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Old 09-19-2007, 06:37 PM
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Kate Kate is offline
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Posts: 56
Secret of the Star Child Part 2

Bethany agonized for days. Annie was virtually the most level headed, no bullshit person that she’d ever known. Annie would be the last person to get caught up in a cult. Annie did not believe in religions, only the spirit behind them. Annie was successful, had a fiancé that Beth envied and provided a template for what she was looking for for herself.

In short, if Annie was a part of something, she was not so sure that she didn't want to be a part of it too. She debated endlessly about this, while she was at work, while she was at home, while she volunteered and just before her head hit the pillow at night. She was so caught up in this she could think of nothing else.

Finally she called Annie. “I want to do it,” she told her, “You would not do something unless it was logical and made common sense. I trust your judgment. The answer is yes, I want to.”

“I’m so proud of you,” Annie answered, “You are taking the most important step of your life. I’m on my way to pick you up right now.”

“Right now?” she almost squeaked. This she had not prepared for.

“If you wish to begin this, it is important that you start right away. I’m not going to give you a chance to back out of it. In the mean time, take a shower, and clean yourself out really good, inside and out”.

“What?” Bethany was beginning to wonder what she was getting into.

“Inside and out,” Annie repeated firmly, “If you’re not done by the time I get there, we’ll leave when you are.”

Oh my God, Bethany thought, what kind of place is she taking me to?

The doorbell rang, and Annie stood there beaming. She hugged Bethany and said, “You are about to embark upon a great journey. Now get your ass in the car.”

They drove past city limits, then out into the country. At last they stopped at a church that had been closed down. Annie parked, and lead Bethany into a door at the side of the building. Once in she lead her down a hall to two woodenly ornately carved doors and knocked. Slowly they swung open.

“Come on,” she said to Bethany, “The beginning is now.

She took her friend’s arm and lead her into a large office, for lack of a better description. A hansome-ish man sat behind it, in an executive chair. He looked at Bethany and smiled, the smile neutral but not unfriendly. His eyes seemed to be looking through her clothes and Bethany wanted to melt into the floor.

“Leave us,” he told Anne, who smiled and kissed Bethany on the cheek. Then, suddenly, Bethany was left alone with this stranger.

He smiled his neutral smile again. “Sister Anne has brought you here. She says you are confused and she thinks we can help. Do you want help Bethany?”

Bethany nodded, her eyes welling with tears. He reached out his arm and with a finger brushed her tears away, then put his finger in his mouth.

“You will find fulfillment when you learn to obey,” he said, his voice rich and dark, “You stand before me now and when I tell you to do something you do it without question, do you understand me?”

“I’m not sure”, Bethany whispered, suddenly very afraid.

Suddenly his expression changed, “You will obey me.” He did not have to shout, but the words were emphatic. “If you choose not to obey me, you will regret it. Once you walked through those doors you left free choice outside and your will became mine. Do you understand?”
"You lie in faith, for you are called plain Kate, or bonnie Kate or sometimes Kate the curst, but Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom"

Last edited by Kate; 09-19-2007 at 11:38 PM. Reason: Obvious mistakes I made
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