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Old 09-27-2010, 01:49 PM
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carl35 carl35 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 32
"Carrie Gets a Spanking"

By Carl Philip Michaels

It was nine o'clock on a Saturday morning. Carrie Scanlon crept down the stairs, barefoot and still in her pajamas. She smelled bacon frying in the kitchen, and her stomach rumbled. Then she thought of the punishment she'd been promised today, and she lost her appetite.

It was so unfair! Who still had an eleven o'clock weekend curfew at age 16? The party last night had been so much fun, 11:00 p.m. had come and gone before she even noticed. By the time she'd finally gotten home, it was 12:15, and her mom had been sitting in the family room, not at all pleased with her daughter. With a promise to "take care of things" in the morning, she'd sent Carrie to stew in her room.

"You want some eggs, Princess?" her father asked.

"Sure, Dad, thanks," Carrie replied, taking a seat at the table. It crossed her mind that this would probably be the last time she would sit comfortably for awhile.

He spooned out some scrambled eggs and bacon onto a plate for his daughter, and poured her some orange juice. "I understand you've got a not-so-fun day to look forward to today," he said kindly. It was amazing to Carrie how Mom and Dad switched roles so naturally in their good cop-bad cop routine.

"Yeah, I guess so," she replied, trying to ignore the smirk on her little brother's face.

"Well, I hope you know how concerned we get when you don't come home on time," he replied seriously. "We love you a lot, and we don't want anything to happen to you."

Just a hint of tears appeared in Carrie's eyes as she realized that her carelessness had worried him. "I'm sorry, Dad," she said quietly.

"It'll be okay, Sweetheart. Just take your punishment like a big girl, and it'll be over before you know it."

Easy for him to say.

Mom came into the kitchen, and Dad served her as well. Then he disappeared behind his paper. Carrie's brother Bobby plugged his Disc man into his ears, and the four of them ate in near-silence. After they finished, Carrie got up and cleared the table, hoping to win points for cooperation and maturity. When all the dishes were cleared and in the dishwasher, her mother said,

"Alright, young lady. Go change into your punishment outfit, and be quick about it!"

"Oh come on, Mom, that's not fair!" her daughter whined. While she knew she'd messed up big time by ignoring curfew last night, it was an affront to her 16-year-old dignity to be punished in such a juvenile way. It was just nine thirty, and the command to change into her punishment outfit meant that she'd be wearing nothing else all day!

"Would you rather wear it all weekend?" her mother inquired.

"No, no, I'm sorry!" Carrie said quickly as she got to her feet. "I'm going."

Her father smiled behind his newspaper, while her brother smirked openly. Ever since her 16th birthday, Carrie had gotten a little full of herself, and Bobby was going to enjoy seeing her taken down a peg. Plus, the fact that she was being punished today meant that she had to do all his chores. For a 13-year-old boy, that was about as good as it got!

Carrie sniffed a bit as she headed for her room. It was so unfair! She was sure she was the only one of her friends who still got spanked. They certainly didn't have to wear a humiliating "uniform" all day either! She grumbled as she took the hated garment out of the drawer.

It consisted of a white sleeveless vest that just barely covered her belly button, and a pair of large, green "regulation-type" panties. She took off her pajamas and underwear and stood naked, looking at punishment clothing with distaste. Knowing that delaying would only add to her sentence, she sighed and resigned herself to her fate. She blushed as she put on the G string that she knew would be her only source of modesty once her panties were taken down. She then put on the vest and panties and looked in the mirror, blushing more deeply. She would have taken a hundred hard spankings to avoid being seen like this! The vest was at least a size too small and her growing chest strained against the fabric. The panties looked like something out of an old fashioned English boarding school, and she hated them with a passion. Even though it was just her immediate family who would see her dressed this way, her embarrassment was profound.

She stepped barefoot out of her room and took the long walk of shame downstairs. When she entered the family room, she was dismayed to see Bobby sitting in front of the TV. Mom and Dad were not yet in the room, but she knew where she was expected to go. Blushing furiously, she tiptoed past her grinning little brother toward the Punishment Corner, where the family spanking brush hung from a hook on the wall.

"Nice outfit, Sis," Bobby commented as she walked past. "Going out somewhere?"

"Why don't you just SHUT UP!" she hissed.

"CARRIE ANNE SCANLON!" she heard her mother exclaim as she walked into the room. "It's YOUR behavior that got you where you are. Your brother's just making the best of YOUR bad situation." She heard Bobby giggle. "I seem to recall you were none too kind the last time HE was punished. You were going to have 15 minutes in the corner, but thanks to that outburst, you can have thirty!"

Carrie's ears burned. She was right, of course, she had been kind of mean to him when he'd been on display wearing nothing but a size-too-small pair of white briefs. But while she had to admit that turnabout was fair play, she didn't have to like it! She put her nose and toes in the Punishment Corner and her hands on her head. She heard her mom set the kitchen timer for thirty minutes, and settled in for the singular torment that was corner time.

Carrie considered it cruel and unusual punishment to have to stand in this juvenile position, staring at the brush that would soon paint her backside a bright shade of red. Even worse, she knew that while Bobby was pretending to be engrossed in a video game, his eyes were no doubt glued to her panty-covered rear. Feeling her blush deepen, she settled in for a long, boring stint in the corner.

All too soon, she heard both her parents come into the family room, and heard the spanking chair being pulled into position. Her stomach flipped over as she heard her mother say, "Okay, Carrie, let's get this spanking started."

She took down the spanking brush, gulped and turned to meet her fate.

* * *

[End of Part One]

Copyright 2010 Carl Philip Michaels

Last edited by carl35; 10-01-2010 at 01:06 PM. Reason: spelling
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corner time, f/f, punishment outfit

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