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Old 12-06-2006, 01:50 AM
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ChaseyPlain ChaseyPlain is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 24
Awww, Amber that is so sweet! Christmas really is all about the kids, it's going to be a lot more fun for me now that I have a little one to share the magic with. With my family, we all meet at my grandmother's house on Christmas Eve. We eat a huge meal and then open presents. Then we go to my mom's house (just immediate family) and open presents there. My mom and step dad always do this thing called the Right Family Christmas, it's a story that my mom reads and we all sit in a circle. We each get a small wrapped present and as my mom reads the story we pass the presents to the left when she says left and to the right when she says right. It gets confusing with all the passing and it's fun to watch the funny shaped gift you have your eye on get passed back and forth a million times. My step dad always chooses the gifts and they are hilarious every time, usually a bit adult themed like one year I got a giant size bra and my boyfriend got a tub of Vaseline. There have even been nipple clamps, feminine deoderant spray and a blow up sheep! My step dad says this year he really outdid himself so I can't wait to see what we have in store. I even have a penis shaped cake pan around here somewhere.

Then on Christmas day we will spend the day with my boyfriend's family, we open gifts and then have a nice dinner and they always have stockings for us with really cool little gifts inside. I'm also excited because both of my step brothers are in the military and they have each been in Iraq for about two years but they are both home now and will be there at Christmas and we have three new babies celebrating their first Christmas so it will be really special.
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