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RG_ 12-02-2006 03:24 PM

Spanked Growing Up (SGU)
OK, many of us here have some degree of interest in stories about people being spanked while they were growing up. In fact, one of the main features of AS are accounts by some of the models about their experiences then.

So to facilitate an ongoing discussion about growing up experiences, I'm going to start a running topic (meaning it will have several threads over time) about being spanked growing up. To make the titles shorter, in the future I'll start them out with 'SGU:' and follow it with some particular question that we can all address.

I realize that we had a great variety of experiences with physical discipline (I word it that way on purpose, because it was not all spanking) as children, and we can have many different perspectives on it. If it's something that makes you uncomfortable to discuss, please don't feel obligated to post, or even to read the SGU threads.

So here's the first question, to set the foundation:

Were you spanked growing up?

All who are participating, answer up, please!

spanked~amber 12-03-2006 02:21 PM

Yes, I was most definatly spanked while growing up. I've shared one of the accounts here on the forum as most of you have probably read.

RG_ 12-04-2006 07:45 PM

Listen Up!
Ok, all you delinquents!

Hop and and contribute to this post! It's right down the alley of what our discussion site is about! So get in here and get to work!

Don't make me stop this car!!

giantsfan 12-04-2006 09:55 PM

I was definitley spanked growing up

jill jones 12-05-2006 02:23 PM

I was spanked a lot as a kid. to all on this list what was the worst spanking you got as teen? I have a some stories. one was going some place I was not aloud to be my dad paddel my butt good.


sarah thorne 12-05-2006 08:28 PM

I was spanked growing up. But being the angel that I was (and am ;) ), it wasn't often. But ooooweeee---- my parents might as well have set up shop in the woodshed for one of my brothers!

I was also spanked as a teen on two noteworthy occasions (noteworthy in : they stick out in my memory). Once at 14 and once at 17. Sorry guys - they weren't bare bottomed but they did hurt!

ritcharduous 12-06-2006 02:10 AM

spanked growing up
Hi all, my parents were not big spankers ( I got A few though ). Most of my spankins were in the form of paddlings at school. I got six paddlings in high school. My last was Jr. year. Take care~ Ritch

jill jones 12-06-2006 12:53 PM

Hi what did you get spanked for are at 14 and 17 and what did you get spanked with? I got one at 17 too and it hurt!! I got a lot at 13 and 14 just that mouth at thet age.


RG_ 12-08-2006 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by ritcharduous (Post 1028)
Hi all, my parents were not big spankers ( I got A few though ). Most of my spankins were in the form of paddlings at school. I got six paddlings in high school. My last was Jr. year. Take care~ Ritch

Rich had some good stories to tell about some of his school paddlings on Live Chat last Wednesday. I think we can draw more out on his interesting experiences and background in the future.

OK, folks, keep adding to this thread! We've got a lot of members here who haven't responded yet. Even if you weren't spanked growing up, let us know.

jackie seven 12-08-2006 02:46 PM

The reason I haven't contributed to this thread is because I was never spanked growing up either at school or at home. Neither was my older sister. In fact, I've never been spanked in my entire life. But since RG wants to hear from people who weren't spanked as well those who were, I'll throw my 2 cents in.

The odd thing is that even though corporal punishment was never used in our household, my mom was a school teacher who had a reputation as being a notorious paddler. But all of my spanking fantasies, interests, etc. have to do with females being spanked. I have never had any desire to be spanked myself or any interest whatsoever in other males being spanked.

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