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Old 02-04-2009, 05:30 PM
DaddyDST DaddyDST is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 26
my first awareness with leather

You have heard the saying it takes a village...well in my village on Long Island New York all of the parents were given permission to give correction to any of the children on the block who needed it.
I was with my friend Tommy O`Riley running around on our bikes during the summer. We were both 11 years old. Thirsty we ditched our bikes in his driveway and ran into his house to get a drink. It was around 11:30am when we heard the sound of a loud horn. Tommy looked like he had seen a ghoast. Quickly we went outside and moved our bikes to the sidewalk in front of his house. His Dad, who drives Taxi had stopped by the house to use the bathroom and get a drink. He pulled into the drive way and told us to go to Tommy's bedroom and wait for him.
Tommy had failed to tell me that bikes were not allowed to be in the driveway at any time and that we were in Big Trouble.
A few minutes went by and Mr O`Riley came into the room with a black leather strap which looked about 6 inches wide and about 12 inches long.
" I want you boys to drop your shorts and undies and lay next to each other on the bed." Without a word, Tommy and I did as we were told. He stood over our upturned white bubble butts, and said..."Tommy you knew what you did was wrong, Jimmy you will learn the same lesson that Tommy has seemed to forgotten." He raised the strap and brought it down across our bare bottoms {SWWWWWWAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKK} It was the first time I ever felt leather on my hiney, I yelllled OWWWWWWWWWWWWW !
Two more times the belt came down until it made our tushies bright red.
The wide strap went from the top of our hineys to the bottom of our sit spots. Tommy and I were crying and saying Im sorrrrryyyyyy.
Mr. O`Riley picked each of us up and gave us a hugg then pulled our shorts and undies back up. He left to go back to work. Tommy and I rubbed our bottoms and recovered from crying. Tommy told me that he would probubly be spanked before bed and that his dad would call my house. I told him I probubly would be also.
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