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Old 12-14-2007, 10:37 PM
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aurora aurora is offline
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SSC *yawwwnnnnnnn*

Safe, Sane, and Consentual, yada, yada, yada.... We're heard it all before. Well, I think it's over-rated!

Personally, I happen to be a fan of non-consentual spanking. I know that's not "politically correct", honestly, I do. It's how my head works, though. It's that adrenaline rush of getting up-ended by a man (or woman) who actually takes action, rather than talk something around in whiney circles. It's the feeling of helplessness and desperation when they ignore your cries and pleas! It's the twisting and bucking in a hopless attempt for freedom, knowing all the while that your efforts are futile.... and relishing every second of it in the deepest recesses of my mind!

This leaves me in an awful dilema at parties. The rules are that you have to ask someone to play, and they have to agree, and you go off merrily to commence your spankering... I can't say "yes" to anyone when they ask, though. The whole begging my permission thing is such a turn off! Even if I really, really wanted to play with that person, it's damned near impossible for me to answer "yes", when asked. Luckily I've always had dear friends with me who could whisper in a good candidate's ear, "psssttt.... just take her off by the arm!" Of course, this means that there has to be some sort of connection between individuals, and that the spanker understands the spankee is giving off the "yes, please!" vibe, without actually speaking the words. I'm certainly not suggesting that any Joe Schmoe who wants a peice of my tail can have it.

What about the other two, safe and sane? Hell, take a look around at your peers. I'm not sure any of us are the sanest people around. In addition to our little idiosyncrasies, there's the obvious part that we're all either desiring pain inflicted upon ourselves or desiring to hurt someone else, to some extent or another. If a general census was taken, how many people would consider that sane???? That's okay, though, I wouldn't want it any other way. The little mantra repeated amongst Florida Moonshine members is "I'm not normal, but I'm nice", and I think that's just perfect.

I'm not really sure you could accurately call our activities "safe", either. Sure, we take precautions. The idea is never to cause any lasting damage. We try to be in tune to our partners' reactions and needs. A lot of people use safewords, ect... Facts are facts, though. We're still talking about a repeatitive, blunt force trauma. There's always the chance for harm to occur. When a stroke goes stray and catches on our backs or something... sure, we may throw a hissy fit, but for the most part we accept that those ill-landed swats are part of the packaged deal. There are always the odd and unexpected injuries too.... Naughty roaming hands getting caught under the implement, choking on the soap, pulling a hamstring while trying to maintain position, pinching someone's nipple off in a clamp... who knows? And what about the marks? How often do you see people comparing marks or talking about them? For those who don't require discression, marks are worn with pride, a badge of honor! How does THAT speak of safety?

Anyway, I'm welcoming other input. This was just my little rant. Am I alone in my thoughts?
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