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Oldtimersammy 11-01-2007 06:48 PM

Marcia's 17th birthday Part 2
Starting to become obsessed by the spankings, Greg begins to stare at his sister's shapely buttocks and legs, especially Marcia! But his guilt always reminds him "They are family!"
Finally his chances arrives, it's Marcia's 17th birthday. As he thinks to himself; "What harm could a bithday spanking be?...It h appens all the time!" Carefully planning his moves while Marcia is in school. Greg takes off his afternoon class and volunteers to stay home with Peter and Bobby, while Carol and Alice go shopping. Knowing that Marcia has study hall her last period, she should be home early.
Working in the back yard on their Go-cart, Peter and Bobby help a nervous Greg fix the engine. Hearing the back gate open, they turn and greet Marcia. "Happy Birthday!" they chime, while Greg only mutters and drools at the sight of Marcia wearing a snug, short, powder blue skirt. "Thanks guys, but I don't feel any older!" She chuckles. As Greg just stares and thinks; "But you....Sure show it!" "Oh! Marcia!, I have something for you!" He bleats! "Gee Greg.....I hope it's a nice present?" Glancing down at the short skirt, Greg swallows and suggests; "L-Let's go in the house!" Following Greg through the patio doors Marcia asks; "Where are Mom and Alice?" T-They went shopping!" He nervously replies. "Oh! maybe for my birthday?" She smiles. "Ya Marcia....For your party!" Going up to 2nd floor, Greg opens the door to the stairs of his attic bedroom. "Greg!, is it in your bedroom?" "Ya! Marcia......You go first!" Following behind, Greg can't keep his eyes off the two lovely mounds shifting inside the tight, blue skirt......The mounds he longs to spank!
"Where is it Greg?" Marcia questions, while looking around the room. Taking a deep breath walks over to his bed and sits down. "Right here Marcia!" He answers while his body begins to tremble. "Right where Greg?" She nervously asks; "I don't see anything!" Then reaching out and grasping her arm, he pulls Marcia over his lap! "Oh! No Greg....N-Not a spanking?" "Yes Marcia....A Birthday spanking!" With the short skirt already up to her upper thighs, Greg brings down his hand. Slap! 'Oww! Gregory!" Whack! "Ouch, that hurts!" Smack! "Three!" Crack! "Four!" Struggling to climb oiff Greg's lap, Marcia pushes her hand into the mattress, only to have him lock the right arm tightly onto her back! Then without hesitating, Greg pulls the short skirt and slip up, and tucks them underneath the secured arm! "Greg.....I-I'am your sister....Please don't!" Whack! "Five!" Slap! "Six!" "Ooooooh!" Smack! "Seven!" "O-Oh,,,Not so hard!"
Crack! "Eight!" "G-Gregory......S-Stop!" Slap! "Nine!" "0-0uch!"
Now with Marcia's full bottom squirming over his lap, Greg brings down the 10th spank with added force. WHACK! "AAAAAAh! P-Please......You're
blistering me!" Marcia sobs! Looking down at the snug white panties, Greg thinks; "What the heck, why not?" Then slowly sliding his fingers under the waistband he tugs the white lace garment down on Marcia's firm thighs! "G-Greg.....I-I'll tell Mom and Dad.....Please d-don't!" Seeing the bright redness of her bottom cheeks Greg groans; " M-Marcia...I have to see what I'am doing....I don't want to bruise!" Whack! "Eleven!" "Oh! Greg ....I-I'am so e-embarrassed!" Crack! "Twelve!" "O-Ouch!"
Smack! "Thirteen!" "Ooooo!" Slap! "Fourteen!" "AAAAAh! (Sob!) Greg......I-It stings!" Whack! "Fifteen!" "O-Ouch! (Pant!) OOOh! Greg!" Crack! "Sixteen!" "(Pant!) OOh! God! (Pant!)" Stopping a moment before delivering the final spank, Greg stares down at Marcia's firm buttocks now a bright red, as she clenches her cheeks tightly then grinds her body into his thighs , with a sensation she's never felt before! "Just one more Marcia!" "I-I.....Know Greg! (Pant!)...I-I'am so-o numb!" SMACK! "Seventeen!" "O-Oh...Greg!"
Laying back emotionally spent and grasping the sight of his sister's red, bare bottom still across his lap. "Oh! yes.....The pinch to grow an inch!" Then while Marcia squirms and bucks her hips. He squeezes the tender flesh!
"(Pant!) Oooow! (Pant!) Oooooooh! Greg!"
After calming her sudden emotions, Marcia climbs off Greg's lap with a blush, pulls up her panties and smooths down the short, powder blue skirt
(As Greg now knows, she isn't a natural blonde!) Then giving her a Birthday Hug, he suggests; "Maybe we can do this next year?" Answering only with a smile, Marcia starts down the stairs, then stopping for a moment she turns around and giggles; "Oh! Greg......I won't tell Mom and Dad!"

Batman 11-02-2007 04:53 PM

Ok. Who's going to cast this spanko version of The Brady Bunch? I wanna actually watch this instead of just reading it.

Oldtimersammy 11-04-2007 08:26 AM

Sounds great Batman...Whom do we cast as Marcia? I really don't know any modren actresses, I'am from the way back olden years! If you want to see some pictutes of Marcia in the blue outfit mentioned in the story? Go to Sitcoms Online, there are several pics of her wearing that! Just make sure you have a Pop-up Stopper! There's plenty of them!

Batman 11-05-2007 12:04 AM

How about either Jessica Alba as Carol and Brittany Snow as Marcia? I wouldn't mind seeing either of those two take a good spanking, but, Brittany draped over Jessica's lap would be hot. :D

Oldtimersammy 11-05-2007 06:29 PM

Being situated in the past, I really don't know those actresses! But Shelley Long as Carol again would be a turn on! Just as Florence Henerson, Shelley was made for the part! And may I add? Both looked fabulous doing it too!

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