Thread: new to posting
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Old 07-09-2009, 04:20 PM
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Chuckles Chuckles is offline
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Location: Phiiladelphia area
Posts: 37
Originally Posted by WhoWantsAWhupin View Post
I was hoping to post some spanking stories I wrote. But I can't find where the rules for posting are? are there any limits on what can and cannot be posted?
I haven't heard that garyspk (the site's owner) has any rules about the length of posts, but I'm pretty certain there's a technical limitation about the maximum length of an individual post. The limit is imposed by the forum's software, not the management. So if you have a very lengthy individual post, it's probably wise to type it up in your favorite word processing software, then try to copy and paste it into the posting box on the forum. If it gets cut off on your initial attempt, then you can simply abandon the unsuccessful effort and break up the story into chapters or sections and post each one separately.
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