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Old 09-27-2010, 01:49 PM
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"Carrie Gets a Spanking"

By Carl Philip Michaels

It was nine o'clock on a Saturday morning. Carrie Scanlon crept down the stairs, barefoot and still in her pajamas. She smelled bacon frying in the kitchen, and her stomach rumbled. Then she thought of the punishment she'd been promised today, and she lost her appetite.

It was so unfair! Who still had an eleven o'clock weekend curfew at age 16? The party last night had been so much fun, 11:00 p.m. had come and gone before she even noticed. By the time she'd finally gotten home, it was 12:15, and her mom had been sitting in the family room, not at all pleased with her daughter. With a promise to "take care of things" in the morning, she'd sent Carrie to stew in her room.

"You want some eggs, Princess?" her father asked.

"Sure, Dad, thanks," Carrie replied, taking a seat at the table. It crossed her mind that this would probably be the last time she would sit comfortably for awhile.

He spooned out some scrambled eggs and bacon onto a plate for his daughter, and poured her some orange juice. "I understand you've got a not-so-fun day to look forward to today," he said kindly. It was amazing to Carrie how Mom and Dad switched roles so naturally in their good cop-bad cop routine.

"Yeah, I guess so," she replied, trying to ignore the smirk on her little brother's face.

"Well, I hope you know how concerned we get when you don't come home on time," he replied seriously. "We love you a lot, and we don't want anything to happen to you."

Just a hint of tears appeared in Carrie's eyes as she realized that her carelessness had worried him. "I'm sorry, Dad," she said quietly.

"It'll be okay, Sweetheart. Just take your punishment like a big girl, and it'll be over before you know it."

Easy for him to say.

Mom came into the kitchen, and Dad served her as well. Then he disappeared behind his paper. Carrie's brother Bobby plugged his Disc man into his ears, and the four of them ate in near-silence. After they finished, Carrie got up and cleared the table, hoping to win points for cooperation and maturity. When all the dishes were cleared and in the dishwasher, her mother said,

"Alright, young lady. Go change into your punishment outfit, and be quick about it!"

"Oh come on, Mom, that's not fair!" her daughter whined. While she knew she'd messed up big time by ignoring curfew last night, it was an affront to her 16-year-old dignity to be punished in such a juvenile way. It was just nine thirty, and the command to change into her punishment outfit meant that she'd be wearing nothing else all day!

"Would you rather wear it all weekend?" her mother inquired.

"No, no, I'm sorry!" Carrie said quickly as she got to her feet. "I'm going."

Her father smiled behind his newspaper, while her brother smirked openly. Ever since her 16th birthday, Carrie had gotten a little full of herself, and Bobby was going to enjoy seeing her taken down a peg. Plus, the fact that she was being punished today meant that she had to do all his chores. For a 13-year-old boy, that was about as good as it got!

Carrie sniffed a bit as she headed for her room. It was so unfair! She was sure she was the only one of her friends who still got spanked. They certainly didn't have to wear a humiliating "uniform" all day either! She grumbled as she took the hated garment out of the drawer.

It consisted of a white sleeveless vest that just barely covered her belly button, and a pair of large, green "regulation-type" panties. She took off her pajamas and underwear and stood naked, looking at punishment clothing with distaste. Knowing that delaying would only add to her sentence, she sighed and resigned herself to her fate. She blushed as she put on the G string that she knew would be her only source of modesty once her panties were taken down. She then put on the vest and panties and looked in the mirror, blushing more deeply. She would have taken a hundred hard spankings to avoid being seen like this! The vest was at least a size too small and her growing chest strained against the fabric. The panties looked like something out of an old fashioned English boarding school, and she hated them with a passion. Even though it was just her immediate family who would see her dressed this way, her embarrassment was profound.

She stepped barefoot out of her room and took the long walk of shame downstairs. When she entered the family room, she was dismayed to see Bobby sitting in front of the TV. Mom and Dad were not yet in the room, but she knew where she was expected to go. Blushing furiously, she tiptoed past her grinning little brother toward the Punishment Corner, where the family spanking brush hung from a hook on the wall.

"Nice outfit, Sis," Bobby commented as she walked past. "Going out somewhere?"

"Why don't you just SHUT UP!" she hissed.

"CARRIE ANNE SCANLON!" she heard her mother exclaim as she walked into the room. "It's YOUR behavior that got you where you are. Your brother's just making the best of YOUR bad situation." She heard Bobby giggle. "I seem to recall you were none too kind the last time HE was punished. You were going to have 15 minutes in the corner, but thanks to that outburst, you can have thirty!"

