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Old 04-23-2007, 01:40 AM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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Thumbs up Personal Spanking Preferences

We all have them so I thought maybe we could each post about our own. Then if we are ever wondering about some one you can pull this up.

Some bottoms love paddles, most love leather, some need to be warmed up with a crop, some have implements that are completely off limits, some know exactly what will send them to subspace. Do you have a hard limit (something you absolutely will not play with)? DO you have anything you REALLY REALLY hate (in a good way? in an I don't want to play way)? Favorite position?

This is meant for tops and bottoms. See my next post for an example. Can't wait to learn more spanking info about you!

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Old 04-23-2007, 02:16 AM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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About Kaylex

WHAT WORKS: I am a hard player. I LOVE variety! And I LOVE to play! I don't do discipline (right now and won't til I'm married). Canes, paddles, straps, pervertables, hands, loopy johns, switches (I LOVE IMPLEMENTS AND VARIETY).... bring it ON!! I don't bruise much anymore (pout). I'm pretty stoic during a spanking (ok some would say I'm not human). I have the pain tolerance of a linebacker. I like playing for extended periods of time.

ROLEPLAY: Love it but require a definate start and stop. I hate it when fantasy and reality kinda collide. I don't have a bedtime if we are roleplaying, game on, let's discuss it and play, if we aren't role playing don't bring it up because i don't have one. I Like more traditional role playing... not into the sexual stuff.

SUBSPACE: Hands send me into subspace if done well. I can take a HARD hand spanking but that isn't going to send me to subspace. For subspace it needs to be moderate and steady not so light it's annoying but not so hard that I have to concentrate to get through each smack.

WHAT I HATE: Don't use your fingers to barely touch me, or use your fingers nails on me like a chalk board or anything else that will give that sensation. I hate it, it gives me the heeby jeebies and ruins any headspace I'm in (and if You get me at the right time I get downright ANGRY). And if you hit HARD and have bad aim and I know you well I may hit back (but only if your really off and i know you should know better). I dont take anything off above the waist. I understand that some spankers get really hot during play... I however am usually cold... so if you need the room cold I want a blanket and I'll take my pants down but not off I need the warmth. (Lay off the "i'll warm you up" jokes, It just doens't work that way) Also if you're not my boyfriend I'm not going to keep my bottom bare unless the front of me is covered (in a corner is fine, walking across the room is not, i'm not going to stand before you with my front exposed.)

BRATTING: I like to brat but sometimes with having appointments at parites I don't really get a chance to. If i bite, pinch or pull your hair (head, eyebrows, leg, arm) It's an open invitation.

Alright that's my info, I'll Edit if I think of other things,
Bare facts,

Last edited by kaylex; 06-26-2007 at 05:02 PM.
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:52 AM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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I like the idea of this thread and I DO hope all of our wonderful spankees take the time to post their thoughts on it. That said, I can just imagine a Top at a party walking around with a printout saying "Ok, She likes Roleplay, That one HATES wood.....". (For those whom color-coded badges just aren't enough)

"I don't bruise much anymore (Pout)" ?? This is a whole other thread in the making. I personally don't like leaving bruises (and once got thrown out of someone's house for leaving one by accident) but apparently a number of spankees are ok with them. I should point out that no matter WHAT level of tolerance a spankee has, it only takes ONE bad/sloppy hit to cause one.

I have a love/hate relationship with bratting. At Texas All-State, the rule was "Don't do it unless you absoultely intend to play with someone. Bratting is to be construed as an invitation to play." From that angle, it's certainly nice to be invited. On the other hand, it can really throw someone off during play and there are easier ways to communicate intentions.

I'll post more later as warranted.
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Old 04-23-2007, 07:37 AM
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Im quite flexible as to what the spankee wants but my favourite type of scene is where I can give lots of strict verbal chat and to see the spankee squirming before Ive even started to spank him. I long hand spanking then followed up by more chat and a solid caning.

Receiving its similiar I suppose, I like discipline scenes the anticipation/apprehension of receiving a good lecture over some misdemeanor I like to feel "small" not in a humiliation sort of way but whereby I feel protected, then a loooonnnngggg hand spanking where Im over someones lap with my head and body supported, then bending over a table and strapped with a caning if Ive been (and I normally am lol ) particulary naughty.
Its Ma'am or Miss to you boy!
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:05 PM
teefortexas teefortexas is offline
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Thumbs up Congratulations Kaylex!

Dear Senior Member,

It was an honor and a thrill to be in attendance for your graduation.
You make me so proud!

