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Old 02-03-2009, 10:45 PM
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ScarletFanny ScarletFanny is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 44
Exclamation I Was Naughty(Part 2)

"Darling. Thank you very much for these lovely gifts and now for your gifts." You smiled at me with a special glint in your eye that piqued my curiosity as to what you’d gotten me. You handed me a small box which I opened cheerfully. Then my eyes bugged out a bit as there it was! The exact same ring I had bought! "Th..thank you sweetie. It’s gorgeous!" You handed me another box and that one had the same earrings and bracelet. Then you gave me another with the necklace, another and the shoes and still one more which had the skirt and top I had bought the day before! "Wow! Thank you my love!" That was my reply but through the joy, I also had a look of puzzlement on my face.
"It seems to me, dear you have seen these things before and no lying because you know how omniscent I am." There was a big smile on your face and an undertone of your diabolical nature. "Well, umm...yes, I have seen these before. Oh, honey. I had bought them yesterday." "I know darling. You went to the Priory Mall in town and you got each of these things and used my credit card and then you came home and hid them. You also did not clean the house till the hour before I came in and you made short shrift of dinner although, that was pretty tasty."
"How? How can you know all this love?" "Because I got off work early and spent the day following you and seeing what you were up to. Now, you spent the amounts of 40gbp, 60gbp, 120gbp, 200gbp, 150gbp, 75gbp and 50gbp for a total of 1260gbp." I had a sudden sinking feeling of what those amounts would entail as you were always coming up with very clever and wicked ways to make my bare cheeks as dark and sore as possible and Christmas Day was of no exception. "So, keeping with those amounts, I feel a discipline is in order today before we go to church so that as you sit on your bottom, your very sore bottom in your lovely new outfit, you will remember this lesson: You must not ever use my credit card unless I give you express permission and you must also know all you had to do was ask and this all would have been yours without an additionally sore red bottom. So, I am going to punish my little minx now and later when we return from church and have had a lovely dinner, you will get your annual Christmas spanking. The order of this punishment will be as follows: My hand for the first 50, the Jokari for 75, the bathbrush for 150, the loopy Johnny for 200, the Cocobolo for 120, this lovely new cane for 60 and finally 40 with the Blade Paddle and I think the one with the holes. Now, go fetch me the tools and then bring them back. I shall have you on the sofa over my knee and you will hand me the implements as I request them. Then you will bend over the sofa arm with your hands on the floor for the others. Now, chop chop!"
I silently went to the bedroom cupboard where all the implements were kept and nervously pulled them all down. I was still in shock at how you followed me, knowing each thing I’d got and then where I’d hid it here. My bottom already felt tingly and it hadn’t been spanked yet. With my countenance decided, you called me over and beckoned me across your knee, a place I was very familiar with on a daily and multiple times daily basis. Laying myself over and settling in, I recalled all the times before today I had been in this same position with much nostalgic waxing. Spanking after spanking had been levied over your knee and I felt very introspective remembering each hot stingy smack. With my recollection set in my mind now, I snuggle in closer to you and although punishment loomed like the sword of damacles, I felt safe, loved and contented.
Soon, that safety would be tested as would the contentment as your hand came thunderously down in two well aimed smacks one on each cheek. I always knew never to count the first few of them as you always warmed up, practiced your spanks to get them just right every time. Several more followed getting harder and my bottom already warming to a nice deep simmer. Thus far I had been silent and even had a bit of a half pouty half smiling face. As the spanking grew more intense my smile faded and my pout dissolved into a dampening of my eyes which then welled and little tears began to leak out. I was still fairly silent except for an exclamation of ’oh’ or ’ooow’ here and there as a spank would catch me off guard because of your adherence to sporadic timing.

I glanced down in front of me where the remainder of the implements lay taking in a deep breath in trepidation of the ones which were to follow your hand. Your hand was so strong and spanked with such force, it was an implement in and of itself to be reckoned with. What seemed an eternity passed and I knew you had easily exceeded the count number you gave me for your hand warm up which was more like a hand hot up. "Now, hand me the Jokari paddle like a good girl and ask me to use it." I reached over and picked up the Jokari and handed it round to you saying, "Sir, please use this paddle to punish me for being such a naughty girl and shopping without your permission and using your credit card against your rule." "Yes, dear Diane. I will, happily." And then the spank on each cheek, uncounted of course as these were just practice shots. Then CCCrrraaaccckkkkkk!!! You did them in half. You spanked each cheek 35 times without switching back and forth which was an incredibly intense feeling. My cheeks were throbbing now, the heat turned up to full on and my tears and cries now audible. You loved my reactions to things. I would often amuse you to the point of laughter with my reactions to things like the dreaded blade paddle and the canes you’d made and birches. You loved to see me act in our role plays and how so into the role I’d get. It was all part of our very rich and varied dynamic.
Scarlet Fanny

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