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Old 01-20-2008, 06:04 AM
rfkmcm rfkmcm is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 44
Petticoat Junction: Betty Jo learns a lesson Part III

Part III: A School Paddling

Sam got the kids to school, explained the situation to the principal, and prepared to leave. Before he left he told the two kids, “I hope you realize that I’m doing this for your own good. You can’t play hooky from school”, said Sam. Both kids replied with a simple, “yes, sir”, and Sam exited the building. They were in the principal’s office with the principal and Ms. Applebee. Both were scared to death. The principal was a woman of about 50, very caring but also very strict when you had done something wrong. She explained to Ms. Applebee what was going to happen, and Ms. Applebee left the office. She gave the students a look as she exited that was a mixture of anger, disappointment, sympathy, and regret.

The principal then said firmly, “Okay, you two played hooky today, and that will not be tolerated. I’m going to have to punish you. You’re both going to have to get a paddling.” (I just want to say here that this scenario is a very realistic one. Kids got paddled in elementary school at my school in Texas in the 1980s, and this is just about what the principal told you beforehand. In fact, I was threatened with a paddling in first grade. I know good and well it was this way in the 1950s south. Anyway, on with the story).

The principal opened her desk drawer and pulled out the paddle. It was somewhat thicker than a ping pong paddle and slightly more narrow. It stung your butt, and you learned your lesson. “Okay, Harold. You first”, ordered the principal, “Since you just skipped one day of school I am going to give you each 1 lick”. She instructed Harold to bend over and touch his knees. He did so, and the principal gave him a good, hard lick across his bottom. Harold started crying immediately. Betty Jo had watched the paddling and had saw how hard the principal hit him. Then it was her turn. “Betty Jo, now you come up here and bend over and touch your knees just as Harold had”, order the principal. Betty Jo was wearing a skirt, as all girls did in that period to school, but it was long enough that her panties could not be seen just bending over touching her knees. Betty Jo waited in great anticipation for the lick to land. When it did there was an intense sting in Betty Jo’s bottom, and she cried also, but not as bad as Harold. The principal hit Harold with more force because playing hooky was his idea.

After they had dried their eyes the principal gave them a good lecture about not playing hooky and how important school was and moral values and responsibility. This actually didn’t last that long, but by this time it was about time for school to let out. The principal had only given the kids 1 lick because she felt confident that their real punishment would come that evening at home once their parents found out. They waited in the principal’s office the last 20 minutes of school. Then the bell rang, classes were dismissed, and parents began arriving to pick their kids up. The principal led Betty Jo and Harold outside to meet their parents. She saw Harold’s dad first, told him the whole story, and he took Harold home. It was clear what was going to happen when he got him home. The principal continued looking for Kate.

Kate had found Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo and was walking around looking for Betty Jo when she spotted the principal. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Davis”, said Kate. “Mrs. Bradley”, replied the principal, “I’m afraid I have something to tell you concerning Betty Jo’s behavior today”. Kate’s smile disappeared when she heard those words. “Betty Jo and a friend of hers played hooky today and were caught by Sam Drucker. It seems that they were fishing at Miller’s pond”. Kate’s face grew increasingly tight and red. She glared at Betty Jo, but Betty Jo could not look at her. Kate responded sternly and in disbelief, “Is that true young lady?”. No answer. “Answer me young lady, or I’ll spank you right here in front of everybody!”, Kate warned. Betty Jo answered then, “Yes, ma’am. It’s true”. The principal said, “Mrs. Bradley, I gave them a paddling, just 1 swat, and a lecture”. “Good”, said Kate. (This is something else that must be understood about this era. Parents supported the school’s discipline, even corporal discipline, 100% if it was warranted).

“Well, I’ll take it from here”, said Kate. “Okay, Mrs. Bradley. Betty Jo I’ll see you at school tomorrow”, the principal said as she walked back into the school. “Let’s go home girls”, said Kate. “Aren’t we going to Mr. Drucker’s store like we always do?”, asked Billie Jo. “No we’re not”, Kate answered sternly, “We’re getting on the cannonball and going straight home!”. “Yes, Mom”, Billie Jo said. Kate took Betty Jo by the arm and told Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo to come along. They obeyed. They looked at each other, and without saying a word knew what was going to happen to their baby sister when she got home.

Go to Part IV
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