Thread: First Car?
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Old 01-09-2007, 10:47 PM
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MichiganHeadmaster MichiganHeadmaster is offline
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Location: Southfield, MI
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1971 Gremlin. Got it in 1977 for $100.00. Wasn't sure what the catch was, until I replaced the clutch, radio, muffler, brakes, tires, alternator, regulator, starter, flywheel, etc, etc, over the course of a year. Couldnt do much about the wheel wells rusting through, the drivers seat lock breaking so it went all the way back, and the drivers door latching post rusting through so it wouldn't stay shut, though I was able to jury-rig a hardware store bolt to replace the post and it actually held for a while.

Oh, and the flange that holds the suspension spring-things in place broke off.

And the shocks were shot

And the clutch burned out again.

But, damn, the 30,000 miles I put on it were a blast! Oh, and the back seat went down too, something my then girlfriend, now ex-wife, and I put to good use at Belle Isle in Detroit.
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