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Old 11-22-2008, 05:50 PM
spank61 spank61 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 3
Judy gets spanked again

This is the follow up story to my first story of spanking Judy who I met in the Food Lion grocery store.

I got a call on my cell today from Judy. See my previous post if you don't know who she is. Judy asked me if I would consider giving her another spanking. Well that's a no brainer for me. I asked Judy what was up and she told me that she put her mail on her desk about 2 weeks ago and was in a hurry to go out and never opened it. Subsequently she missed paying a bill and they called her about it and she now has a $30 late fee. Here comes the part that really shakes me. Judy said “I tried spanking myself but I just can’t do it hard enough to really hurt the way it should.” I asked “Judy you spank yourself?” She told me yes, but most of the time I don’t do it hard enough. I again approached the subject of sexuality with her spanking need and again Judy said this is nothing sexual. She told me that getting spanked is the only way she feels she gets punished properly for her lazy, stupid, mistakes. I agreed to meet her at 7PM. When I got to Judy’s house she thanked me for coming and offered me a cold drink (soda). Judy wasted no time and told me she wanted me to really blister her bottom. Her exact words were “don’t stop spanking me until I’m blistered.” I told Judy "RED LIGHT" is your safe word. She said, “I won’t use it, just don’t stop until I have been really, really, spanked hard.” Without being told, Judy took down her shorts and panties and got across my knee. I asked Judy if she had a paddle or something I could use. She said yes and got up and walked bare bottomed to her bedroom. We were in the kitchen, the same place and chair I spanked her in the first time. When Judy returned she was carrying a rather large black plastic hairbrush. Judy said, “this is what I use to spank myself.” Over my lap she went and I started spanking with my hand. I went slowly and lightly. I increased the force and the speed a little at a time. When Judy’s bottom was nicely reddened and my hand was hurting slightly, I switched to the hairbrush. I held Judy a bit tighter and really laid into her. The spanks were coming hard and fast. Judy was now doing all the chanting a lady getting her bottom blistered does. Owwww, ohhhh, ahhhh, you know the drill. With her bottom glowing a bright tomato red I went to work on the tops of her thighs where they meet her ass cheeks. This really got her attention and she was really carrying on and kicking and squirming. With her thighs now bright red I went back to her bottom cheeks and gave the right cheek at least 25 good hard spanks on the same spot. The “bullseye” bruise soon formed. I gave a matching bullseye to the left cheek. Judy was sobbing and blubbering but still hadn’t used her safe word. I pulled Judy’s legs apart and spanked her hard about 6 times on the inside of her thighs. Judy lost it and begged me to stop and used the safe word. I stopped instantly and held her for a good 10 minutes until she calmed down. Judy thanked me and told me that is what I really needed. Judy said, “I try to punish myself, but I just can’t spank myself that hard.” There was no sex at all. I took care of my needs when I got home. No plans are made to meet again. I will just wait to see if Judy calls me again. Judy is the first spank-o I have ever met who I truly believe doesn't get a sexual desire from it.
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