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Old 01-20-2008, 02:18 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Julia's Lap Part 2

Then without another word said, Mary Jo is drawn face down across Julia's waiting lap! Seconds later the short, yellow skirt and pink slip are raised, as Julia wastes no time in tugging Mary Jo's pink lace panties down to her buckled knees! "(Pant!) ..Ok! Mary Jo!" She snarls .."This is something you've really been asking for!"......Whack!....."OOOOOOOW!" ....Slap...."AHHHH!"
DAMN......J-JULIA!" "Damn nothing!" Julia wheezes as her strong hand comes down again.......Smack!........"OOOOOOH! (Sob!) T-THAT HURTS!" As Mary Jo's thin, bare midsection presses into Julia's lap, she can feel the firm thighs bordering the plush, furry section!.......Crack!........"UUUUGH!".....Whack!
(Sob!) ...."OOOO-OUCH!" ....In desperation Mary Jo digs her toes into the bedroom carpet and pushes forward trying to roll off Julia's lap!

Wrestling for a few moments, Julia again gains control of Mary Jo's sqirming hips. Wrapping her right leg over and around the kicking legs, then grasping the reaching right hand at the wrist, Julia solidly pins down Mary Jo firmly across her now fully exposed lap! "(Pant!) Ok! Mary Jo!" She wheezes; "You talked about the hairbrush........Now let's see how you like it?"

Reaching over to the vanity table, Julia picks up her favorite hairbrush (For brushing hair!) Then fits it firmly into her right hand! "God! no...Not that!"
A frightened Mary Jo cries; .."Julia y-you've never (Sob!) used t-that before........Have you?" ....."Hmmmm!....No Mary Jo not yet.....You will be the first!" Julia coos while rubbing her left hand over the hard, flat surface of the brush! "(Sob!) ....C'mon I-I'am sorry I got you mad Julia......But please not t-that hairbrush....P-Please.....Your hand is hard enough!"......"Ha! you know Mary JoJulia sighs; "I kind of like the feel of this thing!" As she gently slaps the back of her left hand with her new punishing implement. Tightening her bottom cheeks, Mary Jo lays docile over Julia's firm lap.......Waiting for the worse!

Whack!..........."OOOOOW!"...Mary Jo hollers as her breath is taken away by torrid sting of the brush........Smack!......"(Gasp!) AAAAAAH!"......Crack!
"(Sob!) ..G-GOD!....JULIA...I-IT'S SO-O PAINFUL!" ....Slap! ..."Yes Mary Jo, I bet it is!" Julia answers with another hard spank! .....Whack!....."(Sob!) OOOOOOOH!.....P-PLEASE!"........Smack...."(Pant!) "I think you've learned something today!".........Crack!........"Not to get me mad!".......Splat!
"Just before a spanking!" ........Whack!......"Right Mary Jo?".......Slap!
"OOOOOOH! G-GOD! YES J-JULIA!" She bleates while frantically trying to free her bruised bottom by bucking and twisting in the strong grip!

"(Pant!) No you don't Mary Jo!" Julia wheezes as she raises the hairbush higher!...........Smack!............"OOOOOOOOW! (Sob!)" .......Crack!.......Whack! As the raised skirt and slip boils over her back, Mary Jo grits her teeth and tightly grips the rung of the chair with her left hand. Seeing blisters form across Mary Jo's slim, pear shaped buttocks, Julia moves downward with the stinging brush. Concentrating on the milky, white thighs!.....Crack! ........(Choke!) J-JULIA!......... (Sob!) I-I CAN'T TAKE....A-ANYMORE....PLEEEEZ!" Easing up on her grip, Julia allows Mary Jo to twist her hips sideways, turning directly into the fertile area of her lap! Stopping the hard punshment foir a moment, Julia watches as a moaning Mary Jo pushes and grinds against the center of her lap!

"Ok!(Pant!) I'am going to finish this with my hand!" Julia informs while laying the brush down on the carpet. Wth only a gargling groan coming through Mary Jo's clenched teeth. Then re-adjusting the trim midsection directly across her closed lap. Julia states; "Ok! let's get down to the basics again!" Raising her strong punishing, right hand, she brings it down!......Whack!

"Yes Mary Jo!".......Slap!............"This will be punishment only! (Pant!)" Crack!..........."AAAAAH! J-JULIA!" With Julia's light, blue skirt and white slip now bunched up around her waist. Mary Jo lays submissively over "Julia's workbench!" As the spanks continue to rain down across her open, inner thighs, while her pink panties stretch tightly around her twisting knees!Smack!............Whack!............Crack! ....."(Gasp!).OOOOOOW!" ...Slap!
"O-OUCH!.......P-PLEASE STOP....J-JULIA......PLEEEEZ!" .....Splat!
"UGH!.......OOOOOW!"........Slap!...."O-OUCH!"....."Now Mary Jo are you going to question!"..........Smack!......"My disciplining techniques anymore?"
..Crack! .........Splat!......."NO JULIA......G-GOD! NO....P-PLEASE JUST S-STOP!" Then finishing with several well aimed blows to Mary Jo's withering upper thighs, Jula gasps as she leans back in the vanity table chair.

"Whew!.....That spanking was some work!" She sighs; "Ha! Ha! I sure hope you appreciate my effort Mary Jo?"......."Yeah! sure Julia,.....You beat my ass black and blue....And I'am suppose to appreciate it?" Softly rubbing her hand over Mary Jo's welted buttocks, she coos; "Hmmmm! I did do a good job........Didn't I?" Still laying across Julia lap, Mary Jo feels moisture oozing out from Julia's undergarment...."Gee! You came.......Didn't you?" She gasps! Beginning to move her hand onto Mary Jo's bruised, but still soft inner thighs, Julia stammers slightly; "I-I guess I did....Gee! Mary Jo....I feel so embarrassed!" Slightly turning and looking up at Julia, Mary Jo smiles;
"Don';t be Julia.......I did too! The feel of your lap.....Is a real turn-on!"
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