Thread: TV Moms
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Old 09-05-2010, 10:54 AM
heatherotk heatherotk is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 5
well.. while all of them certainly deserved one from time to time, i think it was the girls who needed a good dose of their mothers unyielding love the most.

as far as the black and white spanking - i also have racked my brain for countless years over what show this was.

i remember seeing it, and it was actually long enough ago that i was still getting spankings myself - and i remember being embarrassed as mom was watching the show with me. embarrassed to the point that i remember the warmth crossing my face as it turned red.

but the thing i also remember is how authentic and positively adorable the "scene" was... the girl had been warned about something early in the episode, and then during the episode had done several things wrong and due to this had a very guilty conscience.

mom recognized her daughters behavior and emotions for what they were, and suggested a "good old fashioned spanking" but obviously the daughter wasn't in agreement.

then as the show drew on, and daughter became more and more unhappy with herself, she made the very adult decision to tell her mom "i think i probably better get that spanking now" to which mom was *more* than happy to comply.

we see them in the kitchen at the end with the pretty blond haired daughter going over her mothers lap in a skirt with either a slipper or a hairbrush in her hand (it was an american film, so i am guessing hairbrush) and then the very loud sound of a spanking going on as the daughter protested loudly and mother scolded as father and son sat in the den wincing over what they were hearing her get - i think maybe the father made a comment similar to "i sure wouldn't have asked for that..", with his son nodding in agreement.


there was also an episode of gidget where one of her friends bent her over the back of the couch and spanked her - but that didnt hold a candle to the show described above in cuteness..

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