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Oldtimersammy 11-17-2009 01:39 PM

Jan's Long Spanking
It's past midnight at the Bradys'. And Carol is down in Mike's Study scolding her 16 year old daughter.

"Jan.....I gave you a direct order to be home at eleven o'clock." She states in a calm but demanding voice!

"I-I know mom!" Jan timidly replies; "B-But I was with my boyfriend Dan at The Malt Shop.....And we just lost track of time!"

Looking sternly Carol asks; "Ah!..Doesn't that shop close at eleven o'clock on weeknights?"

"W-Well yes Mom......B-But Dan and I had things to talk about!"

"Oh!....Such as what?" Carol questions in a low hiss.

"O-Oh some school work for t-tomorrow!" Jan stutters; "We have this test tomorrow......I mean today!"

"Yes today is right!" Carol reminds; "It's nearly twelve thirty!"

"Gee Mom!" She pleads; "I'll be seventeen in two weeks.....Why can't I stay out late once in awhile?"

"Jan....Because it's a school night...That's why!" Carol scolds while looking up at the clock on the wall. Then sighs; "I've got a big day ahead of me, and need my sleep.....And you do too!"

"Gee! mean I can go to bed now?" Jan nervously asks.

"Well......I guess, but I want to see you in my bedroom at seven o'clock tonight......Do you hear me Jan?"

"O-Oh gosh Mom...Not that terrible hairbrush?" She sobs; "P-Please Mom.....Not that!"

"I'am sorry Jan.....But it seems to be the only thing you really understand!"

Getting up that morning. Jan gets ready for school. Putting on a fairly short, dark green skirt and white blouse. She slowly combs her hair at the vanity table.

"Hey Jan............What time did you get in last night?" Marcia casually asks.

"About midnight!" She soiftly groans while looking up at Marcia.

"Gee midnight......Wow! Does Mom know this?" Marcia asks.

"Yeah she sure does!" Jan replies, laying down the comb.

"Were...Were you spanked?" Marcia gasps.

"Naw!....Mom had to go to bed."

"God...Are you lucky!" Marcia frowns; "If that was me..My ass would be mighty sore!"

ah ok.....But don't worry Marcia....Mom wants toi see me tonight ....In her bedroom!"

Trying hard to hold back a giggle, Marcia gloats; "That....That means that yellow hairbrush....The Stinging Bee

Looking up sadly, Jan bleats; "I know...G-God!...I hate that damn brush!"

"Yeah!...We've both felt it often enough." Marcia agrees; "That hard wooden back stings...Like Hell!"

Going down stairs for breakfast, Jan timidly wishes everyone a Good Morning as she sits down to eat.

"Hi Honey!" Carol greets as like nothing had happened. "How about some pancakes?"

"Aw! Gee Mom...I'am not very hungry."

"Ah!..Ah! It's a long time until lunch!" She smiles while passing the cakes to Jan.

Later walking to school with Peter. He asks; "Hey Jan...Wht time did you come in last night? I heard Mom asking Marcia where you were!"

"Late Peter...Late!"

"Ha!...I bet you got a spanking....Didn't ya?"

"No I didn''t!" Jan defiantly answers.

"Good!" Peter replies.

"Good....Why is that good for you?" Jan questions.

"Ha!..Ha! Your birthday is coming soon...And I don't want you to be sore!"

"Why?......Do you think you're going toi spank me?" She angerly replies.

"Remember last year?" Peter smiles. "I even took down your pants!

"Yeah...But maybe that was last year!" Jan snarls while going down the hall to her first class.

Sitting in class, Jan can't get her mind off that terrible hairbrush.

"God!....What pain!" She thinks while trying to concentrate on her school work.

Then unconsciously wiggling in her chair, Jan can almost feel the sting of the flat, hard surface of the brush!

"Gosh!....I sure wish I was spanked last night......It would be over now!"

Going between classes, she occasionally reaches back touching her skirt. As like trying to protect herself.

