Thread: Hello
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Old 01-26-2009, 03:07 PM
Jon1981 Jon1981 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 7

I just wanted to say hello an introduce myself. A few months ago I stumbled upon this forum and registered, but then never had time to log on. I am a 27 year old married man from New Jersey. My role is switch. The wife is not a born spanko like us, however has "gotten into it" to some degree. We own one implement, which is a leather paddle.

I quickly read over the different forum topics and see that spanking websites and movies are major points of discussion. I myself am also a big fan. To give you an idea of what I watch here are some of my favorites.

My favorite bottom is sarah gregory. Others on the top of my list would be madison martin, kailee robertson, abigail whittaker, amber, beverly bacci, serria salem, and juliet valentina.

My favorite bottom is Chelsea Pfeiffer. Other great ones are Kay Richards and Clare Fonda.

Looking forward to talking with like minded people. Hope everyone has a great day!
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