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MichiganHeadmaster 02-05-2007 11:15 PM

A Walk In The Park - Part I
Another one recovered from World Spanking Forum. Had to post in two parts due to the size limitation here.

This is a fictional story based on a real life experience (first experience using a rattan, actually). Names changed to protect the innocent, and all that.


Brandon thanked the UPS man and opened the oblong cardboard box he had awaited several days. The package came just in time. Tomorrow was his trip to Cedarville, to meet with the I.T. director of a small company. That would be in the morning. By noon, he would have the sale wrapped up and would not have to be back to his office until the 4 pm staff meeting. Since the drive was 90 minutes, he would have an extra 2 ½ hours. Plenty of time to meet with Heather, who lived about 10 minutes away from Cedarville.

Brandon and Heather had become online friends through the website and, after chatting a few times, they decided to meet in person. This was tricky because 22-year-old Heather was still living with her parents while she saved money for her own apartment. With limited privacy at her folks’ house, and with a car that wasn’t dependable enough for the drive to Brandon’s place, Heather had few options. Brandon agreed to drive to Cedarville one Saturday and meet Heather at the local Denny’s for coffee and to see if things “clicked.” They clicked, all right, and Brandon and Heather checked into the Rest-EZ Motel next door to explore their mutual interests in a little more depth.

They explored until about 11 pm when Heather had to head home. Although she was an adult, her conservative parents imposed a curfew on her while she was still living under their roof, and she didn’t want to have to answer too many questions by coming home after curfew. Heather did go home with a warm feeling – both inside and “behind” her – from her first real life adult experience with spanking.

Although Heather had wished to keep her first experience fairly tame, along the lines of a hand spanking or hairbrush spanking, she did have a long time fascination with the cane and the strap. She really wanted to experience the feeling of one or two well-laid strokes, leaving some nice welts to remember it by. Brandon and Heather both knew that this could best be done only with real rattan, but finding it was easier said than done. Prior to their meeting, Brandon checked every import and garden shop in town but could only find bamboo, which he knew was not the same as rattan. Instead, he picked up a hardwood dowel from the hardware store – it wasn’t the same by any means but would have to do.

All that afternoon, Brandon and Heather played teacher-student, cop-motorist, and jailer-prisoner. He gave Heather several hand spankings and hairbrush spankings, being very careful to keep it playful and light so as not to make her first experience unpleasant. If anything, he wanted to leave her “wanting more,” so to speak, and that’s exactly what he did. He lectured her, scolded her, hugged her, ordered her over his lap, across the bed, or to bend over the desk. He spanked her over her blue jeans, over her panties and, finally, on her bare bottom. When he used the hairbrush, he always took time to rub and caress between smacks (not only for her, but, well, because he liked it himself).

“Well, my dear,” Brandon said as it got close to 9:30 pm, “I think you need a few strokes with the cane as a final lesson. Don’t you agree?” Nervously, but eagerly, Heather agreed.

Brandon took the 3/8th inch dowel and cut it down to a manageable length. He helped Heather to lay face down on the bed over a couple pillows so her bottom was up in the air. He pulled her panties down to her knees, and told her that he would give her up to a dozen strokes for her “indiscretion” (they decided it would be for a bad test grade). He would decide how many strokes she could take based on her reaction.

Brandon carefully laid a half dozen strokes across Heather’s upturned bottom, pausing about 30 to 45 seconds between strokes. He carefully gauged her reaction, wanting to make each stroke sharp enough to be memorable but without making the experience unpleasant. He noticed that she was doing fine, so he put more force into the seventh one. He heard her gasp, and immediately rubbed her bottom to dissipate the sting. He noticed that each stroke barely left a red line, but there were no welts to speak of. “Okay, Heather, just five more. They are going to be a little harder.” And they were. And she took them well. Her bottom glowed but was hardly marked. “Oh, well,” he thought, “don’t want to overdo it. She might be bruised by morning if I’m not careful.”

After extended caressing and hugging, Heather admitted her bottom was still smarting. Brandon knew he had stopped at the right time. She playfully said that he deserved to feel what it was like. In fact, they both admitted to having a slight “switch” side – that is, Heather fantasized about wielding a cane from time to time, and Brandon admitted to being curious to seeing what it was like to be on the receiving end. Seeing this as a good a time as any, and believing it was good practice to be able to “get” as good as you can “give,” Brandon playfully challenged her. “Go ahead, let’s see if you got it in you.”

“All right, smart ass,” accepted Heather, “strip and get over these pillows. Let’s see if you’re this cocky after a few minutes.”

It took Heather about three strokes for Brandon to realize she could swing a mean cane. He held up for the whole dozen, though, determined to grit his way through it. Heather knew she got his attention, though, and sort of relished it. And yet, she still was a tad jealous – already, she was looking forward to her next opportunity to be on the receiving end.

Brandon and Heather spent the next hour rubbing aloe on each other, as well as in more intimate pursuits. Finally, after a shower, it was time for Heather to head home, but with memories that would last several days at least.

Brandon promised Heather that he would find a real rattan cane for their next meeting. Finally, unable to locate any dealers locally, he went online to Adam & Gillian’s. Their canes were a little expensive for his budget, but he noticed that they sold bundles of raw, unfinished rattan canes for $25.00. So, he placed his order and asked for expedited delivery, as he would be expected in Cedarville in a few days. Happily, the order was delivered right on time.


spanked~amber 02-06-2007 08:08 AM

This made me smile -I remember the thrill and excitement of my first adult spanking and all the care that went into it. Thanks for sharing :)

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