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Old 10-20-2009, 12:13 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Lois Gets In Trouble

It's a bright sunny day in Metropolis, and Clark Kent is just arriving for work at the Daily Planet Newspaper.

"Hi Jeff!" Clark smiles while entering the elevator. "Nice day huh!"

"Yeah! Mr Kent it sure is!" Jeff eagerly replies. "Gee you must be late? Miss Lane came in an hour ago!"

"Oh!" Clark frowns; "I wonder what she's up to?"

Entering his office Clarke just sits down when the intercom blasts; "Kent....Get in here...immediately!"

Recognizing editor Perry White's voice he grunts; Yeah ok Mr White, I'll be right in!"

Hurrying over, Clark opens the door and peeks inside."

Seeing Lois Lane sitting down wearing one of her snug business suits, he can't help from glancing down at her slightly exposed, shapely legs.

"Oh! Hello Lois......Aren't you the Early bird Today?" He greets.

"Yeah Clark" She replies; "I want to get the first scoop on that bank robbery last night!"

"Kent I want you and Jimmy Olson to go with her!" Perry bellows; "It's too dangerous for Lois to go alone."

"I agree!" Clark nods; "But don't you think the police should be involved too?"

"Clark, they're in the way most of the time!" Lois chimes in; "And we'll be careful."

Arriving at the bank, Lois quickly questions the night watchman. "Yes Miss Lane.....Like I told the police, there were four men and one had a heavy build and blonde hair!"

"Gosh!...That must be Matt Muldoon!" Jimmy Olson gasps.

"Yeah Jimmy that's right!" Lois smiles; "And I just know where he hides out."

"Ah! Lois....Shouldn't we tell Inspector Henderson first?" Clark warns.

"Forget it Clark!" She grunts. "We'll go to their hideout...Then call Superman if we spot them...Of course after I get my Scoop!"

Looking worried Clark moans; "Gee Lois...I don't know!"

"Yeah!....Ok Clark...If you're so scared?" She barks; "Then Jimmy and I will go.....Just tell Superman when I call you later...Ok?"

Nodding his head Clark warns; "Lois....One of these days!"

"One of these days what?" She snaps back!

"Aw......Forget it Lois!"

Looking frightened Jimmy moans. "How do I get into these situations?"

Getting into Miss Lane's Dodge convertible, they drive out of town.

"Yeah Jimmy...I think the Muldoon Gang is holding up in that old farm house down the road!"

"Gee Miss Lane......Are we doing the right thing?" He bleats.

"Aw!...Don't worry Jimmy......Superman is always around?"

Slowly driving up to the old farm house, Lois shuts off the lights and parks the car.

"Jimmy!" She whispers; "We'll sneak up to the house...Then peek in to see if Muldoon is inside!"

"Then what?" Jimmy nervously questions.

"Then we'll go back and call Clark on my car phone." She smiles; "then he'll get Superman!"

"What about the police?" He Asks.

"Oh!....They can come ater Superman captures the Muldoon Gang....And I get my story!" She grins.

Then creeping up to a window, Lois and Jimmy peek in.

"I was right!" Lois beams; "It's the Muldoon Gang.....Let's go back and call Clark!"

"Just a minute lady!" A voice from the dark bellows.

Quickly looking around, they see a shiny snub nose revolver pointed their way!

"Ah!...You're Lois Lane that nosey reporter from The Daily Planet!" The man laughs; "Let's go inside, the boss will love to see you!"

Looking nervously at Jimmy, Lois groans; "We better do as he says!"

Once inside and tied down in chairs. Matt Muldoon glares at Lois; "Well Miss Lane....You got nosey once too often!"

"Yeah Muldoon!" She bleats; Superman will take care of you!"

"But first he has to find me." He grins; "We got enough from that bank heist to land us in South America the rest of our lives!"

Squirming in her bounds Lois grunts; "Superman will get you....I promise...Then you'll land in jail...The rest of your lives!"

"Ha!..Ha!...You can't promise anything!" Muldoon muses; "You'll be burnt to a crisp.....Along with your partner!"

"Y-You mean....Y-You're going to set this house on fire?" Jimmy whines.

"You guessed it Junior!"

Back at the office Clark nervously waits for a call from Lois. "Damn it!": He grunts; "I bet she's got herself and Jimmy in trouble again." Then thinking further, Clark makes that famous dash into the closet!

Then reappearing as Superman, he quickly flies out the window of The Daily Planet Building.

Looking down over Metropolis he sighs; "This is like looking for that needle in a haystack!?"

Flying a few minutes he cries "Eureka!......I've found my haystack!"

Seeing the flames coming from the farm house near the edge of town, he swoops in!

"Gosh!...I hope I'am not too late?"

Crashing through a window, Superman looks around the house!"

"(Cough!)...(Cough!)...S-Superman.....W-We're in here!"....(Cough!)"

Kicking in the door to the bedroom. He rushes over to Lois and rips off her bounds. Then attending to Jimmy, he leads them out to safety!

"Darn Lois!" He scolds; "What did Clark Kent tell you?"

"Gee Superman....I thought we'd be ok!" She replies with a tremble.

Back at the Daily Planet, Lois and Jimmy clean-up and change their sooty clothes. Then going into Perry White's office he reprimands them.

"You both did a silly thing.......Just for a darn stoiry!"

Standing in front of Perry's desk with bowed heads, Lois apologizes; "Chief it was all my fault........I wanted that story!"

"Lois!" Clark interrupts; "You not only put your life at risk....But Jimmy's too!"

Now dressed in a Gray Tweed Business suit with a very snug skirt. Lois fidgets with her fingers while rocking on black high heels.

Glancing down at her full behind, Clark continues; "Lois...You know this isn't the first time something like this has happened?"

Just nodding her head, Lois looks down at the desk.

"Kent...What do you suggest?" Perry asks.

Staring at a very nervous lois, Clark slowly replies; "Hmmmmm!..A suspension wouldn't be proper.....Lois was just a little too anxious! Then firing her also would be wrong....Because as we all know...She's a very fine reporter!"

"Great Caesar's Ghost!" Perry cries; "Then what do you recommend?"

Breaking out with a wide grin Clark replies; "A Spanking......A Good Sound Spanking!"

Nearly falling off her high heels, Lois gasps; "A-A spanking?"

"Yes Lois, a spanking.....And if it's ok with the chief?....I will carry it out!" Jimmy would you please bring in that straight chair from my office?"

"O-Oh my gosh Mr Kent.....I-If you say so!" Jimmy bleats while backing out the door.

Looking over at a shameful Lois, Clark states; "I see you're wearing a girdle......But that won't matter!"

"Kent......How do you know that?" Perry pipes up; "I can't see it."

"O-Oh!....I-I just can tell." Clark stammers.

Bringing in the chair, a wide-eyed Jimmy sets it down. "Here you go Mr Kent!"

"Thank you Jimmy!" Then walking toward Lois he asks; "Lois dear.....Are you ready?"

"C-Clark...You've got to be kidding...A spanking is Barbaric!" She babbles; "And besides....Y-You wouldn't dare!"

Quickly grasping her left ear lobe, Clark leads Lois over to the wooden straight chair.

"I bet your Daddy had one of these chairs at home....Didn't he Lois?"

"(Sob!) B-But Clark.....T-That was many years ago!"

"Ha!..Ha!...Then let's see how much you've forgotten?"

To be continued

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 09-16-2011 at 11:26 AM.
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