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Old 07-23-2007, 10:21 PM
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garyspk garyspk is offline
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Spanking In The News

Oh brother...spankos on the horizon:

Teens facing sex charges for butt slaps
MCMINNVILLE, Ore., July 22 (UPI) -- Two 13-year-old Oregon boys are facing serious sex charges for allegedly slapping female classmates' bottoms as a form of horseplay.

Police arrested Cory Mashburn and Ryan Cornelison of McMinnville and if convicted could be permanently marked as sex offenders, The Portland Oregonian said Sunday. The teens also could spend as long as 10 years in juvenile detention if found guilty.

While the boys' parents have opposed such a harsh penalty, McMinnville District Aattorney Bradley Berry said such youthful acts could have longstanding consequences for the alleged victims.

"These cases are devastating to children," he said. "They are life-altering cases."

Interviews with the boys' fellow students found other teens were engaging in similar behavior at the time and two of the female victims have since recanted their statements.

The Oregonian said the boys are due in court on Aug. 20 to answer to all charges stemming from the February event.
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