Carrie's ears burned. She was right, of course, she had been kind of mean to him when he'd been on display wearing nothing but a size-too-small pair of white briefs. But while she had to admit that turnabout was fair play, she didn't have to like it! She put her nose and toes in the Punishment Corner and her hands on her head. She heard her mom set the kitchen timer for thirty minutes, and settled in for the singular torment that was corner time.

Carrie considered it cruel and unusual punishment to have to stand in this juvenile position, staring at the brush that would soon paint her backside a bright shade of red. Even worse, she knew that while Bobby was pretending to be engrossed in a video game, his eyes were no doubt glued to her panty-covered rear. Feeling her blush deepen, she settled in for a long, boring stint in the corner.

All too soon, she heard both her parents come into the family room, and heard the spanking chair being pulled into position. Her stomach flipped over as she heard her mother say, "Okay, Carrie, let's get this spanking started."

She took down the spanking brush, gulped and turned to meet her fate.

* * *

[End of Part One]

Copyright 2010 Carl Philip Michaels

Last edited by carl35; 10-01-2010 at 01:06 PM. Reason: spelling
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Old 09-27-2010, 05:19 PM
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"Carrie Gets a Spanking" -- Part Two

By Carl Philip Michaels

Carrie looked around the family room, butterflies in her stomach. Dad sat in his easy chair, Bobby was sprawled on the sofa, and Mom stood next to the armless chair in the middle of the room. Looking at everyone else fully dressed, Carrie felt horribly exposed, the center of unwelcome attention in just her vest and panties. Mom beckoned her with her finger.

Groaning, Carrie walked over and stood next to her mother for the lecture, the next part of this carefully crafted discipline ritual. She dropped her hands to her sides.

"Did your mother tell you to move your hands?" She was caught off-guard by the fact that it was her father, not her mother, who spoke to her rather sharply.

"N-No Sir," she answered meekly.

"Then put them back where they belong."

She complied, tears welling up in her eyes. Doing so made her breasts jut out sharply, making her feel even more exposed.

"So, young lady," her mother began. "Apparently you're under the illusion that your curfew is more a suggestion than a requirement. I assure you, you couldn't be more mistaken. When your father and I say "eleven o'clock," we mean eleven, not eleven-thirty, and certainly not after midnight! Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"No, Ma'am," the embarrassed girl replied quietly. "Just that I'm sorry, and it won't happen again."

"No, it won't, of that I'm sure," her dad put in. You won't be going out at all the next two weekends. After that, your curfew is pushed back to nine o'clock. If you can keep to that for two months without exception, we'll consider going back to eleven."

Carrie was devastated. He may as well have said, "You have no social life for the foreseeable future," considering the strictures under which she was being placed. Two whole months! How would she explain to her friends that she had to be home by nine on a Saturday night?! But she knew better than to argue; it would only make things worse.

"Alright, young lady," Mom said as she sat in the spanking chair. "Hand me that brush, and get over my knee."

She blushed deeply, shamed beyond all imagining. Here she was, a sixteen-year-old young woman, dressed in a too-small vest and horrible panties, going over her mommy's lap for a spanking like a little girl in front of her father and brother. It was so unfair! She was grateful, however, for the fact that all the curtains were drawn. While the sounds of her spanking might well carry outside, at least no one outside the family would see her in this humiliating position. She looked up and saw the delighted grin Bobby wore: this was payback time for a month ago when he'd been in her place.

Her mom took a moment to position her daughter properly so as to have maximum access to her bottom. Aware that she would be unable to keep from reaching back to protect herself once things got going strong, she took Carrie's right hand and held it in place behind her back. She put the brush on the coffee table for the moment, then raised her right hand high.




"OW!... AH!!"

Mom wasn't holding back at all! Even though she was using just her hand over panties, it still stung abominably right from the start. She brought her hand down hard all over her daughter's pantied bottom and upper thighs, determined to make a lasting impression.


"OWWW...MOM, OWWWWWWWW!!!" Carrie cried, her hopes of maintaining her dignity dashed by her mother's hard hand. She began to kick her feet helplessly in the air and clench her hands into fists. Suddenly, the swats stopped for a moment, and she felt her mother take hold of her panties. This was the worst part of the punishment, the thing she would have done anything to avoid. But there was nothing she could do; in one clean, sweeping motion, her mother brought the green panties all the way down to her knees, and her plump round bottom virtually exploded into view!

No words could quite describe the exquisite humiliation of that moment. She still had some "baby fat," and her bubble butt was something she was glad to keep out of view. Unfortunately, that option was not open to her at the moment; both her brother and her father were getting an eyeful of those rapidly-pinkening twin mounds!

