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Old 12-03-2006, 06:39 PM
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Christmas Memory

There is one funny story from my childhood. I'm a baby dad came home from WWII, married my mom and they started living the American Dream....1950's style. Bought a home in suburbia and started raising a family.

I had lots of kids to play with..their parents were about the same age as mine so the kids were about the same age. One year, probably around 1957 or 58, we all got our first bikes. Christmas Eve as we were all snug in bed, the dads were going up and down the street borrowing tools to assemble the bikes. Of course at each house they had to have a glass of holiday cheer. So by midnight the dads were riding up and down the street on the newly assembled bikes, all pretty well tipsy and singing Silent Night.....wish I could have been up to see it myself.

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