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Old 08-30-2011, 03:37 AM
bonzo1961 bonzo1961 is offline
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Paid For Her Pain Part 2 of 3

Ashley pulled into the driveway, it had been a long day and she was glad to get home, two call ins at work, bad traffic, and high heat and humidity had made today a day to forget. As she walked inside she was glad to get into some cooler air,even though the window unit was on it's last leg it was better than nothing. The house was unusually quiet, where was everyone, she walked to the kitchen and looked out the window, there was her mom playing with the kids in their little plastic pool, she smiled at the sight of them and went outside to join them. " Hey guys, I'm home" she said, then asked her mom " How did they behave today" "Little Angels" she said with a small laugh "I'll just bet" Ashley doubted they had been. " You going to stay for dinner, I think I going to make some hamburgers" Ashley asked. " No, I need to be going home" her mom declined. " Oh, by the way you had a call today from some woman who wanted you to call her back, I left the nunber by the phone"
Ashley hurried back inside to see who it was, it had been a week but maybe? The note read Call Melinda Cooper, and gave the number . That was her, she had given up, maybe there was still a chance. She dialed the number, then stepped out on the front porch for some privacy. The phone rang several times before it was answered " Hello, this is Melinda Cooper" " Hi Melinda , this is Ashley Berry returning your call" "Hi Ashley, sorry it took so long to get back, but our client was away on business, so it put things on hold" I did want to let you know that he saw your video, and liked it alot, so he approved your punishment, if you are still interested, he even raised your payout from $ 18,700 to $ 25,000, If you take the whole punishment, "Really!" said Ashley "That would be awesome" "Let me remind you that if you do not take the whole punishment, you will only be paid 5% of the original amount or about $750" Melinda reminded her. " I remember, I think I'll be able to take it all" said Ashley confidently. "Well, the next thing is when can you come in for the shooting?" asked Melinda " We shoot on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays" Ashley thought for a minute, then told her she had the following Wednesday off. " I have 10 am, 2pm, or 4 pm open, Will any of those work for you?" Ashley thought, then decided that 10 am would be the best time. " OK Great, 10 am Wednesday it is, let me go over a couple things real quick" Melinda explained " All this is in the folder I gave you, but I did want to make you aware that you are allowed an escort to come with you, and with the punishment you selected you might want to think about it." "Also This will be a witnessed punishment, there will be 5 people watching, if you want to change that it will affect the payout" "Is that still OK?" Melinda asked " That will be OK" Ashley said " And last" continued Melinda "You need to read the folder I gave you carefully, it covers the punishment procedure, as well as how you are to dress, when to arrive, use of a safeword, even medical treatment if you would need it" "Make sure you read the whole thing, and if you have any questions please call me" "I have already read it some, but will go over it again" Ashley assured her. " Well, I guess if you have no more questions I'll let you go, and we will see you next Wednesday" Melinda said in closing" " No more questions for now, I will see you Wednesday, and thank you so much" The two women said their goodbyes and the conversation ended. Ashley now felt excited, and anxious, but she was determined to take that punishment, her family needed her to.
As time passed, and Wednesday drew near, Ashley began to get more nervous about the whole thing. Nervous about having her butt whipped, and what that would feel like and if she could endure the whole thing, nervous about being naked, or semi-naked in front of others, who were they ,were they someone she knew. Just nervous about everything, this was the first time she had done anything like this. She did feel better knowing that her friend Sissy would be going with her, she had done this before and knowing she would be there helped. Ashley had also gone over the instructions probably 50 times the past few days, and had picked out the dress, and shoes she was going to wear.The instructions were to wear the nicest clothes possible, also to wear no makeup, or nail polish on her fingers, or toes. The instructions also went over all the details of what was to happen, and Ashley went over them over, and over. Part of her was excited, and part was terrified, about what was going to happen. She just kept telling herself that in a couple days she would have more money than she makes in a year, and thought about all she could do with it.
Wednesday finally arrived, and Ashley proceded to get ready, the kids were still asleep when her mom arrived. She had told her mom about what she had agreed to do, and her mother hated the thought of her daughter being whipped, but also knew it was her life, and she had to let her do what she thought best. She just promised to be there when she returned if she needed her. Ashley anxiously waited for Sissy to pick her up, it was just after 9am, and her nerves were starting to get the best of her. She thought about a drink, but it was not allowed. If she was suspected of drinking the shoot would be canceled, and not rescheduled. Ashley looked beautiful, she wore her black dress that fit her perfectly, and her black high heeled shoes, and her blonde curls framed her pretty face. Ashley usually applied makeup, but today she had folled the rules, and applied none. The kids were just starting to wake up, when Sissy blew her horn out front. Ashley stood up and geve her mom a hug, " You know you don't have to do this" she reminded Ashley " Yes mom, I really do" " I'll Be O K", and she gathred her purse and headed for the door, she was thinking as she walked to the door that in a few hours she would be back, and it would all be over.
As she closed the front door behind her, she walked to her friends car and got in "Hey Sissy" she said as she got in. "Hey to you girl, How are you?" Sissy asked " A nervous wreck" was the reply. They had just enough time to get to their destination, without being early. That was one thing that was clear, don't be late or early. They did not want to wait for you, it would mess up the whole schedule, and they did not want you there early, as they were finishing a shoot before you arrived. Ashley finally asked Sissy " Do these people do this alot?, I mean do many women actually do this?" "Actually, you would be suprised" was Sissy's responce. "With the amount of money they pay, there are a lot more women than you think who do this" " I would have never guessed" . The trip seemed to go so fast, as the girls caught up on what was going on with each other. Ashley wished it would slow down but soon the were pulling into the parking lot. Ashley checked her watch, it was 9:57, right on time.And by the time they exited the car, and walked to the entrance it was 10am exactly.
As they walked in they were greeted by Melinda, and numerous other women, each taking the time to explain what the would be doing . It seemed like a whirlwind of activity, and everyone seem to be smiling, and at ease except for Ashley. It almost seemed unreal, as the others left Melinda asked Ashley to come into her office. "Well, how are you today?" she asked Ashley "I don't know, extremely nervous" was her reply. "You need to ty to relax, you are among friends here, just remember that" Melinda tried to reassure Ashley, and keep her calm. " I just need you to sign a few forms before we get started" Melinda pulled several forms from a folder which had Ashleys name on it. They were legal forms, which stated what was to take place, and how Ashley was doing this of her own free will, and how she would be paid, and various other legal applications. Finally they were finished. " I trust you have read the procedure for what we are going to do here" asked Melinda. "I have" was Ashleys response. "And I do see you brought an escort, correct?" "Thats right, Sissy , she was the one who refered me here" "Once you go back, I will tell her what she needs to do, and were she will meet you when you are finished" Melinda explained. Ashley just nodded he head yes. "Well, are you ready?" Melinda asked " I guess so" Ashley replied. Melinda picked up the phone and dialed, "Olivia, Ms Berry is to be taken for her punishment now" and she hung up the phone. Soon there was the sound of someone coming down the hall, and a tall, attractive woman entered the room. "This is Ms Berry, I'll turn her over to you now" Melinda said. " Please stand up", Olivia said "and place your hands behind your back" Ashley took a deep breath, and stood up. She was shaking, and she placed her hands behind her back. Olivia placed a pair of handcuffs on her, then said " Come with me" Oliva took hold of Ashleys right arm, and led her down the hall and through the door. to be continued
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