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Old 02-17-2008, 09:11 PM
agotkl1 agotkl1 is offline
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father knows best Part 2

While Betty thought that she was too old for a spanking, her mother had been talking to some of Betty's friends mothers and knew that many of them were still spanked even at their age. And some were older than Betty (including some of the mothers as well ). Margaret Anderson rubbed her bottom in recollection as she thought back to the spanking that had prompted her to give Betty a spanking in the 1st place. She had been visiting her friend Cynthia Brown who was the mother of Betty's best friend Janie Brown. Janie had back-talked to her mother much as Betty had been doing recently and Cynthia gave her daughter a look that said she had over stepped her boundries. In a flash Cynthia had taken Janie over her lap and was preparing to spank her. Janie wailed "Please, Mother!" Not in front of Betty's mother!" Cynthia said "You misbehaved in her presence and you are going to be punished in her presence!" And with that she raised her dress and lowered her panties and began spanking her teenage daughter with gusto. Margaret left shortly after that and in her bedroom that night as she was telling her husband Jim about it. He suddenly looked very thoughtful and said that Margaret should probally spank Betty as well. Margaret said Betty was too old and her husband reminded her that she had not been too old when they had 1st gotten married and he had spanked her more than a few times as well. And then he reached up and pulled Margaret over his lap and began to spank her and tell her in no uncertain terms that he thought Betty should be spanked and if she did not want more of the same then she would give Betty a spanking at the 1st oppurtunity and if she did not he would. I wonder what Margaret Anderson's choice was? hmmm...!
The end
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