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rrs199475 12-21-2006 02:51 PM

another spanking true story
This is another true story told to me by the same girl who told me about her stealing and getting whipped by her father I told about in my last post.
After her talling me about her getting whpped, I asked her about if her older half-sister had ever been punished. she told me that when she was younger, about 8 or 9 her older sister was 16. Her sister had snuck out and took her dads truck is the middle of the night. Her dad always left for work at about 4 or 5 in the morning. Her sister had appearantly planned to be back by that time but was pulled over by the local police. Like I said in my last post this was a very small town, community. Everyone knew everyone. The policeman lactually only lived 2 blocks from this family and knew them well. He agreed to follow her home and tell her parents instead of taking her in for curfew. Her dad was already getting ready for work when the police and his daughter came pulling up.(Dad was unaware his daughter wasn't there because he hadn't seen his truck gone.) Her little sister was awaken by the knock at the door and listened to what was being said. She said her dad thanked the polceman for his time and said he would see it wouldn't happen again. The polce quickly left. She said she could hear her sister sobbing. Then she said her dad told her sister to go to her room and wait whle he finished getting ready for work. Her room and her sisters room were side by side. In a few minutes she heard her dad coming down the hall. She admitted she was somewhat scared and it wasn't even her that was in trouble. She knew her sister was getting ready to get whipped with the belt. It was the same everytime they got in trouble she said. Big or small, it was all the same. Bare ass with the belt. She said she heard her dad enter her sisters room and ask her what she had been doing and her siter mumbled on and on. Her dads loud voice cut her off and told her it didn't really matter to get her shorts and panties off and get over the edge of the bed. She could hear her sister undressing and within seconds she was screaming. She said he probably hit her about 15 times and told her to get in bed and he left for work.

RG_ 12-21-2006 11:18 PM

Interesting stories, rss.

Perhaps you said in the first story, but where was this, and what year (about) was it?

Jenny 12-21-2006 11:32 PM

Another real life spanking story
My mom always used a paddle on us growing up but someone gave her this idea that we would be better behaved if she used a switch on us. Anyway, I got sassy one day (as I'm sure that's hard to imagine) and my mom brought that switch in and made me bend over the side of the bed and she pulled my skirt up over my butt and pulled my panties all the way off and she went to town on me. She used that switch all over my butt and then went on to my upper thighs. I wanted to make that thing come up missing pretty bad.

RG_ 12-21-2006 11:57 PM

The switch was almost the only thing used on me when I was growing up. It is an incredibly effective instrument!! I don't think anyone who has ever been through a true switch whipping will forget the experience.

Much good behavior was observed by children who had the spectre of the switch haunting them.

Jenny, at what age did the incident that you write about happen? Was it the only time that you were switched?

rrs199475 12-23-2006 06:53 AM

This was in a small southern Indiana town probably in the mid to late 80s

Redskinluver 12-23-2006 01:22 PM

Interesting to see people with experience with the switch.Thats an implement you don't see discussed a lot on spanking sites. In fact, when you say "switch" its assumed you are talking about people who like to both give and receive spankings.
The switch was a very common tool of discipline in the rural South where I grew up, and I suspect in other rural parts of the country too. I suspect one reason its use has declined is because we are a more urban society. People have small yards or no yards in the case of apartment dwellers. No handy trees or bushes like country folk had
I remember hearing when was maybe 10 or so other family members talking about what had happened to a distant teenage cousin. She had not gone home on the school bus after school, but went off with a boy in his car.
When she got home,so I remember hearing, her mother lifted up her dress and gave her a switching on the bare bottom(can assume she pulled down her panties).I remember the phrase "left stripes on it." And had this strange excited feeling hearing this. So like I say my "spanko brain cells" go way back.
One of my favorite spanking scenarios/fantasies is in fact maternal discipline of teen or adult daughters. On the other hand,father/daughter scenes are not something I care for at all, for whatever reason.
As Jenny pointed out, it was common to use the switch on the legs as as well as or instead of the bottom.Oldtimers would speak of someone "getting a switching on the naked legs" so this must not have been uncommon.
I have often thought, that given the modern trend of more revealing fashions, that girls are lucky the switch has fallen out of use. I also wonder whether back in the 40s and 50s when fashions like short shorts and bikinis first came on the scene-and when parental corporal discipline was still widely accepted, if some girls might very well have gotten their legs switched by conservative parents or other adults in authority. Would not be surprising.

bella 12-23-2006 03:11 PM

reply to spanking stories
When I was growing up, I was spanked...most usually by hand, belt or hairbrush...and it is hard to imagine cause I was such an angel!!...but I am sure it is what got me into this as an adult. I crave discipline and accountability in mylife.

RG_ 12-23-2006 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Redskinluver (Post 1430)
would speak of someone "getting a switching on the naked legs" so this must not have been uncommon.

Not uncommon at all. I don't recall any of the countless strokes with a switch that I got while growing up landing anywhere else but the legs.

Adelina 12-25-2006 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 1439)
Not uncommon at all. I don't recall any of the countless strokes with a switch that I got while growing up landing anywhere else but the legs.

Out of curiosity, would you still consider yourself having been "spanked" if nothing actually landed on the bottom? I would not, but as has been said, definitions differ widely. Doesn't make it unacceptable or off topic or what have you, simply not pure spanking in my understanding of it. It's more like whipping.

RG_ 12-25-2006 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Adelina (Post 1461)
Out of curiosity, would you still consider yourself having been "spanked" if nothing actually landed on the bottom? I would not, but as has been said, definitions differ widely. Doesn't make it unacceptable or off topic or what have you, simply not pure spanking in my understanding of it. It's more like whipping.

Actually, Adelina, I agree entirely with you. I've never considered myself to have been "spanked," growing up for that very reason, it was all on the legs. And the term that I, my parents, and just about all others used was "whipped," as you note.

I do consider, however, the "whipping," as it was done, to be appropriate corporal punishment, and so here we have to be careful with how we actually use words. In today's world if I said that I was never "spanked" growing up, the great majority of people would take that to mean that I wasn't corporally punished in any way. Just the opposite is true, of course.

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