked; Marcie got three after school detentions, while Julie was given a three-day suspension.

James and Marianne Phelps took their children's education seriously, being academics themselves. Julie's suspension notice was a most unpleasant surprise. After a lengthy discussion with their daughter, they realized how inattentive they'd been to the extent of her recent distractions. Cheating at school! Julie had never been in any serious trouble before. With the exception of one detention for being overly chatty in class, her record was clean. Now, because of St. Mark's policy of zero-tolerance for academic dishonesty, she was suspended! With a stern warning that the next three days were going to be no picnic, they sent their teary-eyed daughter to her room and began to confer.

"She's got to understand how serious this is, that she's not getting a three-day vacation from school," James said, sitting with Marianne at the kitchen table.

"Judging by her demeanor tonight, I'd say she gets that," his wife replied. "But you're absolutely right about structuring her time. First of all, I think she needs to go unplugged for at least a week." "Going unplugged" was Phelps-household-speak for having all electronic media privileges withdrawn.

"We'd better make it two," James said, "starting the day after she goes back. If we can make those three days the most intensive study days she's ever had, we should be able to get her back on track." James took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. "How did this happen?"

"I think it's called adolescence," Marianne replied with a rueful smile. "A flood of hormones and lots of new distractions."

"Lord knows it happened to me at that age," James said with a weary grin. "So, what's the plan?"

"The Plan" turned out to include his taking some time off work to spend with Julie and supervise her studying. They also decided that, to underscore the seriousness of the situation, Marianne would give her a spanking each evening until her suspension was over. They decided to establish a hard and fast rule that if any of the kids ever got suspended from school, they'd have multiple spankings to contend with, regardless of their age.

Julie remembered those three consecutive spankings vividly, especially the first one. Ordinarily, James and Marianne punished the kids privately in their bedrooms, but due to the seriousness of this offense, they felt the twins should see firsthand what would happen if they decided to follow their older sister's example. Julie remembered standing in her underwear in the living room, tears in her eyes and very sore in the tail from a long, hard spanking over Mom's knee. Adding to her great embarrassment was the fact that Jared and Sasha had just watched her kick and cry over her mom's lap like a little kid.

"Julie, listen to me closely now," her mother said, holding her daughter's chin in her hand. "You're much too old for this nonsense." (That's what I'VE been trying to tell YOU! Julie thought. But her mom wasn't referring to spanking.) "You're very intelligent and capable of doing your own work. Once your other two spankings are over, I think we'll have nipped this cheating thing in the bud. But believe me, if we get one more report like the last one, we're going to assume your punishment had no effect. Then we'll have to take stricter measures."

Stricter measures? A hard spanking in her underwear with an audience wasn't strict?! Her father saw her confusion and said,

"What your mother means is that if it happens again, you'll go over MY knee for a long spanking with the hairbrush. And you just might be in your birthday suit when you do."

Julie gasped, the twins tittered. "You mean she's gonna be NAKED?" Jared asked, seemingly awestruck by the thought.

"I very much doubt it," James said. "Not unless she brings it on herself, and I don't think she will. If she goes back to being the excellent student she's always been, she has nothing to worry about." He looked intently at his oldest daughter. "It's entirely up to you, Julie. Have I made myself clear?"

She was blushing as never before, both from the "birthday suit" talk and the words of praise. "Yes Sir," she said. "I'm not gonna cheat anymore."

"Excellent, Sweetie," he said, giving her a hug. "Jared, Sasha, tell me," he said, "what did you just witness?"

"A Family-Only Event!" the twins chorused in unison.

"Very good," their father said.

Marianne asked, "And what happens if anyone outside the family hears about a Family-Only Event?"

"We get OUR behinds tanned," Sasha said, smiling and blushing.

"And what else? Jared?"

"We get bared and put in the corner," their son replied, his face turning red as well. Marianne and James weren't shy about their domestic discipline regime, but they didn't believe in gratuitous humiliation, either. They wanted to keep Julie's embarrassment contained to the household, and to give the twins a chance to be responsible for that.

"Good. I'm glad everyone understands the situation. Okay, Honey, go do your corner time." She gave Julie a gentle swat on the behind; she yelped and hurried over to the corner. Putting her hands on her head as required, she settled in for the eternity that was 30 minutes of corner time.

She stood there, staring down at her toes in the carpet, her bottom on fire. One down, two to go. At least the other two would be in her room (thank God!); she felt absolutely naked out there in the living room in just her bra and panties with everyone else was fully dressed. She did NOT want to go through this again. As the minutes dragged by, the threat of being spanked in her "birthday suit" dominated her mind. They wouldn't really do that, would they? Wasn't that illegal or something? No, she decided, they were just trying to scare her. That had to be it. When the timer sounded, she had never been so happy to be sprung from the corner. She went straight to her room and put her pajamas on. It felt so good!

For the better part of a month, Julie went back to being the student she'd always been. Truth be told, the waves of embarrassment she felt every time she remembered the details of her prior discipline was a powerful motivator. She did her own work diligently and pulled her grades back up. But unfortunately, the familiar distractions of teenage life soon prevailed, that horrible over-the-knee memory faded, and she started slipping back into her earlier habits. Despite her parents' best efforts to keep her on track, she was caught cheating during an English exam that she had failed to study for, and the Principal issued a full-week suspension along with a request for a conference with her and her parents.

Banished to her room by her now seriously angry parents, she lay on the bed, teary-eyed and hugging an old teddy bear for solace. How could she have let this happen? The new rule was clear: if you got suspended, you got a bedtime spanking for that many days. Being spanked three nights in a row in her underwear had been AWFUL! Now, just a month later, she was suspended for a whole week! Her stomach did a serious flip-flop as she heard her father's voice in her head, saying, "And if it happens again, you'll go over MY knee for a long hairbrush spanking. And you just might be in your birthday suit." He wouldn't really do that, she thought desperately. Would he?

Would he?!

[End Part One]

Copyright 2010 Carl Philip Michaels
All Rights Reserved

Last edited by carl35; 10-12-2010 at 10:59 PM.
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