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Old 04-20-2007, 10:54 PM
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aurora aurora is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 239
Laser hair removal is expensive... but I'm absolutely loving it. I paid about $1,700 for "down there". That includes about three years worth of treatments and a lifetime membership to this place, though. You can find laser treatments where you pay on a per treatment basis, but you have to go back for repeats. I paid a one time lump sum for whatever I may need. Basically, you're supposed to go back once every ten weeks for five treatments. By the end of that first year, you should be hairless for life. If any stray one pops back in over the next few years, they'll take care of it at no more cost. Then after that, it's only a couple of bucks for touchups, but it should be completely unneccessary.

I've only had one treatment so far, I'm due for my second soon. But I really am excited about it. Even after the first treatment, you can tell a big difference. And even once some of it started to grow again, it was really sparse and barely there, and the growth has been completely stunted. And it's supposed to get remarkably better with each treatment, til it's completely gone for good. I'd love to get my underarms done too, because that's the only other place I hate shaving. Arms and legs I can deal with. They're no big deal to shave, and always come out smooth.
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