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Old 04-07-2008, 08:13 AM
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Arianna Arianna is offline
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Posts: 69
Jersey - I've read your response and it sounds like you have been to a few parties. It is wonderful that you think so highly of your boyfriend (and his parents) - he must be a wonderful man and from a close family. If I'm reading your comment correctly, you have been to more than a couple of parties and have had similar experiences (having difficulty with the "no thanks" factor). Since you seem to really value your boyfriend's opinion, I wonder if you could approach him and ask for his help on how to handle the situation when it arises. I'm sure between the two of you, you will be able to come up with some very polite, but more direct responses that will ensure you have a more relaxing and enjoyable time and the person asking gets a clearer message of what you are comfortable with.

I think Sarah is right on target. I highly value my husband's opinion and always take it into consideration (he also has more life experience), as you should with your boyfriend, but that doesn't mean you don't have a voice in your life. I hope your next experience is more enjoyable and if you are faced with a similar situation, I'm sure you will be ready with a more direct response (while sharing a warm smile with the person). It can be done - practice makes perfect. : )
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