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Old 03-10-2008, 09:47 PM
amethyst amethyst is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Las Vegas for now. I am looking to relocate to someplace cool, green & shady, eventually.
Posts: 15
Monday Update

As of 10 minutes ago, BV is still in ICU. The doctors can't seem to agree on when to move him to a private room. *Rolls eyes* Doctors! {I work with 18 doctors, so I know of which I speak! *LOL*} He sounded a lot better tonight. Someone gave him a newspaper, so that helped a wee bit. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he gets into a room with a tv soon, 'cause he is close to going stir crazy.

He again sends his love and I know he can't wait to get back here to catch up with all you lovely people!

*hugs to you all*
Love, Light and Laughter,

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