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Old 08-22-2007, 12:23 AM
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spanked~amber spanked~amber is offline
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Post Lost & Found Part 7

Pulling into the parking lot, Aubrey unbuckled her seat belt and hesitated for a moment. The temptation to turn and flee was weighing heavily in her mind. Chiding herself for the sudden temptation to turn and flee, she found herself slowly walking through the doors and towards the front desk. She couldn't turn back now. She owed herself at least the satisfaction of following through for once.
"Hello Aubrey, Mr.Levinston is expecting you, you may go ahead in."
Her hands felt clammy and she hoped the shaking in her knees wasn't too obvious.
She knocked softly three times on the door and took another deep breath.
"Come in." He watched her slowly enter,her hands tightly gripping her notebook and for a split second her searching look into his eyes. Quickly her eyes diverted downward as she stood before his desk.
"It is normal to be nervous. If you weren't then my work here is much more difficult. First, I want to commend you on your wise decision to be on time. Aubrey, I will not make this harder for you by dragging out the inevitable. Do you have your assignment completed ?" Timidly she replied; "yes sir."
He took the notebook from her, and began to read in silence. The faint ticking of the clock was the only sound in the room . Aubrey could feel her knees began to tremble as her hands began to feel clammy & cold. After several agonizing minutes he finally spoke. "It looks as if there a few habits that we will begin working on. I feel that with consistent motivation there will be a significant improvement." Aubrey felt a slight bit of panic. Her habits were no longer her own deep secrets. She glanced up quickly and saw his left eyebrow raise as he continued reading. "Well, young lady, it looks as if we will be addressing more than just a few habits today, am I right ?" Quietly but quickly she answered; "yes sir."

The next half hour would be engraved upon her memory forever. "Let's discuss a particular evening. What do you think is the worst part of it all ?" Writing it down on paper was hard enough, but having to discuss it was even harder. After stammering a bit Aubrey finally was able to produce her answer. "Not being able to stop when I knew I needed to ?" He searched her eyes and face and could tell that she was putting effort into her answer. "You are on the right track Aubrey, being honest about it tells me that perhaps you are truly serious about seeking self discipline when you are faced with temptation. However that does not erase the fact that you acted very irresponsibly. Whats worse is that this kind of careless decision making could have gotten you into trouble, even danger. Agreed ?" Aubrey began to feel very small and the shame was apparent in her demeanor. Rising from his chair and while walking towards a deep cherry stained cabinet in the far corner of the room, he then instructed Aubrey to bend over and place her elbows on the desk.

As if her butterflies in her stomach weren't enough, she felt a faintly familiar dread from a former time in her life when she was still held accountable for her actions. But she also remembered that the results were always positive. Spanking was an effective deterrent in her past. She slowly followed his instructions. She had already begun to fidget when she heard him rummaging through the cabinet behind her. She could have sworn she could have heard her own heart beating as he made his way back towards the desk. He had found the site before him one to behold. He knew she would come far. She had a raw vulnerability about her but knew her experiences had made her strong. His task was to help her realize her own strengths. She was attractive but didn't even seem aware of it.

As he unbuttoned and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt he spoke. "Aubrey you have come here for guidance and accountability, and that you will receive. This part will not be pleasant but if accepted with a proper attitude,it will help you make more positive and responsible decisions." She felt a cool whisper of air as her pale blue skirt was raised and tucked lightly at the waist. In that split second she almost felt tempted to peek over her shoulder... almost. Instead she closed her eyes. The silence was broken by a swift smack to her left cheek followed quickly by another to her right. It stung, but she thought to herself that this wasn't so bad. That is until she felt 5 more of the same follow. He made sure that both cheeks were feeling warm before stopping just long enough to pick up the implement he had retrieved from the cabinet.

Aubrey decided her relief was a bit hasty. He has just now begun ! A part of her wanted to rise and run, yet another part of her wanted it. She didn't understand these feelings, but they were so strong she could feel the color of her face began to match the color of her bottom...
Happy spanking,
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