"Oh, Mom, PLEASE!!" she cried, kicking in humiliated frustration.

"Oh, Mom, NOTHING," her mother replied. "I intend to finish what I started." With that, she picked up the brush, and brought it down with devastating accuracy on the center of her sore left bottom cheek.

"AHH -- OWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Her eyes bulged at the new intensity of the pain in her backside. The brush kept falling, and she flailed around in a hopeless attempt to avoid its nasty sting. Mom employed an almost diabolical system when wielding the hairbrush: three swats on the left, three on the right, three on the right sit spot, three on the left sit spot. Over and over and over in this fashion, until her daughter dissolved into incoherent wails of distress.

She was now a uniform hot pink color from the top of her bottom down to the tops of her thighs. She kicked, screamed, and pounded her fists in the air in a childish display of anguish. Before any bruises could surface, her mother began to slow her pace. As dreadfully sore as the girl was, even a light tap from the brush now elicited yelps and cries.

Mom kept at it for awhile, no longer swinging hard but concentrating brisk, sharp snaps of the brush all along Carrie's ultra-sensitive sit-spot. She was determined to ensure her daughter took the rules seriously; she hoped that every time she sat down for the next few days, she'd be painfully reminded of the consequences of ignoring them. Then, with three HARD swats to each of Carrie's four "spanking zones," her mother brought the spanking to a spectacular finish.

While the girl cried over her mother's lap, Bobby looked on, no longer grinning, but in awe. He couldn't believe the hard spanking his sister had just taken, and he was more than a little proud of her. Her dad, for his part, was impressed with his wife's skill as a disciplinarian. After a few minutes, Carrie's crying had subsided; her mom gently pulled her up to sit (painfully) on her lap and hugged her.

"No more curfew violations, right, Honey?" she said, gently petting Carrie's head.

"No, Mom, I SWEAR!"

Her dad chuckled a little at that, wondering how long the pledge would last. Mom said, "Do you need to use the bathroom before your corner time?"

Carrie blushed and nodded, and her mother helped her to her feet. They watched Carrie walk slowly and stiffly in her disheveled vest and G string toward the bathroom. Her dad picked up the panties that had gone flying during the hairbrush portion of the spanking and hung them on the hook where Carrie would find them.

The Scanlons were firm believers in the efficacy of long post-spanking corner times to drive home the lesson. It was ten-thirty when their daughter emerged from the bathroom; they directed her back to the corner where she would remain until lunchtime. Standing there sniffling with her hands on her head and her bright red bottom on display, she was the very picture of penitence.

Bobby surprised everyone that day. Instead of sitting and gawking at his sister while she suffered in the corner, he went to work, doing the laundry, the yard work, and even some vacuuming. Carrie was released from the corner at noon, happy to have even the hated green panties to cover her bottom. She fully expected to have to spend hours after lunch doing housework. When she discovered that there was little left for her to do than clean her own room, she was so happy that she embarrassed Bobby with a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead. Then she joined the family for lunch, sitting gingerly on the biggest pillow she could find.

She spent the rest of the day in her punishment outfit with the family as required, but she had the unusual luxury of lying down on the couch and taking a much-needed nap. On her stomach, of course.


Copyright 2010 Carl Philip Michaels

Last edited by carl35; 09-27-2010 at 10:29 PM. Reason: grammar
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Old 09-27-2010, 07:05 PM
49O 49O is offline
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I like your writing style. What a sore bottom each character gets in each of your stories. thanks.
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Old 10-13-2010, 05:04 PM
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My Cerfew

