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Old 03-06-2009, 05:05 PM
tubaman tubaman is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Richardson, TX
Posts: 182
Important message fromTubaman

It has come to my attention that the hotel information has been given out by somebody other than me. Every person I gave that information, I asked to keep it confidential. The number one reason we moderate the list is to keep that information secure.

My friends and I have put in countless hours of very hard work, charge significantly less than many large parties, deliver more than any other party I know of, often spending money out of our own pockets, just to make this party as good as we can for our friends. All we ask is for people to keep the information we ask to be kept private confidential.

I know there may be some "friends" who "accidentally" slipped up and told others, but we now have more rooms reserved under the party than I have paid attendees. On the 13th I will start going over those names and contacting anybody who is not a paid attendee.

Some of these may mean to send in their forms "right away." I'd suggest that be the case, and it be immediate.

Everybody is allowed to screw up. God knows I am as imperfect as any of my friends, more than many, but rest assured I will not allow people to skate in and take advantage of my and my friends' hard work. I will take a very hard line with party-crashers, and I am not above making their names public in order to do so.

Paul (Tubaman)
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