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Old 04-23-2007, 11:42 PM
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Preferred Spankings

I have two favored positions for a spankee. I love having her OTK to receive my hand or a smaller implement. However, I also like to put her over a desk for the school paddle or cane.

When it comes to scenarios, I prefer her to make me react to something if the spanking is to be spontaneous. For true role play, I'll be happy to initiate it. I love writing letters to send naughty students to the headmaster's office.
Spanking The Bare Bottoms Of Female Brats As A Service To All Good Citizens
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Old 04-24-2007, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by kaylex View Post
WHAT WORKS: I am a hard player. I LOVE variety! And I LOVE to play! I don't do discipline (right now and won't til I'm married). Canes, paddles, straps, pervertables, hands, loopy johns, switches (I LOVE IMPLEMENTS AND VARIETY).... bring it ON!! I don't bruise much anymore (pout). I'm pretty stoic during a spanking (ok some would say I'm not human). I have the pain tolerance of a linebacker. I like playing for extended periods of time.

ROLEPLAY: Love it but require a definate start and stop. I hate it when fantasy and reality kinda collide. I don't have a bedtime if we are roleplaying game on let's discuss it and play, if we aren't role playing don't bring it up because i don't have one. Like more traditional role playing... not into the sexual stuff.

SUBSPACE: Hands send me into subspace if done well. I can take a HARD hand spanking but that isn't going to send me to subspace. For subspace it needs to be moderate not so light it's annoying but not so hard that I have to doncentrate to get through each smack.

WHAT I HATE: Don't use your fingers to barely touch me, or use your fingers nails on me like a chalk board or anything else that will give that sensation. I hate it, it gives me the heeby jeebies and ruins any headspace I'm in. And if you hit HARD and have bad aim and I know you well I may hit back (but only if your really off and i know you should know better). i dont take anything off above the waist.

BRATTING: I like to brat but sometimes with having appointments at parites I don't really get a chance to.

Alright that's my info, I'll Edit if I think of other things,
Bare facts,
A great topic for a thread! Looking forward to reading others thoughts on the posting. For me I'm a medium to hard player prefering to spank hard enough to cause the spankee wiggle and squirm but not hard enough to make her to sore to quickly as I like to play for extended periods. How hard and the severity level depend on the spankee as does so much else. Although I'm very flexable, believe in mutual gratification as I prefer to leave the spanking eager to play agian. I LOVE VARIETY! Variety in implements, positions and techniques. Enjoy trying new things to discover new ways to play.

Each spankee is different in thier likes, needs and dislikes so I don't see a one type spanking fits all as a good way to play. I prefer to work with my spankee to make each one as different as those recieving them. Good communication is the key to customizing a spanking to a good fit for each spankee/spanker combo. Most of what will happen is up to the spankee to determene at what level and extent if any it will go on. Subspace would be cool to see.

ROLEPLAYING & BRATTING: I haven't engaged in roleplaying yet so don't have much of an opinion on it. Bratting depends a lot on how it is done. If done in a light hearted fashion can humor and add fun to the play. But can also be over done and deter from it if play & reality aren't clearly seperated. The way it way done at Txallstate worked very well were it was considered and open invitation to play. It is alway welcome to be invited to play, any time I don't have to ask it's GREAT!.

Bratting and roleplaying are both like chosing to Go from Dalles to Ft. Worth via Waco instead of taking the expressway. Both will get you there. Just depends on where you want to spend you time on the journey getting there or doing more of what you plan on doing when you get there.


Last edited by hwyman; 04-24-2007 at 08:27 PM.
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Old 04-25-2007, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Batman View Post
I have two favored positions for a spankee. I love having her OTK to receive my hand or a smaller implement. However, I also like to put her over a desk for the school paddle or cane.

When it comes to scenarios, I prefer her to make me react to something if the spanking is to be spontaneous. For true role play, I'll be happy to initiate it. I love writing letters to send naughty students to the headmaster's office.
High 5's to Batman, I couldn't agree with you more on this one......though the list could go on from there!

Gary D.
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Old 05-01-2007, 11:14 AM
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Old 05-01-2007, 11:30 AM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Welcome aboard Ami. Nice to have you here. Come on into chat when you can and meet the regulars.
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Old 05-01-2007, 05:15 PM
papabear1362 papabear1362 is offline
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Since I am a switch that likes to spank as well as be spanked. I prefer the OTK position as well as bending over a desk. It all depends up on the implement that is being used. I prefer leather over wood, but I have both. In my toy bag I only have the fun implements that I enjoy playing with. I must know how the implements feels prior to using it on someone else.

As for roleplay, give me someone that likes to be spanked and I am happy.
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