This was when I was about 16. I was going out on a date with a boyfriend name Keith. he had his license and a car. I was finishing with getting ready when I heard the door bell. We were going out to dinner then to the drive in movie. Before I left mom told us I was to be home by 11pm I said OK even Keith told her he get me home on time.We left and had Pizza and coke. then instead of the movies we went to the look out where lovers go. It was called Vista Point. We got there and got out of the car and sat on the hood and was watching the city lights, the stars. we started kissing and hugging. then we decided to go back inside the car. we started up again. He reached inside my blouse and then went to play with my boobs. I just undid my bra and let him go at it. then he wanted to do the other so we started to but then I backed out at the last sec, I said what time was it he looked at his watch and we was late it was almost midnight. we both said shit. he knew I was in for it. cells phones was not in yet. I had no way to call my mom.Keith drove me home fast. I was over an hour late. we got to my place lights was still on. I gulped and told him I don't think I will be sitting to well tomorrow Kieth said I will kiss the soreness away. Keith walked me to the door and he lied to mom he told her he had car trouble and was sorry I was in late. mom seem to buy it at first, I almost got off from being spanked. I had to open my big mouth about vista point. mom knew he was lying. he left and mom turned toward me and said what were you doing in Vista Point I said the truth we was watching the city lights and we talked about stuff and kissed. mom said is that all I said yes, after Mom said you are in trouble for being almost 2hrs late, she said I want you in your room and bare your bottom, I started to protest, mom slapped my right thigh and said MOVE. I went to my room but I had a bad attitude about being spanked.I took off my clothes and skirt and sat on my bed, mom came in and had me bend over the bed and mom started spanking with the brush. mom said get to bed.The next day my mom said she was making a Dr appointment and I sad why, mom said I am having you tested. I got angry and I went off on my mom. I YELLED AT HER SAYING WE DID NOTHING EXCEPT KISS. I WAS YELLING AT THE TOP OF MY VOICE I WAS SO PISSED AT HER. MOM CAME UP AND SLAPPED ME. I ran back in my room and I told her you don't believe me you are calling me a liar.
Then I said go a head make your stupid appointment. I will show you nothing happen.hen I went back in my room and slammed my door I was so pissed I just through stuff and swearing.I open my door and ran out side I had to get out of the house and away frommom.I walked over to Keith's house. He came out and put his arms around me. We walked and talked. he told me let your mom make the appointment she will find out you are telling the truth. my cherry was not popped yet. and the Dr will know it.I went back home and mom made the appointment and the day of the appointment
I was to pee in a cup then mom followed me to the room I had to undress .
The Dr came in. My mom and the Dr talked mom told him I had a boyfriend and mom wanted me to be checked to see it I had done what she thinks I did.
I was still arguing and telling mom you don't believe me, I'll show you I did not do anything wrong, then I said You be sorry.The Dr had me lay on my back he checked my boobs for any lumps, then he had me put my feet up on the stirrups and he went to spread my lips and right away the Dr told mom her cherry was never popped yet. I was glaring at my mom. the Doctor did finish checking my Vagina since I was already there for the check up.
The Dr finished and then I got dressed and then gave mom a sarcastic I TOLD YOU NOTHING HAPPENED.I STORMED OUT OF THE ROOM AND WENT TO THE CAR.I WAS REAL ANGRY AND UPSET THAT MY MOM WOULD NOT BELIEVE HER KID.I gave her such a cold shoulder for the longest time.Mom was real sorry and kept trying to make amends but I did not.Keith came over and my mom spoke to him and she apologized, mom want Keith to get me to forgive.
Keith and I left for the day we went to get lunch then we went to a park and we talked for the longest time.He said your mom feels real bad, I said well she should after all she was calling me a liar. he said why don't you have a long talk with your mom and get the air cleared, I told Kieth I will think about it. told him she really hurt me. he said she was just worry. Keith said I am glad we did not do anything except kissing, Hugging.Keith and I dated for almost 2 yrs.Keith took me home and I went to my room and got some clean clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower, While I was getting in the shower mom knocked on the door I did not answer I was not yet ready to talk. My mom came in and was trying to talk to me I said nothing except roll my eyes in she shower. mom was not getting anywhere so she left.
I got out and dressed then went to grab a soda then went to my room and shut my door, I was not wanting to see or talk to my mom. I was just turning my radio on and grabbing my magazine and laid on my bed.My mom knocked on my door again. I said nothing she opened and I just gave her a quit look then went to read my magazine.Mom said Therese please I want to have a talk with you, mom turned off my radio and then she took the magazine and grabbed my chin to look at her I was beginning to get tears in my eyes and I turned away facing away from her.My mom knew she hurt me real bad
My mom started to rub my back then she grabbed my brush next to my bed and she was brushing my hair softly. I had really long brown hair it was down to my waist. No bangs.then mom grabbed me by my waist and dragged me towards her, then she rolled me over I had my head on her lap and mom took my napkin and was wiping the tears mom started talking and told me some day when I had kids I would see what she was doing, All I could say is I told you the truth but you called me a liar. then mom said she was wrong and she pulled me up again and almost had me on her lap. I started crying again and mom wrapped her arms around me and she started kissing my cheeck and mom said I will make it up to you, I said how. mom said for starters I will believe you. when you say nothing happen. mom said can you please for give your mom I did not say any thing at first. then mom mom lifted mt shirt and started to give me Jelly kisses on my tummy then she began to tickle me till I gave in. I would toss and turn from laughing then my mom started on my back side tickling and I said OK OK mommy please stop I was about to pee my pants from mom tickling, I had to run to the toilet.I came back in mom still on my bed and mom said come here, I did she took me in her arms and held me tight, kissing my cheeck saying she was sorry. she held me a long time rocking me and rubbing my back. The I gave in and I also told mommy I was sorry I do love you mommy and we both hugged for a long time.Mommy has not rocked me in a long time.Then mom took my face and had me face her, Mom said if and when I did have sex before I left home I was to tell her, Mom said she will not get mad but she would be upset,I promised I would. I did not pop till 19yrs.Mom got up off the bed and I was laying on my tummy and mom then put a stray hair away from my face then she said I LOVE YOU BABY, Then she rubbed my back and gave me a few pats on my bottom then mom left.Later I came out and watched a little bit of TV then we had dinner and I went to take another shower and got in my night shirt, I was tired so I was going to bed and mom again said come here. I did mom sitting I stood in front of her mom pulled me down to her level and mom said I am truly sorry baby, I love you. someday you will understand. mom wrapped her arms again then just as I was getting up mom gave me love swat on my butt.
I said LOVE U MOMMY and she said LOVE U BABY. then off to bed I went.
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Old 10-27-2010, 11:43 PM
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That was fantastic! I love a story with this range and intensity of emotion. More, please!
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Old 11-05-2010, 09:42 PM
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Unhappy Not getting Permission

