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Old 09-06-2008, 09:16 PM
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Setinkhan Setinkhan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: I live in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
Posts: 24
The Secretary’s Mistake

The secretary that was at a desk outside of his office sat typing and every once in a while she would look over at Linda as she nervously sat in the hard chair. Finally the secretary answered the phone and said yes sir. Putting down the phone she said that Mr. Masters will see you now.
As she walked in he was behind his desk and talking on the phone. He ended the phone call and picked up the stack of payments and asked if she had issued payments for these. She looked at them and he held them out to her. Linda took them and replied that she had issued payments for them. He then took them back and asked why she had issued payments for them. Linda thought for a moment and replied that she had wanted to be of more help than just a receptionist. He looked at her, and replied that he had hired her to just be a receptionist, and that was all that he wanted her to do, and that if he had wanted her to do more he would tell her. So you paid out $270,000 in two days that didn’t have to be paid out until after the first of the year. This cost the company money, and I can’t have employees that can’t do what they are told working for me.
Linda realized that she was about to be dismissed and said, Mr. Masters this won’t happen again, and I’ve learned my lesson. I won’t do anything I’m not told to do, but please don’t fire me. I really need this job, and I just love working here. He looked at her with a sarcastic look, and replied that he didn’t think that she had learned anything at all. She assured him that she had and would do whatever he told her to do in the future. He looked at her, and asked are you sure? She said that she was sure, and whatever he wanted all he had to do was ask. He said that he wouldn’t fire her, but he didn’t think she had learned anything. He continued, “Something gained without sacrificed would not be retained”. He then stood up and walked beside of her and with a sweep of his arm brushed most of all the papers off the desk and onto the floor. He stepped back and ordered bend over the desk and grab the other side.
Linda looked at him and started to say something, but then thought better of it and did as she was told. She heard a swiping sound and realized that he had just removed his belt. She thought that she might have to perform some sort of sex for him, but this never entered her mind. She felt his hand on her bottom rubbing the cheeks of her ass and wondered if he had locked the door. Then she felt the first swat of his hand on her butt. It really startled her that he would even think of doing something like this, and she wondered if this job was really worth this. Then she felt another swat on the other side of her butt. He asked if she knew what she was supposed to be doing, and she said that she was a receptionist. He swatted her again and replied that was right, and then swatted her again. He really hit hard and she could feel the imprints of his hand on her butt. You will answerer the phones, and then he swatted her again. You will take messages, and then he swatted her again. Now I want you to say it he ordered. Linda said I will answer the phones, and he swatted her again. I will take messages, and he swatted her again. Linda felt so ashamed at being treated this way, but there was something in her that was enjoying being humiliated in this fashion. While this thought was running through her mind she felt his hand on her butt again rubbing it in little circles. Then she felt both hands on her butt, and his body pushing up against her butt. It felt good, and she could feel his strength as his body touched her. He pulled back and she could feel his hands run down the sides of her dress and grab the hem. As his fingers looped under the hem he moved back and forth and began to pull up her dress. When it had got to the edge of the desk she pushed up a little, and he slid the dress up under her and piled the back part of it on her back. She could feel his fingers on her panties rubbing her butt cheeks. Then he started to move her hips back and forth, and she realized that she was wet, very wet at being treated like this. She thought I wonder if he can tell what he is doing to me with this punishment. He stopped and pulled her panties down to her ankles exposing her wide bottom. He commented on what a pretty butt she had and how red it was. There was silence, and he berated her with, I commented on your butt and I expect an answer. The only one that Linda could think of was, “Thank you Sir”. He replied that she was welcome, and then pulling back one of her garter straps snapped it against her butt. He said I like it when women like you wear garter belts to hold up their stockings. Then she felt his hand again. It rested on both butt cheeks and pulled apart her cheeks. He slipped a finger in between Linda’s round cheeks and rubbed it up and down a couple of times always stopping before getting to her pussy. She wanted so much to have him touch her pussy. If he touches my pussy, I’ll probably cum right here. She thought, I can’t believe how hot I am right now.
He pushed down on her back crushing her tits on the hard desk, and she pushed forward trying to get something hard to touch her pussy. That was when she felt the first swat of the belt on her back. Stop it slut, I don’t want you to cum. She stopped it and realized that she was panting. Then she felt his belt strike her butt in a diagonal both cheeks, which made her gasp for a breath. You will only do as your told from now on, do you understand? Linda was amazed at the sound of her voice as she replied that she did indeed understand. There was another swat across both cheeks, but this one was opposite of the first one. As she was recovering from this last swat he reached out and rubbed her butt. As Linda was trying to catch her breath she wondered if he knew what this was doing to her. He asked, what is you job? Linda replied that she was supposed to answer phones, and he swatted her again. “And I’m supposed to take messages”, and he swatted her again. She wanted so much to rub herself against the hard desk and try to get herself off. Again, he stated repeat what your job is. Linda was amazed that her voice was sounding so husky. It was obviously because she wanted some water, as her mouth had gone dry. I’m supposed to answer phones, and again she felt the swat across both her cheeks cutting and burning into her skin. And she grinded out I’m supposed to take messages, and again there was the belt on her bottom. She thought she might not need anything to touch her pussy to start cumming. He was moving to the side to start again, when there was a knock at the door. Linda almost had a heart attack when she heard him say, “Come in”. She started to jump up and push down her dress, but then she figured it would be better if she didn’t see the persons face. She heard the secretary from the desk outside say that the projections were ready for him to sign. She heard him say nonchalantly good we can really get them out early this month. He took the papers and moved behind the desk and pulled out a pen out of his drawer and started to sign the papers. Linda could hear this because she had her eyes closed and shut tight. She just could not believe that he was doing this while the secretary was standing right there. He stopped, and asked. What’s this, I didn’t think it would be this much. Linda heard the secretary move to him and she showed him that it was because the sales from the northern region had increased over last quarter because of the long summer. Oh yeah! I predicted that last spring, well I’m happy about that, and with the last exchange began to sign the papers again. Linda ventured a look, and saw his hand making his signature on one paper after another. She heard something and looked up and saw the secretary smiling down at her. Linda closed her eyes again and put her head down. She thought that this would be all over the office by the time that she was released from her punishment. After the papers were signed the secretary took them and left and she heard the belt being picked up again. She took in a deep breath, and then felt his finger along the inside of one of her thighs. As he ran his finger up her leg she could tell that it was wet, and that the wetness was coming from her. My he said you are a wet one huh?
She felt another swat from his belt. I demand an answer when I ask you a question. Yes Sir, I am a wet one. A wet what, followed by another swat. Linda thought for a minute and responded, a wet slut Sir. I know you are. He said, that was good and he picked up her head using her hair. He kind of pushed her back and she slid to the floor not able to stand at the moment. She looked at him as he looked at her. Well I think you will need more coaching from time to time, but for now this should suffice. You can pick up all the papers and put them back on my desk before you leave. Linda crawled over to where the papers had been scattered on the floor, and picking some up tried to stand. With every movement she could feel her butt throbbing from the spanking that she had just received.
After she had picked up all the papers and put the desk back in order she pulled up her panties and pushed down her dress. She combed and brushed her hair and calmed herself as much as she could. As she was doing this she looked at him smiling and asked, “Do I have to be bad to be coached from time to time?” He calmly said I think you need to be coached at least once a week, and next time we will do it from my house.
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