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Old 08-10-2009, 11:58 AM
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jackie seven jackie seven is offline
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Hear them whip the women just around midnight...

On the heels of the beer drinking model in Malaysia comes news of a well known journalist who is facing 40 lashes in the Sudan for wearing pants in public.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I can't help but wonder. This lady, Lubna Hussein, almost seems a little too eager to be whipped. She says she wants her ordeal to be a test case to draw attention to women's rights.

She was arrested in a restaurant along with several other women. They all pleaded guilty and were each given 10 lashes at the police station. But she wants to go to trail and is facing 40 if convicted. She had U. N. status but resigned her position in order to avoid diplomatic immunity. Like I said, she certainly seems to be asking for it. She even wore pants to a court hearing, like she was just daring them to whip her.

I'm wondering, does anyone know exactly how these whippings are conducted in the Sudan? The only thing I could find said she would be flogged with a camel hair whip. I couldn't find any details about things like what body parts will be whipped, how she will be positioned, if she will be restrained or her state of dress.
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