I was 7yrs old and was a Sunday and I got up and ate my breakfast and fot dressed in my swim suite and then wrapped a towel around my body and put my thongs on.

I left to go over to a friends house who had a pool. I had left home with out
first asking if I could go over the neighbors to go swimming.

My mom and baby sister was not up yet. I had already left.

I went to my friends,
we played for a while then we went in the pool and was having fun playing,
I then herd her mom call out to me she said I had to go home. I got out and wrapped the towel and went back home, I was only a couple houses away.

When I went in the house mom was sitting on the couch in her robe with her cig, coffee, Mom looked right at me and asked why I left with out asking, I said I forgot, I am sorry, mom said come here. I knew what was in store.

I went over to her and she put her cup down and then took my towel off and she started to remove my bikini bottom. I was crying and pleading, please mommy I won't do it again I promise. I was bawling, I was not spanked yet.
My mom put me over her knee's and she spanked me with her hands
then I was made to face the corner only in my bikini top.

My mom went back in having her coffee.

Mom let me leave the corner and told me to change, I did I stayed in my room crying on my bed.
My mom came in shortly she picked me up off the bed and carried me over her shoulder to the couch .
Mom put me on her lap she told me I was to never leave with out asking. Mom said it is to dangerous to leave with out letting mom know where you are.

Mom also said it worries her when she dose not know where her kids are.
Then mom still held on me till I came back to normal. I cried on my mom shoulder and she just kept rubbing my back and bottom, and mom said I don't want to repeat this again and I just
shook my head then mom gave me a kiss and patted my butt and said you can go play.

remember what I told you.

I took off to play outside.

I did get it a few more time for not letting mom know.
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Old 11-05-2010, 09:48 PM
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Lightbulb Hiding

I had a sitter to watch me. It was getting dark outside, I sneaked out the back door,I did not want to come in,
My sitter was trying to find me, I hid in between 2 cars by our Apartment.
then the sitter had a friend over to help her search for me.
I kept my eyes on the apartment, they did not see me. It was around 5 or 6 in the
evening. The sitter was getting worried. she could not find me. She had to call my
mom at her work to let her know, could not find Therese. My mom called the
police and the police was over looking for me. I was still hiding, then my mom came home,
I could hear my mom calling out for me. I was hiding by some bushes by our apartment.
The sitter was real upset I was no where to be found. My mom was getting real worried
I was so good at hiding that the cops could not find me. The whole complex was looking for me, then some fella found me behind the bushes and he grabbed me and took me to my mom.
My mom was so happy she gave me a hug. I was found then mom started to shake me and she started to yell at me then I remember hearing a cop say spank her good for scaring us to death, I remember mom said not to worry.
The sitter, cops, mom and the complex was searching for me for about 2hrs.
My mom took me to the front porch and she sat at a chair and then my mom removed my
undies and lifted my dress and then she put me over her knee's.
My mom started spanking me in front of everyone even the police saw my hind end get it

Then I was taken inside and put in bed. the next day mom came and got me up and then made me take a bath, my mom was still upset I had hid. my mom told me if I ever do it again I won't be sitting.
After the bath mom dressed me and warned me to be good for the sitter and if I did anymore mischief I will be spanked
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