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Old 02-01-2007, 10:16 PM
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jackie seven jackie seven is offline
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Posts: 150
Oh Wicked Wanda!

The other day a friend and I were discussing the early days of Penthouse magazine. They had a monthly thread in the Letters to the Editor section entitled "Pain and Pleasure." Basically, it was spanking letters which was something rarely seen in mainstream publications of that era. So on the strength of that alone, Penthouse became my favorite magazine.

Another one of my favorite features was their monthly comic strip entitled "Wicked Wanda." Wanda was a feminist super hero, a sort of Xena the Warrior-type character with a blond sidekick named Candyfloss. The strip was beautifully illustrated, witty and very cleverly done. But the best part was all the spanking references that it contained.

For some reason, the thought to try to find these comic strips never occurred to me until the other day. I really didn't expect to have much luck, but much to my surprise, and with relative ease, I found a site containing them all. Including my all-time favorite from the September 1973 issue to which I'm posting a link.

So if there any other ex-Wanda fans here or anyone else who might be interested, check this out...

P.S. You can click on Main down at the bottom to go to their home page where the entire series can be found.
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