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Old 04-10-2007, 09:34 PM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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Cool Let me be the first to admit...

I have done it on plenty of occasions... though not recently.

Hey when you're a bottom from birth and you have a fascination but you NEVER get spanked (was I just THAT good or did my parents not spank?.... you decide) you gotta do SOMETHING! Some kids had imaginary friends as children... I had whole imaginary towns and in my imaginary towns I got spanked. And the only way to reall get spanked in an imaginary town is to do it yourself. Some of you know I LOVE implements and variety and I did even way back then.... I'm not even going to go into all the crazy things I would use.

Ok so then I discovered the internet. 13 I started playing on-line, at 14 I moved to the phone. This Was MUCH more fun then on-line and I had left my imaginary play towns years before. It was still all role play but it scratched the itch so to speak.

Then I didn't need any of this for years becasue of where life took me. But 10 months ago when I broke up with my fiance....the spanking itch came on so strong it was all I could do at the time to fill it.

I contacted an old boyfriend who cared more about spanking then me (ok not very wise but I was only using him for spanking this time) and asked him to mentor me, long distance. Well the mentoring REALLY didn't work out but it did hold the "spanking itch" at bay....

And then I met the BU crowd and now I have no need for self spanking!

So to recap, yes I've self spanked. I definately think DIRECTED self-spanking is better then just self spanking but in a pinch both work. additional things that make the punishment worse...... Capsizine Cream (horrible, nasty, wicked) and sitting on a heating pad with the cream on.......

So that's my story.... Who else is brave enough to speak up on this one?

All Spanked up (and this time not from self-spanking)
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Old 04-10-2007, 10:05 PM
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I self spanked for quite awhile as it was my only outlet. That was pre discovery of the spanking community. It was not all that satisfying but far better than nothing.

Once I had been spanked by someone else though it lost what allure it had for me.

But I am thankful as it allowed me to explore alot of what I liked and did not like with no risk. It filled the need at the time. And allowed me to explore more about myself. Which is a good thing.
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Old 04-11-2007, 03:08 PM
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My Veiw.

Oh the joys of self spanking. *eye roll*

I have several things that can be put in here, and I suppose that I can talk about them. I didn't go into huge detail in my blog.

While I was in a relationship with Matt, in the begining of our senior year in highschool I believe, I had a long distance disciplinarian, whom I am still good friends with and even thought I might have been in love with. However, the details of our relationship are NOT important. The way he made me discipline myself is. I became very familar with a wooden spoon which was kept in my underwear drawer. The words "Go get the spoon." Still make me shiver. However, in that relationship, I could never seem to spank myself hard enough to get the desired impact that I wanted him. He seemed to be satisfied as he listened on the phone or made me do it over webcam, that seemed to be the most effective tool. The fact that it was heard, or that I was embaressed. He had other ways of disciplining me as well. I had a clear corner and he would make me stand in it, or send me to the bathroom for the clear, non scented liquid soap. The corner was effective only if I was beeing watched, because if not, I would usually just wonder out of it. And the soap was always done over the phone so I could not get out of it. Our relationship quickly died off, because I was scared of the scene and 'happy' with my boyfriend. I tried to forget about it, but the spoon is still there.

Before that relationship, of course I tried the self spanking. I remember the first time very vividly in my mind. It was only a few months before my 'disciplinary' relationship. I went into my parents closet (it seemed to be the most sound proof) with several implements in hand. A wooden spoon, a leather strap which my dad kept in the barn, a flip flop, and a hairbrush that my mom had in her dresser. I remember spanking as hard as I could but only getting a little sting. However, my skin did bruise and it looked horrible. After that, I rarley spanked myself, only because I could not get the proper angle and I need a REAL spanking.

But as for the self-spanking as a course of discipline, if there is someone to 'witness' it. I find it very effective.

And I would just like to adress Kaylex's early statment. Capsazin! God, girl! You're killing me!

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Old 04-11-2007, 11:57 PM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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Keep posting

Ok Friends,
Keep posting! I'm out for a week so help my cohost out here and participate. I'll see ya'll when I get back!

(for those of you who know where I'm going PLEASE DON'T POST IT IN THE FORUM!! THANKS!!!)

All spanked up in a fervor!
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Old 04-23-2007, 01:10 AM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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and now a closing word from our sponsor!

Hi I'm wooden paddles, and I make wooden paddles and paddles made of wood. I got some nice paddles in all different shapes and sizes. I also got some nice straps. The Bottoms love the small ones the Top's love the big ones, buy both and make everybody happy. For more product info go to Members, wooden paddles. There you will find a few pictures and contact info, and my e-mail in case you want to make a purchase or ask me a question. But now while supplies last.


We are Kaylex and Emmy and we greatly endorse these products!
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:58 AM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Originally Posted by kaylex View Post
The Bottoms love the small ones the Top's love the big ones, buy both and make everybody happy.
This one caught my attention because the small ones tend to sting a lot worse than the big ones. Are you sure that's not reversed?

BTW the man's name is Wood Paddles. Guess you two can expect a few more "endorsements".
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Old 04-23-2007, 09:59 PM
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i thought they all felt the same sting wise

Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 View Post
This one caught my attention because the small ones tend to sting a lot worse than the big ones. Are you sure that's not reversed?

BTW the man's name is Wood Paddles. Guess you two can expect a few more "endorsements".
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