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Old 12-30-2006, 03:16 PM
wkp wkp is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Chicago
Posts: 13
Originally Posted by MichiganHeadmaster View Post
Welcome to the forum, wkp. Living in Chicago, you may or may not be aware that there are numerous professional doms who would be able to give you the experience you crave for a very reasonable price and with the right combination of harshness/compassion/safety you need. I knew two very good ones when I lived here but alas they are both retired now.

Of course two issues with that are 1) it would be pay for play, not a relationship, and 2) if you happened to have a preference for a male disciplinarian, the pickings would be slim even in the pro-dom arena.

If that is even remotely an option, search under Illinois on, then join the discussion board to look up reviews of various doms.

In any case, welcome again and good luck finding the right partner!
That's what's great about living in a major metropolitan center. No matter what you are into, there are bound to be a few hundred people into the same thing.

I am strictly interested in a female top. I have thought about seeking a pro dom. It may just be what I end up doing. I would probably do that before I would attend a party. It's not quite what I am looking for though. I do want to establish a relationship/friendship. Pehaps a bit idealistic, but I am still hopeful I will find that.

Thanks, your help is much appreciated.
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