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Old 02-11-2007, 03:28 PM
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MichiganHeadmaster MichiganHeadmaster is offline
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Posts: 186
The Math Tutor Part I-A

Another one originally posted at and rescued from World Spanking Forum.

I wrote it in two parts, but had to break Part I into parts A and B to meet the character limit on MSF.


The Math Tutor


Samantha carefully studied the multiple-choice question on the page in front of her. She wasn’t sure she understood it, and that made her nervous.

Q. Which of the following is equivalent to (x)(x)(x)(x), for all x ?

The answer choices were:
A. 4x
B. x to the fourth power
C. x+4
D. 4 to the x power
E. 2x squared

Samantha felt a bead of sweat on her forehead. She didn’t have much time to think about the answer. A voice confirmed this.

“You only have thirty seconds, Samantha.” It was the voice of her tutor, Rick.

In fact, Samantha now only had twenty seconds left. She had to select an answer, and she had to get it right. She concentrated. What did “for all x” mean? No, forget that. What do 4 x’s in parentheses mean? Of course! It meant four times x. That was it! She would get this one right.

“A,” Samantha announced. Her heart sank when she realized her stupid mistake. “No!” she screamed. “I meant D!” She realized, too late, that the four x’s in sequence meant x to the fourth, not four times x.

“Sorry,” said Rick. “There are no do-overs. Not here, and not in real life. Prepare yourself.”

Samantha braced herself. She felt a light tap on her bottom. The thin lexan cane was finding a place to paint its first stripe on her tender butt. It moved up and down then settled midway up her cheeks. A couple more light taps, then nothing for a few seconds. Finally, a swish and a loud impact. A sharp sting, that didn’t seem too bad at first. But then it hit. The blood rushing back to the impact site and the intense searing sensation, building up over a period of ten to fifteen seconds before finally peaking at a steady burn, was her introduction to the lexan cane on her bare bottom.

Samantha clenched her fists tightly, and felt a tear well up in her eye. She wanted desperately to reach back and rub her buttocks to dissipate the sting somewhat. Unfortunately, the leather wrist straps and forearm straps at the front of the padded kneeler kept her from moving her arms. Likewise, the strap across her waist prevented her from moving her hips more than an inch or two from side to side, while helping to keep her back arched so her bottom was more prominently displayed. The strap also served as a convenient place to tuck her skirt so that it didn’t fall back over her shapely bottom. Finally, thigh straps, partly hidden by her lowered panties, kept her legs firmly in place.

“Well, you’re zero-for-one, Samantha. You’re going to have to do better than that if you want to pass this class, or even if you want to be able to sit down after today’s lesson. At least you’ll get the answer right on the second guess, won’t you? You know the penalty for a second wrong guess is two strokes, and so on until you get it right.” Her ass still on fire, Samantha despaired, wondering how she would get through the rest of the thirty questions. It was such a stupid mistake, too! The tear welling up in her eye now rolled down her cheek.

“The answer is A.” Samantha announced. After a wrong answer, the rules were that she had fifteen seconds to select another answer. Taking too long to answer was the same as a wrong answer. It was better for her to take a guess and take a chance on being wrong, than to take too long and still have to answer again, possibly increasing her punishment further. One wrong answer would get one stroke, two wrong answers two strokes, and so on, except that three stokes would always be the maximum for any answer, and six strokes would be the maximum punishment for any question. That wasn’t much consolation, since that would equal 180 stokes if she never got one right answer! Rick had assured her that this was impossible so long as she concentrated and applied herself.

Passing her upcoming final exam with at least 80% correct was the only way 20-year-old Samantha was going to be able to pull a B in her introductory math class at Beaver County Community College. If she didn’t get at least a B, Samantha would have to take the class again and would not be admitted into the nursing program the following semester, and would have to wait an entire year for another opportunity. Becoming a nurse was Samantha’s dream, and if she didn’t get into the program this year, she would have to go back to her waitressing job at the Main Street Diner. It wasn’t a bad job, and the people were nice, but getting her nursing degree was the only way Samantha was going to be able to move out of her small town. She wanted so much to graduate and get hired at General Hospital in Beaver Falls.

Samantha loved her classes, and got straight A’s. She was sure to be admitted to the nursing program, but she had to pass the required math class, since prospective nurses had to master such things as calculating the correct dosages of drugs for patients based on their weight. Mistakes could have severe consequences. Thus, candidates were required to pass the class with a B.

Samantha never liked math. She always got by with C’s or D’s in math and arithmetic in grade school and high school, but now she had to actually master the material. After getting a C on her mid-term, Samantha absolutely had to get an A on her final, or 80% correct. It seemed impossible and, in desperation, she looked in the classifieds for a tutor.

Rick, 28, was a teaching assistant in the math department at the University of Beaver Falls. He made good money tutoring high school and community college students. Most of his students had parents who could afford his fees, but Samantha had only the money she had saved from tips at the Main Street Diner, and that was going fast. Still, she had no choice. Even if she had to go hungry, she desperately needed to hire Rick.

Having grown up in Beaver Falls, Rick worked his way through college and saved up enough for a small house outside the city. He did his tutoring from a small classroom in his basement. His students always excelled after ten to twelve sessions, since he was able to identify any learning difficulties and tailor the classes accordingly. His reputation allowed him to charge above-average fees.

The first three sessions with Rick went well. Samantha started actually getting the concept of fractions and proportions. He made learning fun, and it didn’t hurt that she thought he was quite handsome. Always the professional, Rick treated every student, male and female (including the young, shapely Samantha) with respect. And yet, though he was quite strict and conveyed an air of authority, he was still personable and was able to get physically close to his students without making them feel uncomfortable. Instead of sitting across the table from Samantha during lessons, he preferred to sit right next to her. Samantha grew to like it, and found herself making every effort to scoot closer to him while he was explaining the material. She liked being close enough to smell his cologne. After three classes, she wondered whether he felt as turned on by her as she was by him. But if he was, it didn’t show.

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