Sitting down in Math Class, her mind wanders from the lesson. As she clearly visualizes laying over her mother's lap with skirt and slip up, and panties way down!

Then seeing that horrible hairbrush coming down again.....And again. As her slim bottom twists and squirms unders it's stinging beat!

After a long day at school....Jan slowly trudges home thinking about seven o'clock tonight.

"Hi Jan!" Alice greets with a smile; "How 'bout a light snack before dinner?....and mind you...Very light!"

"Naw..No thanks Alice." She groans; "I think I'll just go up to my room before dinner!"

"Gee are you sick?" Alice asks with a frown.

"O-Oh no Alice....Just a little rundown."

Slowly walking up the stairs, Jan heads for her room.

Whack!....."O-Ouch!"...Quickly pushing her hips forward she reaches back to rub her violated area!

"Damn Greg...That hurt!" She grimaces.

"Oh sorry Jan!" He grins"But you looked like you needed a Pick-Me-Up!"

"Yeah!....But not that way!"

"Ah!...Marcia did say Mom was going to see you in her bedroom." He laughs.

Looking down at the floor, Jan whines; "I-I just will be glad when it's over!"

Thinking a few moments Greg suggests; "Hey...What if I ask Mom....If I can spank you? ...It would save her the trouble!"

Quickly snapping up her head, Jan gushes; "Would you....Would you please Greg?"

Trying very hard to hold back his enthusiasm he nonchalantly replies; "Yeah Jan......I'd do that...Just for you!"

"Oh! God.....Thank You Greg...Thank you!"

"Ah! But first Jan...I have to ask Mom!"

"I know...I know!" She happily answers.

"Yeah why not?" Greg states while flashing a wide smile; "A spanking is a spanking......What's the difference who does it...Right?"

"Oh! God no Greg!" Jan gasps while holding on to his arm; "That damn hairbrush is "Holy Hell"

After eating dinner, Jan badgers Greg; "Did you ask Mom?....Did you ask her yet?"

"Hey gimme a chance, wait until she digests her food and relaxes some!"

Sitting nervously with Marcia in their bedroom. Jan fidgets with her hair anxiously waiting for Greg!

"Gee!...I hope Mom is too busy!"

"Ah! Jan....I wouldn't count on that!" Marcia replies; "I think she has an inkling about us liking Greg's spankings....I know I do!"

"Yeah I like them too.....But Marcia do you really think Mom knows that?".

"Yeah Jan...I do."

"Wow!...That means I'll get that hairbrush tonight!" She moans.

Then looking at her wrist watch, Marcia informs; "It's past six-thirty...Let's hope Greg has gotten permission!"

"Whew!...I sure hope so!" Jan sighs; "I'am exhausted from taking this spanking all day."

"All day?" Marcia chuckles.

"Yeah all day....I couldn't keep my mind off it,,,,,My ass even feels sore!"

Then finally Greg enters the room. "Greg....What did she say?" Jan anxiously asks.

Hesitating a moment, Greg moans; "Mom wants to see you...Now!"

Walking nervously into the master bedroom like a puppy with the tail between it's legs, Jan pouts; "(Sob!) Mom...Let's get it over with (Sob!) Ok?"

First looking serious at her saddened daughter. Carol breaks into a smile; "I know Jan....You didn't mean breaking curfew, and I think you've agonized long enough about a spanking!" She reasons.

"O-Oh! Gosh......You mean no spanking Mom?"

Hugging her, Carol muses; "Yes Jan...No spanking...Let's just call it a lesson in Psychology....Ok?

Smiling up at her mother, Jan gushes; "Thank you Mom...Thank you!"

Then reaching over and slapping the back of Jan's skirt. Carol grins; "Now go do your homework!"

Opening the door she turns; "Ah Mom....Does this mean Greg won't spank me either?"

"Yes Jan.......Greg won't be spanking you either!"

With Jan leaving, Carol slowly sits down on the vanity chair and gazes into the mirroir; "Gee..Jan seemed disappointed about Greg!" "Hmmmm! I wonder how hard he spanks?"

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