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Old 12-14-2008, 08:42 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 1970
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Allison meets Julia's lap

As the scene opens, Julia Sugarbaker is in the storage room going over some company rules with her younger sister Suzanne!
Draped over Julia's study lap with her large and very bare bottom pushed up high. Suzanne is wishing that she didn't light up that last cigarette!

Whack!......."OOOOOOW!"......Smack!........"AAAAAH !" Damn you J-Julia!
Crack!.......O-Ouch!....I-I'am too old for this!" ......Slap!..."Not so!" Julia pants while bringing down her strong right hand!

Smack!......Whack!......"(Pant!) How many times"...... Crack!,,,,,Do I have to remind you?"..........Smack!..........."Not to smoke those filthy cigarettes!" Splatt!........."In this house?"...........Smack!

Squirming franatically over Julia's now exposed, nylon covered lap. Suzanne grits her teeth, begging her to stop!

"S-Stop ....P-Please.....N-No more!" ......Crack!........"OOOOOOW!"......I-I'am your sister! (Sob!).....Remember?"

Resting a moment, Julia looks down and scolds. "'Well Suzanne....Maybe Daddy should've done this more often..You sure needed it?"

Then spanking with a flurry, Suzanne's hips twist and buck wildly under older sister Julia's punishing hand!

Smack!..........Crack!...........Whack!..........S lap!........Splatt!
"(SOB!) Damn you J-J ulia!" .......Crack!.........."Ouch...I-i'am too old for this!" .........Slap!..."Not so!" Julia pants while bringing down her strong right hand with added force.

Smack!......Whack!...."I'am tired of telling you about your bad habits "....Crack......."you"ll learn this time?.......Smack!......Not to smoke cigerettes!" ......Splat!....."In this house!"...........Smack!;

Squirming frantically over Julia's exposed, nylon covered legs, Suzanne grits her teeth...Begging her to stop!

"Stop...P-Please....N-No more!" ....Crack!......"OOOOOW!...I-I'am your sister!" Whack!......."O-Ouch!.....Remember?"

Resting a momen, Julia looks down and scolds; "Well Suzanne.....Maybe Daddy should've done this more often?"

Then finishing with a loud series of hard spanks, Suzanne's hips twist and buck wildly under Julia's punishing right hand!

Smxk!........Crack!........Whack!......Slap!...... ..Splatt!

""(Sob!) Damn you Julia........Smack!........."OOOOOOOW?"

Finally stopping, she lets a sobbing Suzanne slid off her lap, rubbing her inflamed bottom! "Damn Julia!" She scoffs; "You spank harder....Each and every time!"

With the smoking ban now settled and enforced. Julia still struggles with the new addition to the Sugarbaker Designing Company...Cousin Allison!

inheriting a portion of the company from her father, Julia's uncle. Allison difinately has her own ideas on how to operate it. entirely different from the more experienced Julia!

Very often second guessing and giving her own orders, Allison has caused a conflict among the employees and president.....Julia Sugarbaker!

Sometimes changing work schedules without the proper consent, has given Julia fits of anger!

Finally one day Allison's actions put her off the deep end. Changing Julia's orders for Anthony to deliver material to the Johnson's home early that morning. She sends him over to her house to pick up a desk for the office!

"A-Ahh! Allison!" Anthony questions; "I-I think Julia wants the wall paper and drapes ...Delivered early, so the workers can start!"

"Oh, nonsense that can wait!" She barks; "My desk is much more important.....Now Anthony...Do as I say!"

Begrudgingly he follows Allison's instructions. Using a helper, Anthony loads the heavy Mahogany desk into the truck. Arriving at the Sugarbaker Mansion he groans; "G-Gosh...I hope Julia won't be...Too mad!"

With Allison supervising, Anthony and his helper struggle with large, old desk. Pushing...Pulling, then lifting...They finally get the cumbersome object inside the living room.

"(Pant!) Gosh!...I-I think I threw my back out?" Anthony moans while trying to straighten up.

"Oh!..You'll be ok!" Allison assures as she rubs her hands over the faded Mahogany finish.

Wincing in pain, he gasps; "'s no use...My back is out again!"

Looking frightened, Allison begs; "N-No Anthony..You still have to deliver that meterial to Julia's job!" Bending over in complete pain, he grunts; "Allison...Can you drive a truck?"

With Anthony resting his back, Allison mulls over her predicament. "Wow!...What's Julia going to do?" Then hearing the front door open she nervously looks over.

"O-Oh! Mary Jo!" she whines; "I-I think there is a problem!" Seeing Anthony sprawled on the couch, then staring at the large desk in the living room, Mary Jo's jaw drops; "W-What the hell is going on Allison. Why..Is that ugly desk there?"

Nervously trying to explain the problem, Allison bleats; "W-What will Julia think" "It not what she will thing!" Mary Jo smirks...It's what she might do!"

Looking bewildered, Allison gasps; "Do what?" Looking down at Anthony on the couch Mary Jo jests; "Oh!....Just probably....Take the hide off your bare butt?"

Looking astonished allison bleats; "M-My....Bare butt?" "Yeah! Your bare butt!" Mary Jo repeats. "Julia loves to spank.....But I guess you didn't know that?"

Then looking out the window Mary Jo smiles; "Well....You could find out real soon......Julia's home!"

Feeling frozen to the spot, Allison watches as Julia parks her car, then walks up to the white mansion!

Entering the front door,Julia slowly hangs up her jacket in the hall closet. As she seems to say something. with her deliberate motions.

Turning around, the fire can be seen flowing from her eyes! "Good afternoon!" She politley greets while looking over the room.

First seeing Anthony laying on the couch in apparent pain, then watching Allison nervously wringing her hands. Then looking further over Allison's shoulder. Julia's flashing eyes fix on the large, ugly desk!

"And just what...Is that?" She bellows. Without an immediate answer, she then asks; "Mary Jo....Do you know anything about this?"

"Yeah!..Maybe Julia...But you had better ask Allison first!" "Well then!" Julia commands, as Allison mumbles; "A-Ah!....I-It's my desk...For work!"

Walking over and running her fingers across the heavy, faded wood, Julia growls; "You already have a desk.....And Allison..This thing is in the way!"

After a short deafening silence, she continues; "Anthony...Is this the reason you didn't deliver the material to the Johnson Job?"

Looking wide-eyed, he stammers; "W-Well yes J-Julia....B-But!....."

"Yes...and I bet you hurt your back again!" She quicky interrupts. Looking up at Julia, Anthony just nods as she turns back to Allison.

"You know...I had 3 workers just standing around....At the job today..Waiting for material...That Anthony was supposed to deliver!"

Wearing a short red skirt and white blouse, Allison pushes her head up and defends; "Well...Getting my desk here was important too"

Staring daggers, Julia hisses; "That should not have been a priority....Do you understand Allison?"

Looking nonchalant, Allison walks over and sits at her desk. "N-No..No not really!" She answers with a smug smile.

Mary Jo seeing the anger building up inside Julia. Mumbles to Anthony; "God! I bet allison won't sit for a week!"

Slowly but sternly walking over to Allison, Julia hisses "Mary Jo.....Anthony has a bad back...Could you please get that straight chair from the storage room?.....This will be a public spanking!"

Then grasping Allison's frail wrist, Julia stands her up. "And just w-what do you have in mind?" Allison bleats. Standing nearly 6 inches taller, Julia looks down and grins; "Something I've wanted to do....Since the first day I met you!"

To be continued


Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 12-15-2008 at 01:16 PM.
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