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Old 09-22-2007, 06:19 AM
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RG_ RG_ is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: USA-Kentucky
Posts: 697
1. Do you like cheese?
Cheese is ok. I normally like it with something else. When used on sandwiches or burgers I don't like it melted on, but put on as a slice. Colby is my favorite.

2. Have you ever done heroin?
Never have, never will.

3. Do you own a bike?
Currently no. I've been thinking about getting one for a few years. Now that I'm in my new place, it might be just the time to do that.

4. What are you doing tonight?
Two of my daughters are coming to visit and spend the night.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

6. What do you think of hot dogs?

They're ok. Nothing special, nothing awful. I tend to minimize how often I eat them since they're not that healthy.

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
I have several which are favorites, but not one which is right at the time. In the small group, among others, are: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, White Christmas (I know that's not the official name), Silver Bells, Here Comes Santa Claus, Silent Night.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Earl Gray tea, hot, with just a drop of lemon.

9. Can you do push ups?
Haven't tried it in a long time. I suspect no longer!

10. Is your bathroom clean?
It is.

11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
I don't wear jewelry now. When I have in the past it's been limited to my class ring.

12. Do you have friends?
Yes. I didn't really during my previous marriage because it made it impossible. Now I've rekindled the relationship with valued old friends, and have made many new ones (including some of y'all!).

13. Do you miss someone?
My parents, younger sister, and brother-in-law, first and foremost. They're all dead. I miss others who have fallen by the wayside for one reason or another.

14. Middle name?
So unique that I'm not sharing it here. It would be a dead ringer identifier.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
a. Need to get ready for my daughters to arrive after everyone else gets up
(It's 6 something in the morning - I'm an early riser.)
b. I need to do my financial planning for the next few months. Time to break
out the Excel spreadsheet.
c. I need to think about getting my new website going.

16. Name the last 3 things you have bought.
a. Lunch with a group from work, yesterday.
b. A gallon of milk and a bag of apples from the store.
c. Gas

17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
a. Diet Pepsi
b. Coffee in the mornings (I really prefer tea, but sarah is a coffee person).
c. Milk

18. Current worry?
I'm not a big worrier, and very much tend to focus on the brighter things, even when most things are bad. My biggest worry at the moment is rebalancing the budget for a few months while I handle an unexpected set of expenses.

19. Current hate?
I don't really spend much time hating. It's too much of a negative emotion to give much time to.

20. Favorite place to be?
Back home where I grew up.

21. How did you ring in the New Year?
Party at my older sisters.

22. Where would you like to go?
Lots of places! I'm an adventurer and love seeing the world. I would like to boat up the Blue Nile; go to the Antarctic (I've been to the Arctic, waaaaay up); travel deep up the Amazon; Egypt; to the lands of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas; and much more. And then come and spend some time at good ol' home.

23. Are you hungry?
No. It's early in the morning. I won't get hungry till a bit later.

24. What/who made you laugh last?
Me. I see humor in a lot of things.

25. Do you own slippers?

26. What shirt are you wearing?
Short sleeve plaid, that I just threw on to bum around the house in.

27. Do you burn or tan?
Burn, baby, burn! I've got that Irish skin that fries like an egg.

28. Favorite color?

29. Would you be a pirate?
Never. If you understand what real pirates - not the sylized movie versions - were like, you would know that they lived a miserable, difficult, and quite short life.

30. What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't sing in the shower.

31. What did you have for lunch?
Often go without lunch. If it's a business lunch might range from catered sandwiches to some kind of dinner plate. At home typically sandwiches.

32. Name someone who has changed your life.

33. What's in your pocket right now?
Right now nothing is in my pockets. Again, it's earrrrly in the morning.

34. Best bed sheets as a child?
Clean ones.

35. Worst injury you've ever had
The one that I have right now - a badly broken left arm that required surgery, a bone transplant, pinning together, and this science fiction like device that I have to wear ten hours a day that electrically zaps the fracture, to try and help get it to heal. I have it on right now.

36. How many TVs do you have in your house?
4, counting this computer.

37. Who is your loudest friend?

38. Who is your most silent friend?

39. Do you wish on shooting stars?
I have occasionally, though only as a fun thing to do. Being scientifically grounded, I know that it doesn't really work, other than psychologically.

40. What is your favorite movie?
Das Boot.

41. What is your favorite candy?
Dark, semi-sweet chocolate.

42. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
If I ever marry again, it will be an 1860's period wedding, Civil War style. Music would be live, featuring both songs and instruments of the time.

43. What song do you want played at your funeral?
I Just Can't Go On Dying Like This by George Strait.

OK! OK! You want me to be serious, right? Let me think about it.

44. What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
Off to Z Land. If I'm up at midnight, it's usually on the computer.

45. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Need to get sarah and kids off to the amusement park, and then get ready for my daughters to visit, get some planning done on the computer, organize my pics,....

I'm a busy thinker right out of the bed in the morning, organizing my day, setting priorities, etc.
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