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SirKen 12-20-2009 05:43 PM

Breaking the ice with a new submissive
Nothing is predictable, the most successful conquests are always totally unexpected. It is so easy to say the wrong thing and blow all your chances and then some days nothing goes wrong and in no time she is almost begging to be spanked.

I remember once when one of the girls in the office brought some work to me to authorise, it was a disgusting mess, I said "you deserve a good spanking for this", I got a look back as if I was a mass murderer or something then she avoided speaking to me for days. Eventually I thought it would be a good idea to apologise, I was really scared of her putting in a complaint about me. Well about an hour after I'd apologised she came to me and said something to the effect that if I thought she really deserved to be spanked she would accept it. Later when everyone else had gone home she got her first spanking from me, just a simple light spanking with her standing, slightly bent over with her hands on my desk, only a dozen or so mild strokes but at the end I did say that if I had to do that again she would be over my knee and it would be much harder.

This girl wore jeans most of the time but about a week later she turned up in a skirt on a day when the two of us always stayed back on our own to complete a large job. Didn't take long for her to bring in something for me to authorise, the figures didn't balance and it was untidy. This time she ended up over my knee, I gave her six firm spanks and said that was a warm up, next I lifted her skirt right up and tucked it into her waistband, she didn't offer any resistance to this at all. Another six slightly harder spanks on her knickers, I then grabbed the waistband, without any warning I slid them down to expose her bare bottom. Must have given her about twenty more as hard as I could. In the process of getting up she was momentarily sitting on my knee with her back towards me, I could not resist grabbing her boobs, there was no struggle and this became a regular follow up to her spankings.

We did try a couple of spankings with her fully nude but both of us decided that it was more fun for me to attend to her clothing when she was over my knee. The only other time that she stripped fully was for her birthday spanking.

I only found out after a few weeks that he partner was fully aware of what was going on, he actually encouraged her because they had incredible sex afterwards.

I've always found that the workplace could be a good hunting ground for spankees but a lot of caution is needed with all the current workplace legislation. My estimate is that about one in five or six ladies will submit for a spanking; I wonder if anyone has similar or other estimates. I know that most girls do discuss the subject with their friends because this has often resulted in someone else asking for treatment from me.

I'll try to write up some of my other initial contacts when I have a moment. I'd also like to hear about similar incidents from the females point of view because it always amazes me just how easily most will submit and how much they seem to enjoy the first session.

Farmgirl 12-03-2010 11:52 AM

I'm a submissive, although you'd probably never guess if you met me in person, but on this subject, I recall the ploys I used back in my teens and even before, to get boys interested in my bottom, or to get myself into a spanking situation. I knew I liked that, for reasons I couldn't then understand, but I was never pushy and I always wanted the boy to take the initiative.

I couldn't just come right out and tell a boy I was interested in being spanked, of course, at that young age I would have died of terminal embarrassment! So I would try to offer my tush in subtle ways, like bending over to pick something up where he could see my tush, or, when I was with my boy cousin, by bending over a sofa or chair arm like I was playing around. I also wore cutoff jeans a lot, which in themselves are an invitation. The tighter the better, and I would wear boys' jeans, which are cut tighter through the hips. Through all of this what I was doing was offering my bottom. I remember on one occasion sitting on the sofa with a boy and reaching across him to get a kleenex, so that I was actually across his lap. However, truth be known, boys my same age were really pretty dense and these little invitations of mine didn't always take. Older boys on the other hand generally knew an invitation when they saw it, so of course like most girls I got interested mainly in older boys.

As I got older and got into relationships I found that I could also convey my wishes pretty well with just eye contact and body language, but I still always convertly offered my tush. I also got more overt in my behavior, flirting and teasing. I didn't have the pushy personality to be a brat, but I was definitely a good flirt!

All of this, of course, devolved from the fact that I KNEW very early on that I was submissive, even though I couldn't have fully understood that at the time. I suppose the main thrust of this thread is toward the girl who does not yet KNOW that she IS a submissive. Or the girl who is interested in a guy, and needs to know what she has to do to respond to him, and give him what HE wants, to keep him interested!

fastspank 12-03-2010 03:44 PM

I would love to hear more stories of spanking in the workplace.

I have only had one encounter, at a previous job. I convinced my office assistant to let me spank her a few times. She wouldn't go very far with it, and I never felt like it was an adequate spanking. As much as I hoped she would, she never really submitted to me. She was a real head case. I never had sex with her, but we did a bunch of stuff that was definitely inappropriate for work. In the end, she blackmailed me into paying her not to file a complaint against me. That really sucked since I had been good to her through a bunch of troubled times. She was a huge drama queen.

Now I am really gun shy about asking any co-workers for spanking situations, even though it is a big fantasy of mine.

WildAtHeart 12-12-2010 01:43 PM

I was the shy one when I brought up the idea of spanking to my boyfriend (now fiance') fumbling and tripping over my words, embarrassed as all hell. Come to find out that he knew exactly where I was going with the conversation the entire time and he meant to make me a little uncomfortable. Now he'll pull me over his lap, or bend me over the bed, or even hold me slightly bent into him over his arm and spank me whenever he feels like it. Sometimes he'll give in to me when I want a spanking or even just a few swats, and sometimes he'll ignore me which is annoying when I'm craving that sensation. I have fantasized and even written stories about being spanked by other guys but have always had the fear (until now, having found this site) of sharing this particular detail in my life. I felt like if I reveal to anyone that I like being spanked they'll have this weird or negative reaction. So to make a short story even longer, I am the submissive one.

bt2000 04-05-2011 09:48 AM

I have always had an interest. My wife and I would play and usually I was the one doing the spanking. Now I have embraced my submissive side and she spanks me now.:)

Farmgirl 06-19-2011 09:13 AM

[QUOTE=Farmgirl;16509]I'm a submissive, although you'd probably never guess if you met me in person, but on this subject, I recall the ploys I used back in my teens and even before, to get boys interested in my bottom, or to get myself into a spanking situation. I knew I liked that, for reasons I couldn't then understand, but I was never pushy and I always wanted the boy to take the initiative.

I couldn't just come right out and tell a boy I was interested in being spanked, of course, at that young age I would have died of terminal embarrassment! So I would try to offer my tush in subtle ways, like bending over to pick something up where he could see my tush, or, when I was with my boy cousin, by bending over a sofa or chair arm like I was playing around. I also wore cutoff jeans a lot, which in themselves are an invitation. The tighter the better, and I would wear boys' jeans, which are cut tighter through the hips. Through all of this what I was doing was offering my bottom. I remember on one occasion sitting on the sofa with a boy and reaching across him to get a kleenex, so that I was actually across his lap. However, truth be known, boys my same age were really pretty dense and these little invitations of mine didn't always take. Older boys on the other hand generally knew an invitation when they saw it, so of course like most girls I got interested mainly in older boys.

As I got older and got into relationships I found that I could also convey my wishes pretty well with just eye contact and body language, but I still always convertly offered my tush. I also got more overt in my behavior, flirting and teasing. I didn't have the pushy personality to be a brat, but I was definitely a good flirt!

All of this, of course, devolved from the fact that I KNEW very early on that I was submissive, even though I couldn't have fully understood at the time just what that meant. I suppose the main thrust of this thread is toward the girl who does not yet KNOW that she IS a submissive. Or the girl who is interested in a guy, and needs to know what she has to do to respond to him. To give him what HE wants to keep him interested!

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