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Old 01-28-2009, 09:49 AM
MarvinUK MarvinUK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 16
Games Mistress gets her come-uppance Part 1

Knock Knock

"Come in", said Alan Bradbury, Headmaster of St Augustines school, peering up over his half-lens spectacles.

And in marched a triumphant Stephanie Bradshaw, games mistress, leading 2 girls by their ears.

"Good God Mrs Bradshaw, I hope there's a good explanation for this", he said, "These are the Head Girl and Deputy Head of the school". Looking first at the blonde Melanie Trubshaw and brunette Sarah Wilkinson.

"I know that headmaster, but do you know what these young hussies have been up to?", snarled Mrs Bradshaw.

"Well I'm sure (hic) you're going to tell him", mouthed the deputy head Sarah Wilkinson as she vigourously chewed some bubble-gum before blowing a bubble leading to fits of giggles from both girls.

"I found them headmaster in the woods, with boys from the college. And they were drinking and smoking. And they were in school uniform", she replied.

Despite both girls being 18, St Augustines had strict uniform rules. White blouse with a red and black striped tie and maroon pleated skirt. And black blazer which in Melanie Trubshaw's case, as head-girl, had 2 red strips on the sleeves. While Sarah had one. And in Melanie's case, the skirt could probably be better termed a pelmet, it was that short.

After lecturing both girls for a good 10 minutes during which they yawned repeatedly, the Head said, "Now for your punishment. What do you suggest Mrs Bradshaw?"

Jabbing a finger in the direction of both girls she said, "These girls should be stripped of their knickers and their priviledges"

"You mean..", the Head started to say.

"That's exactly what I mean headmaster", said a triumphant Mrs Bradshaw, "Remove their head-girl and deputy head girl priviledges and give them a good bare-bottom spanking"

"Oh, please no", chorused the girls.

"And I will administer the punishment", snarled Mrs Bradshaw, "Pass the cane please headmaster!"

"But..",he started to say before the games mistress put her hand up as though to say she'd made the decision.

"And of course, you must stay to witness the punishment",she continued before arranging Sarah Wilkinson in front of the head's desk. Pushing her forward so her hands onto the desk before nonchalantly flipping up her skirt and dragging her white panties down to her knees.

"Oh, please sir, Miss. Please don't. I'll never do it again", promised Sarah.

Ignoring the protesting girl, Mrs Bradshaw stepped back, took careful aim and SWISH! the cane landed with a sharp CRACK on Sarah's milky-white rear.

"Ow", howled Sarah as she bounced forward, hands rubbing her backside, "please Miss, no more"

"Stop snivelling girl", cried the games-mistress before 2 more strokes landed on the poor girl's rear leaving her crying and promising never to do it again. Melanie Trubshaw, ex-headgirl suffered the same fate as her deputy. And it was fully 15 minutes before both girls had composed themselves enough to make a tearful retreat.

"There", said the supremely confident Mrs Bradshaw, "that's the way to deal with mis-behaving girls whatever their age" before handing the cane back to a speechless headmaster, and with a swirl of her short netball skirt, was off to her next lesson. Leaving the poor old 63 year old headmaster halfway through his own sentence of

"I think that skirt is far too short Mrs Bradshaw...". Shaking his head in disbelief, retirement couldn't come soon enough for him. But not before he took the supremely confident Mrs Stephanie Bradshaw down a peg or two.

Later that week, the school netball team returned in triumph from winning the District Tournament. And after "milking the applause" of the happy parents outside the school, Stephanie Bradshaw made her way back to the changing rooms. It had been a tiring day and she was looking forward to changing and a hot shower. Glancing at her watch, she noted it was 5.00pm. "Good", she thought, only old Bradbury would still be scribbling away in his office. She'd have time for a quick shower, change and then out on the town. Well her husband was abroad on business so why shouldn't a 32 year old still have some fun. Laughing as the rivulets of water cascaded over her gorgeous tanned body in the shower. Examining her 37inch breasts, she marvelled how those nipples could get grown men drooling. Oh yes, she could certainly turn heads.

20 minutes later, she was towelled down, drenched in expensive body-spray and heading for her open-top Porsche parked in the car-park. She had just buckled herself in when a shout came, "Hang on a minute".

"Mrs Bradshaw, a crisis has occurred, can you come to the headmaster's office please"," it was John Wilkinson, Head of Sixth Form.

"Oh for goodness sake, can't it wait", she replied in an iriatated voice.

Leaning into the car, his tobacco breath wafting over her, "I'm afraid not", he replied, mouth falling open in admiration at Stephanie Bradshaw. Like all the male teachers at St Augustines, he lusted over the incredibly sexy Mrs Bradshaw whether in her "far too short" netball skirt as the head described it or even tracksuit, he was like a puppy-dog in her presence.

And today, just look at her? Her blonde hair pulled back and arranged in a French-plait. She was wearing a peppermint coloured silk "off-the-shoulder" knee-length dress. In fact so off the shoulder as to be level with the tops of her magnificent breasts. No bra, so they jiggled and moved about. There would be no jumping up for a ball in that or there would be a nasty accident. High heels and black fish-nets. She noticed him oggling her legs where the silky dress had ridden up several inches.

Two minutes later, a knock at the door, and then they were walking into Alan Bradbury's office.

"Now look..", she started to say, before realising there were several people in the oak-panelled office. Obviously, Alan Bradbury and John Wilkinson she knew. Then Tim Meredith was introduced as the IT "whizz-kid". Then finally Melanie Trubshaw, ex-head girl, who was looking extemely pleased with herself. And not only that, she had her Head-Girl stripes sown back on to her jacket.

Glancing at Melanie Trubshaw and almost spitting out the words, Stephanie Bradshaw said, "What's going on? What's she doing here?"

"Well young lady", the headmaster started to say. And it wasn't lost on Mrs Bradshaw that she was no longer being addressed as a teacher but as though she were one of the pupils.

Continuing, and in a grave voice, the Head said, "Certain things have come to light. It appears that you have been using the school email system to send, what shall I call it, Licentious email"

"Says who", she protested.

"Well I've given a full report to the headmaster, we keep a careful check of all emails", piped up the young IT worker.

"You would", she glared at him, aware that the young man couldn't keep his eyes off her breasts which were plainly visible through the flimsy material of her dress. She responded by folding her arms over them. Oh dear, what will happen to Mrs Bradshaw. See Part 2
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