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Old 06-08-2010, 12:11 PM
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LovesWood LovesWood is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Chattanooga, TN
Posts: 1
When I really knew

I have had an attraction to spanking situations ever since I can remember. But I knew, I mean really knew, when I was eight years old.

It was little league football practice. One of my team-mates, Tim, came to practice late and he had obviously been crying. During a break a group of us were standing around listing to Tim tell his story. He was late because he was getting a “switching”.
When his dad came home to bring him to practice Tim had not cleaned his room like he had been told. His dad had sent him outside to pick his own switch. As any young boy would try to do Tim selected a small limp switch. This infuriated his already angry father who went and picked what must have been a vicious branch. Tim pulled down the waist band of his warm-up pants and showed us the fresh welts that started at the top of his butt and crisscrossed his ass cheeks. He then pulled up one of the legs and showed us where the marks continued all the way down to the back of his knees.

All my friends were horrified, they expressed their sympathy and ranted about how unfair that was. Me? I could hardly breathe! I was consumed with jealousy. My heart was pounding so hard I thought I was going to faint. The butterflies in my stomach swarmed like a nest of angry hornets. The image of Tim’s ass and thighs was all I could think about for days.

A few years later, an older boy from the neighborhood gave me a Playboy magazine and explained to me about masturbation. This sounded fantastic! I could not wait to get home to try it. I quietly went to my room, put the Playboy in a drawer, and learned to masturbate while thinking about the images of Tim’s switching that were, and still are, burned into my mind.
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